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首页 > 英语类考试 > 2015年职称英语等级考试常用句型解析(1)

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1分钟前发布 -【2015年职称英语等级考试常用句型解析(1)】http://www.zjks.cc 11月22日讯: 2015年职称英语等级考试常用句型解析(1)句型:…… just as …… as ……结构︰主词+动词+just as+形容词/副词+as+(代)名词/动名词说明︰此句型意为“…就像…一样…”。第一个 as 是“同样的;一样的”,第二个 as 是“像”之意。若之后不是 be ,则 as 之后不用,而要用.Being a good pedestrian is just as important as being a good driver.做一个好的行人就像做一个好的司机一样重要。Writing is just as important as reading.写作就像阅读一样重要。He wrote just as carefully as Tom.他就像汤姆一样小心地写。
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考了中级职称之后是不是还需要考职称英语?考取中级职称不再需要考职称英语。 例如:基于江西省人事考试中心获悉,2015年度全国专业技术人员职称外语等级统一考试江西考区考务工作通知出台,从现在开始,申报中级职称取消外语考试,申报高级职称仍要参加外语考试。 2015年职称外语免考范围变化比较大,主要是从2015年起,适当放宽职称外语要求,申报中级专业技术资格不作职称外语要求,年满50周岁专业技术人员可免试职称外语。
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2015年职称英语《综合类》模拟试题及答案(1) :阅读判断阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)The Cold PlacesThe Arctic is a polar region. It surrounds the North Pole.Like Antarctica, the Arctic is a land of ice and snow. Antarctica holds the record for a low temperature reading ---125 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. Reading of 85 degrees below zero are common in both the Arctic and Antarctica. Winter temperatures average 30 d3egrees below zero in the Arctic. At the South Pole the winter average is about 73 degrees below zero.One thing alone makes it almost impossible for men to live in Antarctica and in parts of the Arctic. This one thing is the low temperature --- the killing chill of far North and the polar South.To survive, men must wear the warmest possible clothing . They must build windproof shelters. They must keep heaters going at al times. Not even for a moment can they be unprotected against the below-zero temperatures.Men have a way of providing for themselves. Polar explorers wrap themselves in warm coats and furs. The cold makes life difficult. But the explorers can stay alive.What about animals? Can they survive? Do we find plants? Do we find life in the Arctic and in Antarctica? Yes, we do. There is life in the oceans. There is life on land.Antarctica, as we have seen, is a cold place indeed. But this has not always been the case. Expedition scientists have discovered that Antarctica has not always been a frozen continent. At one time the weather in Antarctica may have much like our own.Explorers have discovered coal in Antarctica. This leads them to believe that Antarctica at one time was a land of swamps and forests. Heat and moisture must have kept the trees in the forests alive.练习:1) The lowest temperature that man has ever known was recorded in Antarctica.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned2) Winter temperatures average 85 degrees below zero in Antarctica.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned3) The Arctic and Antarctica are no man's lands because of their notorious coldness.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned4) Polar explorers can stay alive without heaters and windproof shelters.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned5) Despite the hostile environment, both animals and plants can be found in the oceans and on land in polar areas.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned6) As discovered by expedition scientists, Antarctica has not always been so cold as it is today, so has the Arctic.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned7) At one time, the weather in Antarctica was so warm and damp that trees grew there.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned答案:A B B B A C A
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