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1分钟前发布 -【BEC高级阅读:How to Get the Most Out of a Workout】http://www.zjks.cc 10月18日讯: BEC高级阅读:How to Get the Most Out of a Workout-Try to increase the intensity of your workout. If you have been walking, try walking faster, or take turns between walking and jogging. And don't forget muscle strengthening exercises.FAITH LAPIDUS: This is the VOA Special English program SCIENCE IN THE NEWS. I’m Faith Lapidus.BOB DOUGHTY: And I’m Bob Doughty. Today, we will tell about physical exercise. We will tell why exercise is important, and some of the popular ways to get in shape.FAITH LAPIDUS: Summer officially returns to the United States in less than two weeks. For many Americans, summer is a time to put on swim wear and spend time at the sea or a lake. But before going anywhere, they may want to lose any extra weight gained during the winter.So, where does one get started? Diet is surely important, but diet alone will not do much good without an exercise plan. Health experts have long noted the importance of physical activity.Exercise not only improves your appearance. It can also improve your health. Exercise helps to reduce the risk of some diseases. They include heart disease, stroke, type-two diabetes, osteoporosis and even some kinds of cancer.BOB DOUGHTY: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. In two thousand six, heart disease killed more than six hundred thirty thousand Americans. High blood pressure and high cholesterol levels in blood can increase your risk of heart disease. Medical experts say both can be reduced through normal exercise.Physical activity is also known to increase the release of endorphins. These chemicals reduce feelings of pain. They also help people feel more happy and peaceful. There is some debate about exactly what causes the brain to release endorphins. Some experts believe it is the act of exercising itself. Others say it is the feeling one gets from having met an exercise goal. Either way, the two things work together when it comes to improving one’s emotional health.FAITH LAPIDUS: Surprisingly, exercise improves your energy levels by increasing the flow of blood to the heart and blood vessels. One of the main reasons people exercise is to control or reduce their weight. Physical activity burns calories – the energy stored in food. The more calories you burn, the easier it is to control or reduce your weight.So exactly how much exercise do you need to do to gain all of these great health effects? Experts say it is easier than you think. Two years ago, the Centers for Disease Control released its first ever Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. The report included suggestions for young people, adults, disabled persons and those with long-term health problems. One of the major ideas noted in the report is that some activity is better than none. So if you are not doing anything, now is the time to get started.BOB DOUGHTY: The C.D.C. defines physical activity as anything that gets your body moving. And, it says there are two separate, but equally important kinds of physical activity. Aerobic or cardio exercise gets your heart rate going faster and increases your breathing. Some examples are activities like walking at an increased speed, dancing, swimming or riding a bicycle.Muscle-strengthening activities help build and strengthen muscle groups in the body. This kind of exercise includes things like lifting weights, or doing sit-ups and push-ups.FAITH LAPIDUS: To get the most from your exercise plan, experts say adults should get at least two and a half hours of aerobic exercise each week. More intense activities reduce the suggested amount of time to one hour and fifteen minutes. Examples are playing basketball, swimming and distance running.Earlier advice from the C.D.C. said people need to exercise thirty minutes each day for at least five days to get the health benefits of exercise. More recent research suggested that those gains are the same whether you exercise for short periods over five days or longer sessions over two or three days.
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BEC高级阅读:中国日报汉英词汇表(7)骨干企业 key enterprise鼓励奖 consolation prize固定电话初装费 installation fees for fixed-line telephones固定电话运营商 fixed-line telecom carrier固定资产投资 investment in the fixed assets挂靠 be attached or affiliated to; be subordinate to挂靠户 an adjunct organization挂职 1) take a temporary post (in order to temper oneself); 2) serve in a lower level unit for a period while retaining one's position in the previous unit挂职下放 transfer to lower units with one's post retained关联交易 connected transaction关贸总协定(世界贸易组织的前身) GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)关税壁垒 customs barrier; tariff wall关税配额 tariff quota关停并转 close down, suspend operation, merge with others or shift to different line of production; rationalize观光电梯 sightseeing (tourist) lift官商 state-operated commerce光谷 optical valley光机电一体化 "optical, mechanical and electronic integration"光盘杂志 CD-ROM magazine光通讯 photo-communication; optical communication广播电视大学 radio and television university广告词 jingle广告电话直销 direct response advertising广告妙语 attention-getter广告人 advertising man; adman广告宣传车 loudspeaker van; sound truck广域网 wide area network (WAN)归国留学生 returned students归口管理 put under centralized management by specialized departments; centralized management by specified departments规避 circumvention规范分配秩序 Rationalize the relations of income distribution规模经济 scale economy, economies of scale规模效益 scale merit皈依三宝 become a Buddhist国产化率 import substitution rate; localization rate of parts and components国防动员体制 the mobilization for national defense国际奥委会 the International Olympic Committee (IOC)国际标准化组织 ISO (International Organization for Standardization)国际惯例 international common practice国际海域 international waters国际化战略 internationalization strategy国际货币基金组织 IMF (International Monetary Fund)国际禁止化学武器组织 organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW)国际劳工组织 ILO (International Labor Organization)国际清算 international settlement国际日期变更线 International Date Line (IDL)国际商业机器公司 International Business Machine Corporation (IBM)国际收支不平衡 disequilibrium of balance of payment国际足球联盟 Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)国家财政贴息贷款 discount government loan国家创新体系 state innovation system国家环保总局 State Environmental Protection Administration国家级特殊津贴 special state allowance国家级卫生城市 state-level hygiene city国家经济体制改革委员会 the State Commission for Restructuring the Economic Systems国家控股公司 state-controlling company国家普通话水平考试 National Proficiency Test of Putonghua国家体育总局 State Physical Culture Administration国家一级保护 first-grade State protection国家质量技术监督局 the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision国家重点科技攻关项目 national key scientific and technological project国脚 player of the national football team; footballer of the national team国库券 treasury bonds国民党 Kuomintang国民经济支柱产业 pillar industries in national economy国民生产总值 gross national product (GNP)国内生产总值 gross domestic product (GDP)国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace国土局 Land and Resources Bureau国有独资商业银行 wholly state-funded commercial bank国有股 state-owned shares国有股减持 state stock reduction; reduce state's stake in listed companies国有资产管理体制 State property management system国有资产流失 loss of state assets国债贴息贷款 T-bond discount loans国债投资 treasury bond investment国债专项资金 special fund for treasury bond国债资金重点项目责任制 the responsibility system for key projects funded by treasury bonds过度开垦 excess reclamation过劳死 karoshi; death from overwork过山车 roller coaster过失赔偿责任;无过失赔偿责任 liability with fault; liability without fault过失责任 liability of fault过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little
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商务英语BEC高级阅读题精讲(8)Staff appraisalsGood preparation for staff appraisals can pay dividends in terms of staff loyalty and satisfaction.Many managers, particularly those running smaller companies, feel they are too busy to give their employees appraisals, and many staff clearly dread them. (0) ........... They provide the opportunity for the manager to have one-to-one discussions with an employee and find out about any concerns, as well as identifying training needs and discovering career aspirations. They can make a staff member feel valued and so build loyalty.The annual appraisal can either be a rewarding or painful experience. According to research carried out among 500 employees, the standard office appraisal is far from perfect.(8).............The possible outcome for the company is even worse; up to a quarter of employees will look for a new job within two weeks of a bad appraisal and 40% within a month.The quality of the appraisal lies with how the boss decides to carry it out. When it is done well, employees are able to use the feedback they receive to improve their performance. (9).............So how should a constructive appraisal be carried out? According to Andrew Gillingham, a consultant trainer, appraisals can be manager-led, with the appraiser preparing a document and sharing it with the employee. Establishing training needs and motivating the employee towards bigger and better things are part of this process. (10) ............. In both cases, Gillingham believes that the effectiveness of the appraisal discussion can determine the performance of the company.Gillingham believes that anyone who thinks it’s just the employee who doesn’t like the appraisal experience has got it wrong. Too many managers regard appraisals as a waste of time.(11) ..............................Managing people is a difficult matter, and without the necessary training, many managers try to avoid the uncomfortable issues that often need to be discussed at appraisals.外语学习网Gillingham believes that calling the process an appraisal may be unhelpful.(12) ..........................In either case, it is important to ensure that the meeting is successful and results in better quality management. Gillingham firmly believes that the main thing is to emphasise an open communications ethos in the workplace that gives staff a chance to talk about issues and feel valued.A Alternatively, managers may want the employees themselves to evaluate their work performance.B In larger companies, the people likeiy to do something with this information will be found in the HR department.C. Problems such as rushing through the appraisal and being appraised by a manager who doesn’t understand the employee’s role were common concerns.D Arguably, ’performance review’ is more appropriate since it helps create correct expectations from the meeting and indicates what will happen.E This is mainly because they have not been shown how to carry out appraisals properly.F But all too often, the format of the appraisal doesn’t allow this.G But this can be avoided and, given a more positive attitude from participants, appraisals can prove enormously useful for all involved.《Staff appraisals》,员工评估。很多公司的员工和经理都害怕评估,但是好的评估可以增进员工的忠诚度和满意感,给公司带来益处。第八题,前面说年度评估可能是个有用的或者是痛苦的经历。但是根据调查,标准的年度评估效果却不尽如人意。那么正常来讲,后面应该接着说评估不好(far from perfect)的原因或者是表现。C选项讲的是表现(problems),E选项虽然有because,但是不是讲的评估不好的原因。选C,正好和后面也对的上。出了问题,才使得后果更加严重(the possible outcome is even worse)。第九题,也需要理顺上下文的逻辑关系。前面说评估的质量取决于老板决定怎么去执行。如果进行的好的话员工会根据收到的反馈来改进他们的表现。空格后面一个SO,问到怎么样让一个有建设性的评估被实行?那么前面的内容多少有点转折的意思。实行的好对改进员工的表现有好处,可实行的不好呢?逻辑上看,这里应该填入评估如果被执行的不好的话会怎么样,或者说影响实行的一些因素,所以后面才会问到该怎么去执行。从给出的几个选项,F是最符合这一特征的:评估的格式不允许这个(指根据反馈的结果改进表现)。第十题,接着上面讲评估的具体方法。空格的前面讲评估都是manager-led,并且介绍了一些过程。空格后面有in both cases,可以看出空格这里应该填入评估的另一种方法,和manager-led对应的。选项A最符合条件:经理们可能想要员工们自己评价自己的工作表现。alternatively这个连词是个暗示。第十一题,前面说很多经理视评估为浪费时间。后面说如果没有必要的训练,很多经理都会回避那些需要在评估上讨论的让人不舒服的话题。E选项可以对应于上下文:那主要是因为他们并没有被演示怎么正确的进行评估。因为没有接受训练才不理解,才会认为是浪费时间。have not been shown也就是without the necessary training。第十二题,这一空是最明显的。叫评估不合适,那就换个名字吧,选D,叫“performance review”。
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商务英语BEC高级阅读题精讲(10)Look at the statements below and the article about the development of future business leaders on the opposite page.Which section of the article (A, B, C or D) does each statement (1-7) refer to?For each statement (1-7), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.You will need to use some of these letters more than once.1 Managers need to take action to convince high-flyers of their value to the firm.2 Organisations need to look beyond the high-flyers they are currently developing.3 There is a concern that firms investing in training for high-flyers may not gain the benefits themselves.4 Managers need expert assistance from within their own firms in developing high-flyers.5 Firms currently identify high-flyers without the support of a guidance strategy.6 Managers are frequently too busy to deal with the development of high-flyers.7 Firms who work hard on their reputation as an employer will interest high-flyers.The Stars of the FutureA Existing management research does not tell us much about how to find and develop high-flyers, those people who have the potential to reach the top of an organisation. As a result, organisations are left to formulate their own systems. A more effective overall policy for developing future leaders is needed, which is why the London Business School has launched the Tomorrow’s Leaders Research Group (TLRG). The group contains representatives from 20 firms, and meets regularly to discuss the leadership development of the organisations’ high-flyers.B TLRG recognises just how significant line managers are in the process of leadership development. Unfortunately, with today’s flat organisations, where managers have functional as well as managerial responsibilities, people development all too often falls victim to heavy workloads. One manager in the research group was unconvinced by the logic of sending his best people away on development courses, ’only to see them poached by another department or, worse still, another firm’. This fear of losing high-flyers runs deep in the organisations that make up the research group.C TLRG argues that the task of management is not necessarily about employee retention, but about creating ’attraction centres’. ’We must help line managers to realise that if their companies are known as ones that develop their people, they will have a greater appeal to high-flyers,’ said one advisor. Furthermore, selecting people for, say, a leadership development programme is a sign of commitment from management to an individual. Loyalty can then be more easily demanded in return.D TLRG has concluded that a company’s HR specialists need to take action and engage with line managers individually about their role in the development of high-flyers. Indeed, in order to benefit fully from training high-flyers as the senior managers of the future, firms must actually address the development of all managers who will be supporting the high-flyers. Without this, managers will not be in a position to give appropriate advice. And when eventually the high-flyers do move on, new ones will be needed to replace them. The next challenge will be to find a new generation of high-flyers.首先得搞明白的是这篇文章到底讲的什么。不用看具体内容,有两个地方直接告诉了。一个是题目说明的第一句话,另一个是正文的标题。从这两个地方就可以看出全文探讨的是公司未来接班人——也就是潜力股——的培养问题。A段讲了TLRG这个贯穿全文的研究组织诞生的原因:现行的研究满足不了需要,于是大多数公司只能自己探索发掘接班人的模式;(即第五题的答案)B段讲了直属经理(line managers)对于发掘接班人的重要性(真是干什么都要从基层抓起),以及经理们的一些疑虑;C段讲的是接班人问题对公司的重要性,并且应该让院线经理们明白这种重要性;D段是针对前面列出的问题,提出的解决建议,什么专家协助等等。整篇文章分为四个部分,层层递进,有很强的逻辑性。拿这样的文章来做阅读材料应该是相对容易把握的。题目解析:图中蓝色的线为答案潜伏的地方。7个题干基本是将原文中的句子用另外的词语和句型表述出来,所以题干中的关键词都能在正文里 找到与之匹配的,比如第四题题干里的expert对应D段的specialists,第六题的too busy to对应于B段里的heavy workloads,第七题的interest对应于C段的appeal。第一题说“经理们必须采取措施使潜力股们相信他们对公司的价值”,也就是要让潜力股们对公司忠诚,即C段说的creating “attraction centres”和loyalty。第二题说“组织必须把目光投向正在培养中的潜力股以外的地方”,即D段最后两句话所说的寻找新一代的潜力股。第三题和B段的最后一句话完全是一个意思:怕培养潜力股的投入收不回成本。第四题说开发潜力股,经理们需要在公司内部得到专家支持。答案是D段的第一句话:公司的人力资源专家需要采取行动。HR specialists就是expert。第五题说公司现在没有在指导策略的支持下辨别潜力股。也就是说公司是依靠自己来发掘人才的。答案是A段的第一句:现行的研究满足不了需要,所以公司只能形成自己的一套体系。第六题,经理们太忙了,无暇顾及潜力股的发展。答案是B段的:Unfortunately, with today’s flat organisations, where managers have functional as well as managerial responsibilities, people development all too often falls victim to heavy workloads.。不幸落在了高工作负荷的人的肩上。高工作负荷,也就是too busy。第七题,看重作为雇主名声的公司可以吸引潜力股。答案是C段的这么一句:if their companies are known as ones that develop their people, they will have a greater appeal to high-flyers。如果公司是以开发员工而着称的话,将会对潜力股产生更大的吸引。以开发员工而着称(known as ones that develop their people),名声很好,也就是看重自己作为雇主的名声。疑似生词:1. line managers 直属经理,业务经理2. flat organization 扁平化的组织,即企业中的单层管理组织对应的单词hierarchy 等级制的公司3. poach vt. (侵入他人地界)偷猎(或捕鱼), 水煮,剽窃,挖角eg: A rival firm poached our best computer programmers.我公司的竞争对手把我们最好的计算机程序编制员挖走了。4. runs deep 纯粹是想说一下那句着名的谚语:Still water runs deep静水流深。5. fall victim to 成为......的受害者B段中的原话:People development all too often falls victim to heavy workloads.人员发展成为高负荷工作的受害者,也就是说经理们因为太忙而无暇顾及潜力股的培养,即第六题的答案。6. retention 保留,在文中指留住员工。是风险管理中常见的专业名词。
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