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1分钟前发布 -【BEC高级词汇(8)】http://www.zjks.cc 12月05日讯: BEC高级词汇(8)anti-fraud technique 防伪技术antitrust 反托拉斯,反垄断例: Antitrust laws are a set of laws in the USA that aim to prevent large companies from controling all of the market for their products.any other business 任何其他议题(通常在会议议程末),简称AOB例1:Is there any other business?2:You may bring the item up under any other business.3:As staff holiday arrangement is a bit complicated this time, I don't think we should include it under any other business.aperitif 开胃酒appeal 吸引力例:Department stores appeal to people of all age groups, but particularly the 30-50 age category.apple polishing 逢迎,拍马例:Other employee didn't like him and believed that his recent promotion was more the result of his apple polishing than his actual achivevements.application money 认购新股款项例:Application money must be returned with the appplication form.appointed 2 布置陈设的,装饰的例1: This office is well appointed with all the lastest devices.2: This is a superbly/modestly appointed restaurant.appreciation增值,升值例:For investors, innovation has translated into stong earnings growth and stock price appreciation.approach to dialogue谈话方式例:Different language have their own approach to dialogue.arrival notice到货通知.例:We have not yetreceived the carrier's arrival notice.articles (在法律事务所)培训期,律师实习例:She's doing her articles with a firm in London.A share A股股票(持有者没有投票权的普通股票)例: But the A shares, off limits to foreign investors, were still among the best performers.Asian crises of the late 1990s 90年代末亚洲金融危机例:As Asian crises of the late 1990s illustrated, U.S.firms entering international business transactions need to be cautious of foreign governments.
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BEC高级词汇(1)abandon rate 挂断率(衡量客户服务质量的指标之一,计算方式为:拨入客户服务中心的电话总数中客户因等候时间过长而挂断的电话数目占总数的百分比)例: By choosing the right on-hold music, the company has reduced abandon rate by 50%.absenteeism 旷工,缺勤例:Improvements in working conditions helped to reduce levels of absenteeism.absolute interest 绝对产权,绝对权益例:The company has an absolute interest in the building.academic intelligence 学术方面的才智例:Phrases such as "solves problems well,""displays interest in the world at large,""accepts others for what they are,""admits mistakes,""is goal oriented," and "converses well" suggest that people focus on the worldly side of intelligence, as opposed to just "academic intelligence.academic smarts 学术方面的才能例:It's not the usual way of thinking about it - academic smarts-IQaccelerated learning 速成学习例:Accelerated learning shows that language learning an be fast, effective and enjoyable.access 1 使用,享用权例1: Access to these files is restricted. 2 : Students have free access to the library's scientific literature.access 2 进入例:Its acquisition of the group will allow it to gain access to France's railway business.access fee 使用费例:They have cut the access fee long-distance providers pay to local phone companies.accommodation 1 适应性调节例:Legislation requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for the handicapped in hiring and other ways.accommodation 2 (应急的)短期贷款例:We're going to request a short-term accommodations from the bank to cover these payments until we can find other fundsaccommodation address 临时通信地址例:Please write to my accommodation address.accessories 装饰品,首饰,衣饰例1:I would like to thank you for the interest you expressed in our range of children's and teenage fashion sportswear and accessories.例2:As Potter-mania sweeps the nation, add a magical touch to your mobile with these fun Harry Potter-themed phone accessories.accessory apartment 附属房(个人独立住宅中供出租的多余房屋)例:In other countries, accessory apartments are not just tolerated but encouratged.Britain and Germany, for instance, offer tax breaks to homeowners who rent out portions of their houses.accident frequency rate 意外伤亡事故频率(按每百万工作小时计)例:Steps are being taken to cut down the accident frequency rate.accident report book 事故记录本
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BEC高级词汇(4)advantageous 有利的例:Applicants with a background in engineering or processing would be highly advantageous.adversarial relationship 长期敌对关系,长期关系紧张例:Top management called on the company's division heads to start acting like members of the same team rather than displaying an adversarial relationship.advertising agency 广告公司例: You need to employ an advertising agency to create a product image.advertising business 广告业例: Dentsu is in the advertising business.(Dentsu日本电通公司)advertising campaign 广告宣传活动例1: If one advertises excessively, the advertising campaign could suffer from wearout.例2: The automobile company created a massive advertising campaign to increase interest in its new electric cars.advertising consultancy business 广告咨询公司例:He now plans to set up his own advertising consultancy business.advertising selection 广告甄选(法)例: Adervertising selection, which is placing an advertisement in newspaper or magazine, is most suitable for those vacancies which do not require particularly high levels of specialised knowledge.advice note 通知单(供货商给收货人,列明货物性质、数量、运输日期及方式等)例:We have received an advice note for the goods we ordered.advid 自荐录像带(拟考大学或求职的人将自己的专长或优点录制在录像带上供学校或聘用单位考虑录取或录用)advisory board 咨询委员会例:You will benefit from establishing an advisory board of experienced business people who can guide you through the growth process.advisory service 咨询服务例:The bank provides a financial advisory service for all its clients.aero (车辆等)流线型的例:We lowered the front end for more visibility, and softened the lines for a more aero look.
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BEC高级词汇(5)affiliation 1 联营公司例: We have a number of affiliations throughout the country.affiliation 2 附属机构例: Please put your name, address and affiliation.affinity (group) card 团体(组织)卡(志为具有共同背景或是联系 的个人群体,如人事相同专业、校友或退休人员组织等共同使用的信用卡)after-care service 售后服务例:Make sure that the company you buy from can offer a comprehensive and convenient after-care service.after-sales service 1 售后服务(常用于汽车、电脑、家用电器等耐用消费品)例:We off a full after-sales service.after-sales service 2 售后服务中心例:Many large companies in Shanghai have geared themselves to the international conventions and set up after-sales services accepting repairs and dealing with customers' complaints.after-sales warranty 售后保单against all risks 保全险例:These are goods insured against all risks.agency 代理行,经销处,公众服务机构,代理公司,中介公司例:The firm has agencies all over the world.agenda 议程例:An agenda is a list of things to discuss at a meeting.agro-industry (化肥制造、仓库建筑等)农用工业agency recruitment通过职业介绍所招聘例:Recruitment in the UK is divided into agency recruitment, advertising or executive search.airlines 航空公司(多用于航空公司名称中)例: English Royal Dutch Airlines (均大写)air miles 里程奖 亦作 air-miles awards例1: The attraction of air miles is easy to understand.例2: Air-miles awards for frequent flyers are one of airline services.air time 通话时间例: Traditionally, cellar(此处应为cellular,谢谢千千提醒) users have paid the air time for incoming calls as well as outgoing.
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  • bec高级报名时间及方式?

    bec高级报名时间及方式?BEC(商务英语证书)高级考试的报名时间和方式可能会根据不同的考试机构和地区而有所不同。一般来说,您可以按照以下步骤进行报名:1. 确定考试时间:了解BEC高级考试的考试时间,可以通过相关考试机构的官方网站或联系当地的考试中心获取最新的考试时间信息。2. 准备考试材料:准备所需的考试材料,包括有效的身份证明文件、照片等。具体要求可以在考试机构的官方网站上找到。3. 在线报

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    行凶 4人参与回答 2024-12-05
  • bec高级可以作为出国读MBA的语言证明吗,有哪些国家比较认可呢?

    商务英语证书含金量的权衡,最重要的就是企业方的认可情况对比。BEC由于1993年便进入中国,取得的企业认可最多,尤其是欧美企业和大型国企,例如阿迪达斯,英国石油公司,花旗银行,可口可乐,德意志银行,世界银行,爱立信,通用汽车,固特异,惠普,IBM, 美国强生,毕马威,微软,美孚,雀巢,诺基亚,百事可乐,普华永道,罗氏制药,劳斯莱斯,壳牌,西门子,德士古,丰田,联合利华等等。除了企业方面的认可,还有

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