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1分钟前发布 -【concern代词?】 10月18日讯: concern代词?concern是名词,不是动词,具体内容如下。代词是指具有代替或指示人、事物作用的词。现代汉语的代词可以分为人称代词、指示代词、疑问代词等三类。古代汉语的代词可以分为人称代词、指示代词、疑问代词、无定代词、特殊代词等五类。它们的主要作用是在句子中充当主语、宾语、定语或补语。
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basic colors网络基本颜色; 基本颜色定义; 基本原始羽色; 基本色; 基本色彩双语例句In order to illustrate these basic components, we will use a simple XML fragment from an application dealing with readings from colorimeters ( devices that measure colors using tri-stimulus readings). 为了说明这些基本组件,我们将使用处理色度计(用三基色法读数测量颜色的设备)读数的应用程序中一段简单的XML片段。The speaker, Bruce Sullivan, a self-described "relationship specialist," proposed that people can be divided into four basic personality types, which he labeled with colors. To express oneself in or as if in aphorisms. 这位称自己为关系专家的发言人建议人们能够按照四种基本的性格类型来划分。One method, called additive, starts with three basic colors and adds them together to produce some other colors. 一种叫加色法,通过把三种基本颜色相叠加以产生其他色彩。They are two basic colors, albino and sable ( reddish-brown). 它们有两种基本颜色,白色和深褐色。Though his basic pictorial description may be engagingly pragmatic, Kang consciously chooses solitude colors that are very far from real but closer to surreal. 虽然他纯粹的图像描写已经极富魅力,姜亨九却有意识地选择冷艳的、脱离真实更接近于超现实的色彩。In some cases, the colors in the Basic Parameters rollout of Raytrace material behave differently from colors in standard materials. 在一些情况下,在光线追踪材质基本参数卷展栏(BasicParameters)中的颜色的作用不同于标准材质中的颜色。Artists consider the basic colors to be red, yellow, and blue, but scientists say they are red, green, and blue. 美术家认为基色是红、黄、蓝;可是科学家却说成红、绿、蓝。An abstract, simple, reductionist style with absence of all but basic formal elements and primary colors. ( U.S.mid-20th century) 美国20世纪中期兴起的一种艺术流派,其特点是抽象、简单、微缩,即把作品简略到基本抽象成分。White is the basic colors, and decorations are in red, green, blue, purple and black. 以白色为底色,配以红色、绿色、蓝色、紫色和黑色。In chapter one we introduce the basic theory of printed colors, expounding the feeling, feature of colors and expression ways of mixed color system. 第一章介绍了印刷色彩学的基本理论。该章叙述了颜色的感觉,属性及混色系统的表示方法。The teaching of basic colors is one of the basic links in the teaching of fine arts. It has its own rigorous teaching procedure and training system. 基础色彩教学是美术教学的基础环节,它有着严谨的教学程序和系统的训练体系。Focusing on ten basic colors, the paper illustrates and analyzes the unique meanings of color terms in business English. 本文从英语学习中常见的十种基本颜色词汇的基本词义入手,对颜色词在商务环境中独特的词义进行了分析和概述。In the alkali-boron-silicon system basic fluxing agent, we use the combined effects of alkali metals, alkali earth metals and admixtures to replace lead, in order to produce environment-protecting unleaded fluxing agent for overglaze colors with low bismuth. 在碱-硼-硅系统基础熔剂中引入外加剂,通过多种碱金属、碱土金属及外加剂等复合效应来代替铅在熔剂中的作用进而研制低铋环保型无铅熔剂。Teaching and Training of Basic Colors 浅谈基础色彩的教学与训练Harmony and contrast, cool and warm, self-values, all are the basic factors of the application of colors. 谐调与对比,冷暖和自身价值,是色彩运用的基本要素。According to two basic features of an image& edge and color, this method used colors to represent special information in HSI color space after obtaining a gray fusion image. 该算法从边缘、色彩这两个图像的基本特征着手,在灰度融合图像的基础上,基于HSI空间,用色彩体现特殊传感器的独有信息。Watercolor is one of the most important basic courses of the arts teaching, two points should be implemented. One is that we should always develop students 'sensation of colors, which is the ultimate aim of the training. 水彩是美术课教学中最重要的基础课之一,在水彩课教学过程中,始终贯彻的重点有两个:一是培养训练学生的色彩感,这是色彩训练的最终目的;Based on the principle of three basic colors, the commonly used pseudocolor coding methods, the multislits coding method and the reference beam coding method, are analyzed. 在三基色原理的基础上,分析了彩虹全息图的两种假彩色编码方法&多狭缝编码方法和参考光编码方法;The basic graphics card designed has many hardware drawing functions, 16M colors. The XGA adapter interface has two methods for users to call, that is assembler and C forms. 我们设计的基本图形卡有多种硬件作图功能,彩色种类为16M,实现的XGA适配器接口则以汇编和C两种方式供用户调用XGA的绘图功能使用。Decoration engineers use the basic elements, such as colors, lights and shadows, materials, contents, natural factors and other accessories to express the national cultural faith and religion quest. 建筑装饰艺术利用其基本的造型元素,如色彩、光影、材质、内容、自然要素、附属陈设等表达了一套完整的建筑装饰特征和深邃的民族文化内涵。According to theories of production value, the design of transferring equipment will consider these factors, such as setting, basic forms, patterns, styles, colors, functions of new information and so on. 依据产品价值理论对中转设备的摆放方式、基本形态、造型风格、色彩、新型信息功能等多方面进行要素设计。I collected and sorted the maps. And on the basis of the basic theories about color, I analyzed the colors of the maps and summarized the characteristic and the principle of the maps 'colors. 对地图资料进行收集和分类,根据色彩学基本理论,对各种地图的用色进行了分析,总结出地图用色的特点和规律,丰富了地图用色理论。The basic languages of painting lines, colors, are very suitable to shape and describe the soft, colorful patterns of women. 绘画基本语言中的线条、色彩,都非常适合用于塑造和描绘女性的柔美、缤纷多姿的形态。Based on the modern Chinese vocabulary learning and teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the author researches the basic colors words that exist in modern Chinese and analyzes the errors that have been made by foreign students in this thesis. 本论题立足于现代汉语词汇学以及对外汉语教学,对现代汉语中的基本颜色词进行研究,并针对留学生出现的偏误进行了分析。In a certain extent, it is proposed the productivity theory, we not only get the basic vision of historical materialism and have a real understanding of the true colors of history, but also have an important effect on the transformation of society and promoting social production. 从一定程度上来讲,正是生产力理论的提出,我们不仅获得了历史唯物主义的基本视野,对历史的本来面目有了真正的认识,也对改造社会,促进社会生产的起到了推动作用。The basic idea of the marking policy is to change the distribution of bandwidth through changing the marking probability with different colors of package. 该标记策略的基本思想是通过改变标记不同颜色的包的概率来改变流带宽的分布。One of their paths is that they consider humanity as basic point and the ultimate point of some divine colors as the Aesthetic "Redemption" content and show the ultimate concern of life. 其路径之一即是以人性为基点,以带有某种神性色彩的终极指向为审美救赎内涵,展现对生命的终极关怀。As a member of Chinese basic vocabulary, colors, word of the development and evolution are interesting taste. 作为汉语基本词汇的成员,颜色词的发展和演变都饶有情趣。
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reading stage网络宣读阶段双语例句In another example, the IT Operational Manager has been notified that an ETL job for loading the fact table has been aborted when reading its input in the processing stage DB2_Input_Facts. 再举一个例子:IT运营经理接到通知,一个装载事实表的ETL作业在处理准备阶段DB2InputFacts中读取输入时失败了。It contains systematic phonics teaching in preliminary stage and whole language reading instruction in advanced stage. 兰化三校开发并实施了英语校本课程&小学低段字母拼音教学和小学高段整体语言教学。The grassy plaza features a reading cafe and a stage that hosts elementary school theater plays, public readings, concerts, and other cultural events. 这片咖啡杯形状的草地也是主持小学话剧,公共阅读,音乐会和其他文化活动的舞台。If the bill receives second reading, it will then go through the Committee stage, at which amendments can be moved, and receive the third reading. 如通过二读,则会进入委员会审议阶段。在此阶段,可对法案提出修订,然后再进行三读。A Comparative Study of Zhu Xi's Reading Strategy and Gagne's Learning Stage Theory 朱子读书法与加涅学习阶段论的比较研究Try reading about the Alexander Technique, a method of preparing for the stage that teaches us that we often perform better by removing unnecessary physical effort, not adding more. 试著阅读亚力山大技巧,一种上台准备方法,它教导我们去除身体不需要的力气,而不是增加,往往这样我们才会有更好的表现。In a few hours I shall be reading stage directions stupidly fast. 过一会儿就该看用光速看舞台指导计划了。The rejection of reading materials in the prosecute stage; 律师在审查起诉阶段不能阅看全部案卷材料;The problems students may encounter at the pre-reading stage, reading stage and post-reading stage are discussed. The students need to use active reading instead of passive reading to ge various information beyond the language materials so as to train and enhance their creative reading ability. 阐述在阅读之前、阅读阶段遇到的问题和阅读后的创造性阅读问题,力求让学生从被动阅读转为主动猎取语言素材之外的多种信息,以培养和提高他们的创造性阅读能力。From knowing, feeling, idea and going I analyze the educational value of reading the Chinese classics in primary school stage. 从知、情、意、行四个方面分析了小学阶段中华经典诵读教育的价值。The basic pattern and function of the approach of exegetic reading can be understood in the three stage structure from the original through the exegetic version to the spoken version to interpret Chinese poetry and prose in present days. 从现今日本解读汉诗文所采取的原文、训读文、口语译文的三段式结构中,可以认知汉诗文训读法的基本形态与工作原理。Construction the data base of machine reading Catalog ─ Discuss the earlier stage engineering of network resources sharing 机读目录数据库建设&试论网络化资源共享的前期工程Research methods applied to reading strategies in early stage were mainly quantitative-oriented. 早期探索普遍有效阅读策略的研究主要采用了定量的方法,如实验法;This article tries to observe the classroom mode of Chinese intensive reading at the primary grammar stage in TCFL. 本文探讨了对外汉语初级语法阶段综合课的课堂教学模式。Thoughts on Teaching of Japanese Intensive Reading at the Elementary Stage 日语精读课程初期阶段的教学体会Discusses the Training of Reading Skills in Analytical Reading Stage 论分析性阅读阶段阅读技巧的培养Several Neglected Issues in the Teaching of Intensive Reading at Primary Stage 基础英语初级阶段教学中易忽视的问题In common, reading process includes apperceive stage and comprehensive stage. 按常规的解说,阅读过程包括感知阶段、理解阶段等。This paper discusses the problems students may encounter at the pre-reading stage, reading stage and post-reading stage. 阐述了在阅读之前、阅读阶段和阅读后的系列问题;探讨如何帮助学生进行语篇阅读;For a long period of time, the teaching of English in China has mainly focused on the teaching of reading and writing in the early stage of learning and neglected the teaching of listening and speaking. 长期以来,中国的英语教学过于强调读和写的技能训练,忽略听和说的能力的培养,尤其是在初级学习阶段。This paper, however, after a great deal of reading and analyzing, reveals each stage of the dream from its origin to its disillusionment as reflected in his short fiction, in an attempt to recognize its Western-cultured nature besides confirming its positive role. 通过大量阅读和详尽分析,揭示出美国梦在菲小说中自起源至破灭的各个阶段,力图在肯定其积极作用的同时认识其具有西方文化特点的实质。Picture books are the most accessible type of reading material for children in their early stage of reading. The design and drafting of a picture book implies practical requirements from various aspects including guidance, communication and cultivation. 绘本是儿童早期阅读中接触率最高的图书类型,儿童绘本的设计创作隐含了引导、传播、培养等多个方面的现实要求。From reading prehistoric cave rock art to reading oracle bones, bamboo, silk, to reading books, newspapers, magazines, to reading the multimedia, human reading activities associated with the history of human civilization in every stage of development. 从阅读史前洞穴岩画到阅读甲骨、竹简、帛丝,到阅读书报、杂志,到阅读多媒体,人类的阅读活动伴随在人类文明史发展的每一个阶段中。According to the experiments, browsing behavior is divided into the overall cognitive and refining reading stage, and searching behavior is divided into the overall cognitive, fast search, refining the search stage. 根据研究结果,本文将浏览行为划分为整体认知和细化阅读阶段,搜索行为分为整体认知、快速搜索、细化搜索阶段。The reading course is not set in the primary stage normally, therefore, it is difficult and lengthy to train the fast reading well in the middle stage. 因为一般学校在初级阶段不设立阅读课,所以中级阶段快速阅读的训练会是一个艰难且漫长的过程。Opera is an integrated arts, it differs only text reading poetry novels, stage in order to show its greatest artistic charm. 戏曲是一门综合艺术,它不同于仅供文本阅读的诗词小说,舞台才能展现出其最大的艺术魅力。Reading ability is linear development rather than solely on a stage. Cultivating students 'strong reading abilities, we must prompted their reading extensively from the primary school. 阅读能力是线性发展的,而非止于某个年龄阶段,要培养学生具有较强的阅读能力,就必须从小学开始促使他们广泛阅读。But the primary high-grade library Chinese reading is only at the exploratory stage; some teachers have not experienced the promotion of the high-grade library Chinese reading, and do not understand its operational models. So the implementation will give rise to a series of problems. 但是小学高年级阅览室语文阅读只处在探索阶段,部分教师还未体验到高年级阅览室语文阅读对语文教学的促进作用,因此实施起来会出现一系列的问题。The learners can consolidate what they have learnt and get to know some new knowledge through reading, which sets the stage for the development of listening, speaking, writing and translation. 通过阅读,学习者可以巩固和强化已经获取的英语知识,并可获得新的知识,为听、说、写、译等技能的培养打下基础。
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intralingual网络语内; 语内错误; 语内的双语例句A Study of Interlingual Pragmatic Failure and Intralingual Pragmatic Failure Based on Adaptation Theory 语际语用失误与语内语用失误的顺应性研究从顺应论的角度看称呼语的语用失误Translator's selection and adaptation during the process of interlingual and intralingual translation in translating Chinese classic works 浅谈典籍英译两次翻译转换过程中译者的选择与适应With ample examples the present paper illustrates the expressive function of linguistic forms and expounds the basic concept of intralingual meaning as well as the necessity of its translating. 本文说明语言信息的形式有表意作用,阐明语内意义的概念以及翻译语内意义的必要性,并从三方面论证可译的理论依据。It is the intralingual translation that connects the two phases and makes interlingual translation possible in the process of making source texts and translated texts accordant to each other. 语际翻译是通过语内翻译使两种语言相互协调、相互对话的过程,而非单纯地译入语对源语言的机械对应。The findings from the experiment indicate that intralingual transfer has an effect on the pronunciations of the words from the same root among students. 对英语专业大二学生的测试表明:学生中普遍存在同根词汇语音语内迁移现象,并且高频词汇影响其低频同根词的发音。The causes of them include non-linguistic interference, negative intralingual and interlingual transfer. 导致失误的原因有:非语言因素干扰、语内负迁移及语际负迁移。A Comparison between Interlingual and Intralingual Translations 语内翻译与语际翻译的比较And for intralingual sources, we lay focus on learning and communication strategy. 而在语内因素方面,我们主要就学习策略和交际策略进行了讨论。It sees the intralingual communication as one single ostensive-inferential process. 它将语内交际视作一个单一的明示&推理过程。There are 981 interlingual errors and 3118 intralingual errors; 4099个失误中有981个语间失误和3118个语内失误;This study not only has some reference value to the interlingual and intralingual research, but also contributes to the studies of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Second Language Teaching, and translation practice. 这不但对语内研究、语际研究有一定的参考价值,而且对对外汉语教学研究、第二语言教学及翻译工作都可以做出应有的贡献。Error analysis is the important theory and approach for exploring the mental process of Language learner in SLA. Its major contribution is pointing out that intralingual errors are the main reason of the errors during language learning. 错误分析理论是二语习得中探索语言学习心理过程的重要理论和方法,它的重大贡献是明确指出了语内错误是语言学习中错误来源的主要原因。Translation within the relevance-theoretic framework is an intralingual and interlingual communication with optimal relevance as the standard for evaluation. 关联理论讨论人的认知与交际,其框架下的关联翻译理论把翻译看作一种语内语际之间的交流,交际的成功在于最佳关联性的传递。What interactive effects do those intralingual factors exert on the simple past use? 这些语言内因素对英语学习者使用一般过去时有什么交互影响(interactiveeffects)?These errors could be attributed to negative transfer of Chinese, intralingual transfer and incomplete knowledge of rules concerning subordinate clauses. 这些错误可能是由于母语负迁移、英语语内迁移和对从句规则没有完全掌握引起的。After analyzing errors in the students 'compositions, the author also analyzes the sources of errors, including interlingual transfer, intralingual transfer and other sources. 通过分析学生作文中的错误,笔者也分析学生作文中错误的原因,从语际、语内和其它原因三个方面来分析。Through the data analysis, the author finds out that there are basically two causes for these errors, which are transfer and intralingual interference. 通过对偏误实例的分析和研究,归纳出偏误产生的原因主要有是迁移和语内干扰。The causes are complex and the main errors are due to interlingual cause intralingual cause, and the interference from cultural customs. Through the analysis and discussion in this thesis, the writer provided some advices for teachers and students of English vocabulary teaching and learning. 词汇错误的原因很复杂,主要原因是语际原因,语内原因和来自文化习俗的干扰.本文通过探讨为教师和学生英语词汇的教与学提供建议。In intralingual teaching strategies, teachers must use the target language maximally and avoid the native language in the classroom to ensure the input of the target language to students. 在语言内教学策略中,教师要尽可能的多使用目标语言并且尽量避免在课堂中母语的使用以确保对学生目标语言的灌输。Intralingual error is caused by overgeneralization, ignorance of rule restrictions, incomplete application of rules and so on. 语内干扰主要表现为过度概括,忽略了规则的限制,语言规则的不完整应用等。And possible causes for the common tense errors are language internal factors ( the interlingual transfer and the intralingual transfer) and the external factors ( communicative strategy-based factor, induced factor, the writings 'genre, and the attentional bias). 而中国英语学习者时态错误的普遍原因主要归为语言内部因素(语际迁移和语内迁移)及语言外部因素(交际策略、诱导因素、写作范围及注意力偏移)。It is also found that errors are caused by native language interference, intralingual interference and overgeneralization. 产生错误的原因分别是母语的干扰,语内迁移以及过度概括。At macro level, the errors are categorized into two major types: the interlingual and the intralingual errors. 在宏观层面,错误被归为两大类:语际错误和语内错误。And the reasons of the errors are because of the part below: interlanguage negative transfer, intralingual negative transfer, language environment and teaching mistake. 根据我们的深入考察以及与留学生本人的交流,发现造成偏误的原因大致有以下几个方面:语际负迁移、语内负迁移、环境因素以及教学失当的问题。The analysis of the study shows that interlingual errors and intralingual errors are two main types. 研究结果表明,导致错误的主要原因是语际错误和语内错误。By further study, the author finds the main possible causes of learners 'errors are interlingual transfer, intralingual transfer, communicative strategies, induced errors, and the negative influence of testing. 同时研究结果表明,学生出现错误的原因主要有语际迁移,语内迁移,交际策略,诱导错误和考试的负面影响。There may exist many causes, which may belong to either intralingual or interlingual category. 就这一问题,有很多原因可以探询:有可能是母语的影响或英语自身语言体系的干扰。Therefore, translators should focus on the semantic relations of words, lexical collocations and grammatical rules so as to reduce intralingual errors. 2. 因此,翻译者应加强英语词汇语义关系和搭配的学习以及对句法规则的掌握,减少语内错误。Possible reasons have been given forthe causes of these errors generally on interlingual, intralingual and textbook editing. 同时,从语内、语际和教材编写的角度分析出这些偏误产生的原因。Zhang Ailing did a great deal of intralingual translation and interlingual translation in her life. 张爱玲一生进行了很多语内和语际翻译。
68 评论


  • 教外国人中文一般收多少钱/小时?

    国内的话一般来说没有经验的汉语教师都是每小时50以下的,教汉语的老师几乎都会全英授课,所以不稀奇的,有经验的汉语老师是使用外国人能听的懂,能理解的汉语上课,也就是所谓的沉浸式外教环境,价格大概是50-100左右 。如果是自己找学生的话,价格会翻倍

    盛世兮颜 4人参与回答 2024-10-18
  • 换偏旁识字方法?


    小熊饼干 6人参与回答 2024-10-18
  • 汉语拼音的学习方法?


    入肠不觉泪满面 4人参与回答 2024-10-18
  • 北京语言大学网络教育学院的办学宗旨

    坚持以推广汉语、弘扬中华文化为己任,不断 发展以对外汉语教学和研究为中心的教育事业,逐步形成了独特的学科特点和办学特色,已经成为国家对外汉语教学与研究和培养涉外人才的基地。培养一批专业化、职业化外语及对外汉语类优秀的人才。北京语言大学在《2007中国大学评价》编制的2007中国大学社会科学100强排名中名列第四十六。北京语言大学在2009年12月9日教育部公布的最新《中国高等学校绩效评价报告》中名

    纠缠不休。 4人参与回答 2024-10-18
  • 陕西师范大学国际汉语文化学院中外办学靠谱吗?


    魔尊弑神 4人参与回答 2024-10-18