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首页 > 英语类考试 > 2019年职称英语卫生类a级有答案了吗

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1分钟前发布 -【2019年职称英语卫生类a级有答案了吗】http://www.zjks.cc 10月18日讯: 2019年职称英语卫生类a级有答案了吗2018年职称英语卫生C级真题(词汇选项) 词汇选项 4. the course gives you basic instruction in maintenance A. idea B. term C. aspect D. coaching 5. I think I managed to grasp the main points of the lecture. A. understand B. cover C. prove D. discuss 6. Anything to do with aeroplanes and flying fascinates him. A. affects B. helps C. worries D. interests 8. I didn’t particular want to go, but I had to A. arrli B. usually C. especially D. rapidly 9. You need feedback to monitor progress. A. stop B. achieve C. access D. check 10. Jemsen is a dangerous man, and can be very brutal. A. careless B. strong C. cruel D. hard 11. We are aware of the potential problems. A. possible B. global C. ongoing D. central 12. We must get to the root of the problem. A. approach B. heart C. cause D. solution 14. All houses within 100 meters of the seas are at risk of flooding. A. in danger B. out of control C. between equals D. in particular 15. He needs the money really badly. A. very urgently B. very much C. very quickly D. very efficiently 补全短文 US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty【美国签订了全球烟草协议】 The United States has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty that promises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout the world. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) this week at the United Nations. ____(46) The FCTC was developed by the World Health Organization and approved by members of the World Health Assembly,including the United States,last year. ______(47) For instance, cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on at least 30% of the front and back of every pack. _____(48) It also requires bans on tobacco advertising, though there are some exceptions for countries like the United States, where the Constitution prohibits such an outright ban. ______(49)The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco use kills nearly 5 million people worldwide every year. In the US alone, about 440,000 people die each year from tobacco-related illnesses; about one-third of all cancers in the US are caused by tobacco use. If current trends continue, WHO estimates, by 2025 tobacco will kill 10 million people each year. The treaty must be ratified by at least 40 countries before it can take effect. ______(50) A.Tobacco stocks also perked up as investors discounted fears of litigation(诉讼) from the US B. So far,109 countries have signed it, and 12 have ratified it. C. The impact of the treaty could be huge. D. Countries that ratify(批准) it would be required to enact strict tobacco control policies. E.The treaty calls for higher tobacco taxes, restrictions on smoking in public places, and more promotion of tobacco prevention and cessation programs. F. The Senate must still approve the treaty before the US can implement its provisions. 完形填空 Eat Healthy 【健康饮食】 "Clean your plate!" and "Be a member of the clean-plate club!" Just about every kid in the US has heard this from a parent or grandparent. Often, it's accompanied by an appeal: "Just think about those starving orphans in Africa!" Sure, we should be grateful for every bite of food. Unfortunately, many people in the US take too many bites. Instead of staying "clean the plate", perhaps we should save some food for tomorrow. According to news reports, US restaurants are partly to blame for the growing bellies. A waiter puts a plate of food in front of each customer, with two to four times the amount recommended by the government, according to a USA Today story. Americans traditionally associate quantity with value and most restaurants try to give them that. They prefer to have customers complain about too much food rather than too little. Barbara Rolls, a nutrition professor at Pennsylvania State University, told USA Today that restaurant portion sizes began to grow in the 1970s, the same time that the American waistline began to expand. Health experts have tried to get many restaurants to serve smaller portions. Now, apparently, some customers are calling for this too. The restaurant industry trade magazine QSR reported last month that 57 percent of more than 4,000 people surveyed believe restaurants serve portions that are too large; 23 percent had no opinion; 20 percent disagreed. But a closer look at the survey indicates that many Americans who can't afford fine dining still prefer large portions. Seventy percent of those earning at least $150,000 per year prefer smaller portions; but only 45 percent of those earning less than $25,000 want smaller. It's not that working class Americans don't want to eat healthy. It's just that, after long hours at low-paying jobs, getting less on their plate hardly seems like a good deal. They live from paycheck to paycheck, happy to save a little money for next year's Christmas presents.
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谁知道每年职称英语的考试时间中级职称英语一年只考一次,全国都是一样的。职称英语考试是由人事部组织的全国统一标准的职称外语考试,采取统一大纲、闭卷笔试的形式进行。职称英语等级考试一般在前一年11月底到12月初报报名,而考试一般为每年3月下旬举行。2019年职称英语考试时间预计是3月28日,分为A 、B 、C 三个等级考试,其中B级就算中级职称等级考试。每个等级总分均为100分,考试时间均为2小时。
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谁有2019年职称英语的考试大纲?报名和缴费时间为2019年12月24日9:00至2019年1月19日17:00,逾期不予补报,考试时间为2019年3月28日,详情可以查看zhiyepei训教育 网的 信息。
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