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首页 > 财经类考试 > 北美精算师考试之ASA课程

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1分钟前发布 -【北美精算师考试之ASA课程】http://www.zjks.cc 10月18日讯: 北美精算师考试之ASA课程北美精算师考试之ASA课程* 课程1:利息理论,经济与金融 (Interest Theory, Economics and Finance)这门课程包括利息理论,中级微观经济学和宏观经济学,金融学基础。* 课程2:关于风险的精算模型 (Actuarical Models)通过这门课程的学习,培养学员关于随机事件的精算模型的基础知识及这些模型在保险和金融风险中的应用。主要内容包括:保险和其它金融随机事件,生存模型,人口数据分析,定量分析随机事件的金融影响。* 课程3:精算建模方法 (Actuarial Modeling)该课程初步介绍了建立模型的基础知识和用于建模的重要的精算和统计方法。主要内容包括:为何及如何选择和使用模型,回归分析,风险理论和信用理论 。* 课程4:基本精算原理的应用 (Application of Basic Actuarial Principles)这门课程提供了产品设计,风险分类,定价/费率拟定/建立保险基金,营销,分配,管理和估价的学习。覆盖的范围包括金融保障计划,职工福利计划,事故抚恤计划,政府社会保险和养老计划及一些新兴的应用领域如产品责任,担保的评估,环境的维护成本和制造业的应用。* 课程5:金融与投资 (Finance and Investments)该课程是用于投资和资产负债管理领域的精算原理的拓展。学员在完成该课程的学习后,将会对资本市场、投资工具、衍生证券及应用、投资组合管理和资产-负债管理有深入的了解。主要内容及概念:资本市场和基本投资原理,投资工具,衍生证券,投资组合管理的原理,资产负债管理。*课程6:精算科学的数学基础 (Mathematical foundations of Actuarial Science)这门课程的目的是为了培养关于一些基础数学工具的知识,形成从数量角度评估风险的能力,特别是应用这些工具来解决精算科学中的问题。主要内容及概念:微积分、概率论、风险管理(包括损失频率、损失金额、自留额、免赔额、共同保险和风险保费)。
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SOA北美精算师考试认可的要求(Part 3)SOA北美精算师考试认可的要求 until they have completed all other Fellowship educational requirements. The FAC is required of all candidates for Fellowship , and 15 units from the completion of a professional project and communication of the relevant aspects of the project.b. Fellowship Admissions CourseThe Fellowship Admissions Course is the final requirement for Fellowship and is required of all candidates for Fellowship. It is offered several times a year.c. Mutual RecognitionThe FSA designation may also be granted to Fellows of the Institute of Actuaries, Faculty of Actuaries, Institute of Actuaries of Australia and the Actuarial Society of Ireland via the terms of our Mutual Recognition agreements with these organizations. Inpiduals seeking Fellowship via Mutual Recognition must meet the following requirements:have attained Fellowship in the Institute, the Faculty, the Institute of Australia or the Actuarial Society of Ireland by examination and not in recognition of membership of another actuarial association;be a Fellow in good standing of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA), or Member in good standing of the American Academy of Actuaries (AAA), or full member in good standing of other actuarial associations designated from time to time by the Society of Actuaries Board of Governors;have attended and passed the Society of Actuaries Fellowship Admissions Course (FAC), or its equivalent as recognized by the Society of Actuaries, in the five years prior to application;have satisfied the Society of Actuaries Professional Development (PD) requirements, or its equivalent as recognized by the Society of Actuaries, in the five years prior to application.Inpiduals seeking additional information or an application should contact Brett Rogers at brogers@soa.org.4. CorrespondenceRequests for application forms or other correspondence regarding examinations, study notes, study groups or classes or other matters should be addressed to:Society of Actuaries475 N. Martingale Road, Suite 600Schaumburg, IL 60173–2226Phone: 847-706-3500Fax: 847-706-3599E-mail: inforequest@soa.org一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——名人名言
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SOA精算师考试往年真题发布——November2003Course8M(最后一页)这是很重要的北美精算师考点大纲:SOA精算师考试往年真题发布——November2003Course8M Describe key recommendations regarding the above objectives to be included inreform legislation.You are a consulting actuary retained by Capitalized Health Plan, a licensedHMO in a state that has passed the NAIC Risk-Based Capital For Health OrganizationsModel Act $11.0 million- professional fee schedule $22.7 million- hospital case rates $10.2 million- discounted charges $ 8.2 millionUnderwritten business administrative expenses$ 2.1 millionDescribe other uses of RBC measurements.(c) Review the variables and formula for health RBC after covariance as used in theRBC Model.(d) Recommend ways to reduce the amount of RBC that Capitalized HP must hold.**END OF EXAMINATION**AFTERNOON SESSION之做人道理:无论哪一个时代,青年的特点总是怀抱着各种理想和幻想。这并不是什么毛病,而是一种宝贵的品质。
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    我是郑州的,请问精算师考试报名条件?我也是郑州。巧了。之前了解过。和你简单说下!符合下列条件者。可报名参加精算师资格考试: 1.遵守国家法律、法规和行业规章;2.具有完全民事行为能力;3.取得国务院教育行政部门认可的大学本科及以上学历或者学位。每次考试。考生可以同时报考多个科目。报考科目不受科目代码顺序限制。

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