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首页 > 财经类考试 > 北美精算师考试soa历年真题奉送——November2003Course5(1)

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1分钟前发布 -【北美精算师考试soa历年真题奉送——November2003Course5(1)】http://www.zjks.cc 10月18日讯: 北美精算师考试soa历年真题奉送——November2003Course5(1)的网友们,有在这里路过的吗?走过路过千万别错过。下面是精挑细选出来的北美精算师考试soa历年真题奉送——November2003Course5 ABC Life Insurance Company has a 40% quota share reinsurance treaty on a firstdollar basis. Its retention limit is $500,000 per policy.Policy 1 Policy 2Net Amount at Risk $750,000 XAmount Retained R YAmount Reinsured on a First Dollar Basis S ZAmount Reinsured on an Excess Basis T $100,000Calculate the missing values in the table above.Show all work.4. Mary and John, respectively 45 and 42 years old, are considering the purchaseof a non-participating whole life, joint last-to-die policy, paid-up at first death with: a 5 year term inpidual rider life insurance convertible and renewable upto age 65 for Mary and John; a Critical Illness rider covering 50 illnesses for Mary and John; a Disability income rider providing a lifetime benefit with a 2 weekwaiting period for Mary and John.(a) Describe briefly the policy and its riders.(b) Describe alternatives to each coverage that could reduce the cost to Mary andJohn.COURSE 5: Fall 2003 - 4 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGEMorning Session6. (7 points) For a defined benefit pension plan, you are given:Pension plan formula:1.5% of final year’s salary for each year of service up to 10 years, plus2.0% of final year’s salary for each year of service after 10 years.Interest Rate 6%Salary Growth Rate 4%Pre-retirement decrements NoneAssumed retirement age 65(12)a&&65 12Assets at 1/1/2003 300,000Assets at 1/1/2004 320,000Contribution made on 12/31/2003 5,000Funding method Projected unit creditEmployee Age at Hire Age on 1/1/2003 Salary on 1/1/2003A 30 40 30,000B 30 60 50,000(a) Calculate the unfunded accrued liability at 1/1/2003.(b) The actual accrued liability on 1/1/2004 is 350,000.Calculate the total experience gain/loss as of that date.Show all work.COURSE 5: Fall 2003 - 5 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGEMorning Session7. (5 points) For a property and casualty insurance policy issued January 1, 2000, you aregiven:Effective Date Rate ChangeMay 1, 2000 +5%November 1, 2000 +10%Calendar YearEarned PremiumExpected effective incurred losses, trendedand developed through December 31, 20022000 120,000 100,0002001 130,000 110,0002002 140,000 120,000Expense ratio: 30%Present average manual rate: 45Assume all policies have a one-year term and the premium is uniformlydistributed.Calculate the indicated average gross rate as of January 1, 2003.Show all work.之名人信念:光并非太阳的专利,你也可以发光。
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往年真题November2003Course8RU(五)——SOA精算师考试*7最权威的北美精算师考试辅导讲义和笔记——往年真题November2003Course8RU(五)——SOA精算师考试,就在!Afternoon SessionAll Questions pertain to the Case Study9. (15 points) NOC is purchasing a refinery from ABC Company, and will offeremployment to all of the employees at the refinery. All refinery employees are membersof the ABC Refinery Pension Plan and the ABC Refinery Post-Retirement Medical plan.There are no other members of these plans.You are given:Provisions of the ABC Refinery PlansThe ABC Refinery Pension Plan provisions are as follows: Normal Retirement Age: Age 65 Early Retirement Age: Age 60 Normal Retirement Benefit: 1.75% of final earnings times years of service Early Retirement Reduction: Actuarially equivalent Normal Form of Benefit: If married, 50% joint & survivor, withoutreduction. If not married, single life annuity Post-Retirement Indexing: Lesser of 1% or CPI Termination and Pre-Retirement Death Benefits: Lump sum value of theaccrued benefit, excluding indexation.The ABC Refinery Post-Retirement Medical Plan provisions are exactly the sameas NOC’s.COURSE 8: Fall 2003 -10- GO TO NEXT PAGERetirement Benefits。Comprehensive Segment – U.S.Afternoon SessionAll Questions pertain to the Case Study9. ContinuedJanuary 1, 2003 Membership Data – ABC Refinery Plans之名人信念:如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪个码头,那么任何风都不会是顺风。——小塞涅卡
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告诉你北美精算师考试报考条件告诉你北美精算师考试报考条件圣才精算师考试网:北美精算师考试原则上无明确的报考学历等要求,但VEE学分豁免需SOA认可的大学或研究所的学习证明。VEE课程学分也可通过北美精算师协会的网上教学来获得。只要顺利考完前5门基础(P、FM、MFE、MLC、C),完成VEE的学分,在线学习FAP(Fundamentals of Actuarial Practice ),再参加一个Associateship Professionalism Course,就可以拿到准精算师(ASA)。接下来从正精算师(FSA)的五个方向中选择一个(Finance/ERM Track 、Investment Track 、Inpidual Life & Annuities Track、Retirement Benefits Track 、Group & Health Track ),分别完成该方向的5-6门考试或e-learning即可。美国的精算考试主要由精算师协会(人身险精算师)和意外精算师协会(财产/意外险精算师)举办。精算师协会规定考生通过六门考试可以取得准会员资格,如果再通过另外两门考试,则可以取得会员资格。意外精算师协会要求考生通过七门考试可以取得准会员资格,如果再通过两门附加考试,则可以取得会员资格。众所周知,通过这些考试极其困难。考试的合格率低于50%,通常在30%到40%之间,并且它们仅仅每两年举办一次。除了严格的考试要求,考生必须具备一定的学历(协会认可的)和工作经历。一个考生只有取得了准会员或者会员资格才能称为一个“精算师”。因为考试科目1、2、4(现更名为P,FM和C)是两个协会都有的,所以考生在初始阶段不必考虑选择报考哪一个协会。这四门考试(基础科目)由与精算学相关的数学知识组成(概率论、数理统计、利息理论、生命表和风险模型)。 两个协会的升级考试科目是不同的,但都比基础科目更偏重定性分析。升级考试科目有部分是选择题(基础科目全部是选择题)。意外精算师协会的升级考试包括利率分析、保险评估、损失储备和再保险。此外,只有再通过高级投资分析、高级利率分析和风险率计划才能取得会员资格。精算师协会的升级考试包括计划设计、风险分类、利率分析、评估分析和投资分析。此外,只有再通过应用模型和考生自选的特定科目才能取得会员资格。
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  • 我是郑州的,请问精算师考试报名条件?

    我是郑州的,请问精算师考试报名条件?我也是郑州。巧了。之前了解过。和你简单说下!符合下列条件者。可报名参加精算师资格考试: 1.遵守国家法律、法规和行业规章;2.具有完全民事行为能力;3.取得国务院教育行政部门认可的大学本科及以上学历或者学位。每次考试。考生可以同时报考多个科目。报考科目不受科目代码顺序限制。

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