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1分钟前发布 -【商务英语BEC含金量高吗】http://www.zjks.cc 10月18日讯: 商务英语BEC含金量高吗BEC含金量还是比较高的,商务英语证书被知名企业和国际高等院校广泛认可,是众多知名跨国企业和国际高等院校评估应聘者和申请人语言能力的标准。证书终身有效,不用每隔几年就重复考一次,一次通过终身有效。商务英语证书在外企有较高的认可度,被称为商务求职的通行证,是职场能力的象征,商务英语的考试内容非常全面。由阅读、写作、 听力、口试四部分组成,试题中的词汇、文章类型的选择以及情景的设置都与"职业"有关,分为初级、中级、高级三个级别。如果想在外企工作,或者需要一个英语水平更高的职位,那人事部门在面试的时候会更加注重,这是职业晋升的关键。中级对商务工作很有帮助,因为它不仅包括商务英语知识,还包括很多内容,比如如何写商务邮件和报告文件。
59 评论


商务英语BEC中级的题型有什么?BEC中级考试由四部分组成: 1、阅读 60分钟 分为5个部分 共有45道题 2、写作 45分钟 有两篇 一篇是写给公司内部同事的 另一篇则是给公司外的某人写的商务函件或是报告 建议等 3、听力 40分钟左右 有三部分 共30道题 4、口语 14分钟 三部分 考官提问、小演讲、考生双向谈话 还有问题吗?
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剑桥商务英语教程初中级教材里的听力材料哪里有下载吗商务英语学习网:)~ 下面一些BEC学习网中也有参考教材介绍,可以看看:)~《BEC综合强化教程》听力专项练习部分 BEC试题下载(免费), BEC听力部分的MP3 E学论坛 » BEC商务英语,里面有很多相关实用的资料可以看看:)~ BEC的高 MP3下载 注意下好后把每个文件的study改为MP3就可以使用了.具体造作步骤:对下好的每个文件点击右键选重命名,把study的字样该为mp3.就可以了 剑桥商务英语BEC阅读全真试题 剑桥商务英语,BEC商务英语证书考试题库 参考资料:。
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商务英语BEC高级阅读题精讲(4)0 Lack of self-confidence will put you at a disadvantage in a negotiation .0 A B C D E1. This company has been involved in diversifying its business activities.2. Although this company is doing well, it has a number of internal difficulties to deal with3. This company has reduced the profits it makes on individual items4. One statistic is a less accurate guide to this company’s performance than another5. The conditions which have helped this company are likely to be less favourable in the future6. This company’s share price has been extremely volatile over the last twelve months7. This company is likely to be the subject of a takeover bid in the near future8. This company’s performance exemplifies a widely held beliefA  Chemical CompanyMasterson’s interim pre-tax profits growth of 20% was somewhat inflated as a result of the income received from the disposal of several of the company’s subsidiaries. The underlying 8% rise in operating profits is a more realistic gauge of the company’s true progress. However, Masterson’s impending merger with Bentley and Knight and its appointment of a new chief executive should mean that the company will be able to sustain growth for the foreseeable fut5ure. The share price has varied little during the course of the year and now stands at £ 6.75B  Hotel GroupDuring the past year the Bowden Hotel Group has acquired 77 new properties, thus doubling in size . last week the group reported pre-tax profits of £ 88 million in the first six months of the year, ahead of expectations and helped by a strong performance from its London-based hotels and newly expanded US business. However. There is still some way to go. Integration of the new acquisitions is still not complete and, while the share price has risen recently, major problems with integration have yet to be solved.C  High-tech CompanyThis time last year a share in Usertech was worth just over £ 1. six months ago it was worth £ 40. today it is priced at under £ 8 . if proof were need, here is an illustration of how much of a lottery the technology market can be. But some technology companies are fighting back and Usertech is one of them . What has renewed excitement in the company is the opening of its new American offices in Dallas and its ambitious plans to expand its user base in both North and Latin America.D  Building CompanyRenton’s share price has risen gradually over the past year from £2.4 to £ 3.8 . The company has been successful in choosing prime location for its buildings and has benefited from the buoyant demand for housing. Whilst this demand is expected to slow down somewhat during the next year, investors are encouraged by the company’s decision to move into building supermarkets. Work has already begun on two sites in London, and the company is expected to sign a contract within the next month for building four large supermarkets in Scotland.E  Pottery ManufacturerMilton Dishes has been through a shake-up over the past year. The group, which has been cutting margins and improving marketing, may post a small profit this year. The many members of the Milton family, who between them own 58 per cent of the business, have been watching the share price rise steadily and several are looking to sell. Trade rival Ruskin has bought up just over 17 percent of the shares and could well be spurred into further action by the signs of a recovery at the firm.参考答案: 1-5 DBEAD 6-8 CEC这种类型的题不过是一个句子换一种说法,关键是看对每一段话的理解。我们看一下1到8在说什么,然后到A到E中寻找答案。1.该公司正在对其商业活动进行多样化。2.尽管该公司业绩不错,内部也有一些困难需要处理。3.该公司单个产品收益减少4.一项统计数据对该公司的表现不像另外一个那样有准确的指导作用。5.曾经帮助过该公司的环境在将来可能就不那么好了。6.该公司的股票价格在过去的一年里变化很大。7.该公司未来很可能会被收购。8.该公司的表现让人很有信心那么,再读一下A到E表达的什么意思,很容易对号入座。
30 评论


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