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BEC初级阅读:The Seven Ravens
1分钟前发布 -【BEC初级阅读:The Seven Ravens】http://www.zjks.cc 11月22日讯: BEC初级阅读:The Seven RavensThere was a man who had seven sons, but he had no daughter, greatly though he longed for one. At last his wife told him that they could again expect a child and, sure enough, when it was born it was a baby girl. There was great rejoicing, but the child was weak and puny, so weak that it had to be christened at once. The father told one of the boys to go quickly to the spring and fetch christening water; the other six ran along with him, and because each of them wanted to be the first to dip the jug into the well, it fell in and sank. So there they stood and didn't know what to do, and none of them dared go home. When they didn't come back their father got impatient and said:" I'll wager they've been playing some game again and forgotten all about it, the godless brats." He was afraid the little girl would have to die unbaptized, and in his rage he cried out:" I wish those boys would all turn into ravens." He'd scarcely spoken the words when he heard a whirring of wings in the air overhead, looked up and saw seven coal-black ravens flying away.The parents were unable now to take back the curse, and yet, grief-stricken as they were at the loss of their seven sons, they look some comfort from their beloved little daughter, who soon got well and strong and became more beautiful with every day that passed. For a long time the little girl didn't even know that she had had brothers, for her parents took care not to mention them, but one day by chance she heard some people talking about her. "The girl's beautiful, of course," they were saying, "but she's to blame really for her seven brothers' misfortune." This made her very sad, and she went to her father and mother and asked whether it was true then that she had had brothers and what had become of them. So now it was no longer possible for her parents to conceal from her what had happened, though they told her that it had been God's will and that her birth had only been the innocent occasion for it. But day after day she was conscience-stricken about it, and felt that it was her duty to free her brothers from the spell again. The thought gave her no peace, so in the end she left home secretly and went off into the wide world to try and trace her brothers wherever they might be, and rescue them at whatever cost. She took nothing with her but a ring belonging to her parents to remember them by, a loaf of bread for when she was hungry, a jug of water for when she was thirsty, and a little chair for when she was tired.She went on and on, further and further, till she reached the end of the world. There she came to the sun, but it was too hot and terrible and it devoured little children. Quickly she ran away and went to the moon, but it was too cold and it was grisly and evil, and when it noticed the child it sail:” I smell human flesh.” So she hurried off as fast as she could and came to the stars, and they were friendly and kind to her, and each of them was sitting on its own little chair. But the morning star got up and gave her a little chicken's leg and said:” If you don't have this chicken's leg, you won't be able to unlock the glass mountain, and inside the glass mountain is where your brothers are.”The girl took the leg, wrapped it up well in a piece of cloth, and set off again and went on and on until she came to the glass mountain. The gate was locked, and she tried to take out the chicken's leg; but when she unwrapped the cloth it was empty, and she had lost the gift of the kindly stars. What was she to do now? she wanted to rescue her brothers, but she had no key to the glass mountain. The good little sister took a knife, chopped off one of her little fingers, stuck it in the lock and successfully opened the gate. When she got inside, a little dwarf came to meet her, saying:” My child, what are you looking for?” “I'm looking for my brothers, the seven ravens,” she answered. The dwarf said:” My masters the ravens are not at home, but if you would like to wait here till they get back, then come in.” Then the dwarf brought in the ravens' supper on seven little plates and in seven little cups, and the little sister ate a morsel from each plate and drank a sip from each cup; but into the last cup she dropped the ring she had brought with her.Suddenly she heard a whirring and fluttering noise in the air, and the dwarf said:” Here come my lords the ravens flying home.” And they came, asked for food and drink and looked for their plates and cups. Then one after another of them said:” Who's been eating from my plate? Who's been drinking out of my cup? This must have been a human mouth.” And when the seventh of them had got to the bottom of his cup, the ring rolled out towards him. Then he looked at it and recognized it as a ring belonging to his father and mother, and said:” My God grant that our little sister is here; if she were, we should be freed from the spell.” The girl was standing listening behind the door, and when she heard him speak this wish she stepped out, and as she did so the ravens recovered their human shape. And they hugged and kissed each other and went happily home.
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剑桥英语考试口语要求考试时间分别为:BEC初级阅读、写作90分钟,听力约40分钟(含填写题卡时间),口试12分钟;BEC中级阅读60分钟、写作45分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写题卡时间)、口试14分钟; BEC高级阅读60分钟、写作70分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写题卡时间)、口试16分钟。口语考试:一、口试形式与内容。BEC口试主要考查考生商务交往过程中运用英文的能力。商务交往主要指:1.建立和保持商务联络;2.谈论工作;3.制定计划与安排工作。二、测试内容。1.建立和保持商务联络。1) 向人表示问候和对问候的。2) 自我介绍。3) 询问对方或介绍自己的身份特征。4) 表达自己喜欢什么、不喜欢什么。5) 发出邀请、接受和拒绝邀请。6) 表示感谢和欣赏。7) 给别人提供方便,接受和拒绝帮助。2.谈论工作。1) 询问和描述工作任务。2) 询问和介绍公司情况。3) 询问和简要介绍产品。4) 比较不同产品及价格。5) 询问和提出自己的观点。6) 表示同意或反对。7) 提出、接受和拒绝建议。8) 表达需要和要求。3.制定计划和安排工作。1)商务会议安排会议日程安排会议议程。2)商务旅行预定饭店房间到饭店住宿和结账点菜进行了旅行咨询预定机票乘火车旅行根据指南行路。BEC口试形式及评分标准。测试分两个阶段:第一阶段:采取考官与考生交流的方式,时间约为4-5分钟。考生应对考官的问题做出或对考官提出的要求做出反应。考官所题问题主要针对商务交往的具体内容。第二阶段:采取考生与考生交流的方式,时间约为3-4分钟。每组考生抽去两组卡片,每组卡片为两张,一张卡片上描述具体内容,另一张卡片是针对其内容的问题。考生可得到一张卡片上描述具体内容和另一考生卡片相关问题卡片,有足够时间阅读卡片,交流的内容局限于这两组卡片。评分标准:测试依据发音、准确性、流利程度以及交流能力四个部分判定3个等级。分数分别为3分、2分、1分。具体标准如下:1.发音(包括声音大小、重音、语调、语气)。3分:尽管有些读音错误,并且有受母语影响的迹象,但比较容易听懂且抑扬顿挫较流畅。2分:由于发音受母语影响,使某些词不易听懂,有一些读音错误,受母语影响严重。1分:考生的发音很难听懂。经常出现读音错误,受母语影响明显,语调不对且断断续续,给听者造成麻烦。2.准确性(包括语法、用词及说话方式)。3分:有错误,但基本上能把意思表达清楚。所采用的句子结构规范,但处理复杂句子结果比较困难。对所熟悉的话题词汇较充分,但表达有欠缺。2分:有的意思表达不清。所采用的句子结构多为基本句式,且有语法及用词错误,对所熟悉的话题有一定词汇描述能力。1分:表达令人费解,基本句子结构出现错误,缺乏用于交流的词汇。3.流利程度(包括语速、长短句搭配)。3分:听者感觉不错,尽管有停顿,但较流利,能组织语言,用较长的句子表达,但有些句子不够完整。2分:听者需要耐心,尽管有停顿但基本流利,句子比较短。1分:听者需要非常耐心。经常中断且间隔较长。4.交流能力(包括独立性、灵活性以及对谈话方式的把握。3分:基本具有独立性。只是有时需要在其它考生的帮助或提示下表达。在与其它考生的交流中占主导地位,其它考生所提问题较迅速。2分:有时需要依靠别人的帮助完成表达。在交流中有不妥之处。不能很快其它考生所提问题。1分:需要经常依靠别人的帮助才能完成表达。掌握了一些句式但使用不当,对其它考生的提问,反应慢,甚至没有反应。
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BEC初级阅读技巧(4)报价 Offer某制造商发函给进口商,主要是更正上次报价的条件。信函是这么写的:英文正文We would like to modify the offer given to you in our fax last week. We have discovered that the material to be used to make each unit will be NT$1500, not NT$1000. Thus, we regret to inform you that the offer must be raised from NT$4000 to NT$4500 per unit. We are very sorry for the error; no extra costs will be passed on to you. As we stated in the last fax, this offer remains in force until the end of the month. Again, we remind you that this is an offer without engagement.中文翻译我们想修改上星期传真给您的报价,因为我们发现制造每单项产品的原料价格应为新台币1500元,而不是1000元。因此我们很抱歉通知您,原报价格必须从每单项4000元提高到4500元。我们对这个错误感到十分抱歉,我们不会对您加收额外的费用了。和上一封传真提过的一样,这个报价到月底有效。此外,我们要再次提醒您,这是可变更报价。短语解说modify the offer 修正报价"modify" ‘修正、变更’。报价之后,如经对方同意,亦可做修正,例如变更报价之展期等。offer remains in force until... 报价至...为止有"remain"‘维持不变’。"in force",这个词组是说‘有效、实行中’;"force"在此意指‘效力’。"until"之后加日期,这个表达语等于"offer is valid until..."。offer without engagement 不受约束之报价;可变更"engagement" ‘约束’。此类报价方式之报价人有权变更原条件,即使已收到对方的确认函(电),仍可变更原报价。句型总结●  很抱歉通知您…1. We regret to inform you that...2. We are sorry to have to tell you that...3. It is with (sincere) apologies that..."regret"‘遗憾、抱歉’之意。"inform" ‘通知、告诉’之意,比"tell"正式严肃。此说法通常用于告诉对方坏消息时,一开始应先表示己方之遗憾或抱歉,让对方先有心理准备,再进一步解说问题所在,要求对方的谅解或认同。
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