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1分钟前发布 -【雅思IELTS 9分口语24】http://www.zjks.cc 10月18日讯: 雅思IELTS 9分口语24Health and medicinePart 1 medical centers and precditionersHow often do you have a health check up?Are Jims health popular in your country?Are you afraid of dentists?Have you ever tried traditional Chinese medicine?Do you prefer western or natural medicine?RelaxationHow do you do with stress?How do you relax after work or studies?Where is the best place to go to relax in your town or city?Do you have enough relaxation time?IllnessesWhat do you usually do when you catch a cold?What do you do to stay healthy?Do you suffer from energy?Have you ever broken a bone?How looks after you when you are sick?Do you often take days of sick from work or studies?What is the traditional remedy for a cold in your culture?Part 2Describe an unhealthy habit you have.You should say what it is, when and how often you do it, why it is unhealthy, and explain what you can do about it.Describe an illness you have had.You should say what it was, when and how long you had it, how you got it and how you felt, and explain what you did about it.Describe a time when you or someone you know were injured.You should say how the injury occurred, what treatment was taken, how the life you like know was affected, and explain how you and the person you know felt doing in the time.Describe a doctor you know or have visited.You should say who he or she is, what kind of medicine he or she practices, how affect is he or she is, and explain when and how are you meet.Part 3 health careHow the affect of the health care system in your country?Do you think people will become more or less healthy in the future?What are the benefits of draw back of not going to see a doctor when you are sick?Could you compare the health facilities in a rural or urban areas?What dangers are there of taking medicine?Health authoritiesWhat can the government do to improve the health conditions for the elderly?What responsabilities do doctors have?What is the rule of the government in health care?Do you agree that the doctors are underpaid?Health issuesWhy do people smoke?What are the affect of smoking?How are you concerned about the spread of diseases?
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雅思IELTS 9分口语26Test bankSample 1 part 1Hello, my name’s Patric, what’s your full name, please? What can I call you? Can I check your ID and passport please? In the first part, I’d like to ask you some general questions about yourself.Let’s talk about the town and city you’re living. Where do you live? What is your neighborhood like? Do you get along with your neighbors? Now I’d like to discuss the topic of friends, is that ok? How much time do you spend with your friends? Would you rather spend your free time with your family or friends? Are you stilling contact with any friends from high school? Let’s move onto music. What kind of music do you like? Can music change the way you feel? Have you ever been to a live concert?Part 2 In part 2, I will give you a topic, and I’d like you to talk about it for 1-2 minutes. Before you take, you will have 1 minute to think about you are going to say. You may make some notes if you wish, do you understand?Describe a natural disaster that has occurred in your country. You should say, what it was, when it was, what distruction it caused, and explain how it made you feel. Does this kind of disaster happen often in your country? Did it take your country a long time to recover?Part 3 You’ve been talking about a natural disaster that has occurred in your country, and I had like to ask you 1 or 2 more questions relay to this. Let’s consider first of all, natural disasters, comment on the fact that the natural disasters have on the economy. Suggest ways we can help those affected by natural disasters. Compare the survivority of natural disasters to man-made disasters.Charities Outline what kind of support charities provide. Evaluate the effectiveness of charities. Agree or disagree that volunteer work should be part or school curriculum.Thank you. That is the end of the speaking test.
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雅思IELTS 9分口语23Food and diningPart 1 foodWhat can you cook?What is the strangest food that you have ever eaten?What food can you stand?How often do you have dinner with your family?What kind of dessert is popular in your country?What kinds of fruits and vegetables are grown in your country?What is the grocery shop near your home?What food from your country will you miss most if you were living abroad?What food from your country will suggest a foreigner try?RestaurantsDo you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home?How often do you eat fast food at a restaurant?Is it customer eat a tip at a restaurant in your country?Who usually pays for the meal when going out to eat in your country?DietWhat do you think of health food?Do you like food from other countries?Do you eat food now while you didn't eat as a child ?Is vegetarian very popular in your country?Do you eat regular meals?How concerned are you about your health diet?Do you often eat snacks between meals?Have you ever have a food in all evening?Part 2Describe a favorate foodYou should say what it is,when and how often you eat it,how and where it is made,and explain why it is healthy.Describe a traditional food from your country.You should say what it is ,when and how often you eat it,how and where it is made,and explain what it is tastes like.Describe a restaurant you like.You should say what kind of food it has ,what kinds of atmosphere it has,where it is,and explain what makes it special.Part 3 healthy issuesIs child obese a problem in your country?Do diets work,do rather it's a quick way for business people to make money?What is the effect of unhealthy diet ?What can the government do to encourage healthy life style among the citizens?Diet changesHow have eating habits changed over the past 50 years?What explanations can you provide for growing popularity of organic food?What is the prosing comes of being vegetarian?Would you agree that people live healthily than in the past?How is important is it to you to have a balance diet?Food and cultureWhat is the main differences between Asian and western food?What significant does food have in your culture ?Do some culture do have healthy diet cultures than others?
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