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首页 > 资格类考试 > 现代汉语中的判断动词与其他动词的异同。跪谢?

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1分钟前发布 -【现代汉语中的判断动词与其他动词的异同。跪谢?】http://www.zjks.cc 11月22日讯: 现代汉语中的判断动词与其他动词的异同。跪谢?现代汉语中的判断动词只有一个“是”,表示是非、有无等意义。   判断动词可以单独作谓语,主要作用是对事物加以判断或说明。  判断动词后面带体词性宾语,构成述宾短语。由判断述宾短语的述语和宾语之间没有施受关系。
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古代汉语中少是什么意思?“少”在古代汉语和现代汉语中的词性、意义和用法的不同,主要体现在“少”读作shǎo时,有以下不同之处:1、少作形容词时,古今汉语都有数量小的意思,而古代汉语还有薄弱、通“小”的义项。例如:力少而不畏强。——《韩非子》少:薄弱。尿不能卒出,痛引少腹。——《诸病源候论·石淋候》少:通“小”。2、少作动词时,古今汉语都有缺少、亏欠两个义项,而古代汉语还有削弱、轻视的义项。例如:欲天下之治安,莫若众建诸侯而少其力。——贾谊《治安策》少:减弱。儒生之徒亦自相少。——王充《论衡》少:轻视。3、少作副词时,古今汉语都有稍微的意思,而古代汉语还有一会儿的义项。例如:少焉,月出于东山之上,徘徊于斗、牛之间。——宋· 苏轼《前赤壁赋》少:一会儿。
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古代汉语与现代汉语中数量词的使用有哪些不同?古代汉语与现代汉语中数量词的使用有以下不同之处:1. 古代汉语中的数量词与名词结合更紧密:在古代汉语中,数量词与名词之间的关系更为密切,通常一起使用,表示物品的数量或者事物的顺序。而在现代汉语中,数量词与名词之间的联系相对较为松散,很多时候可以分开使用。2. 古代汉语中的数量词种类较少:古代汉语中的数量词种类相对较少,现代汉语中的数量词种类更加丰富,可以根据具体事物和场景选择更合适的数量词。3. 古代汉语中量词用法较灵活:在古代汉语中,量词的使用比较灵活,可以根据上下文和语言环境进行适当的调整。而在现代汉语中,量词的使用更加规范和统一。4. 古代汉语中量词与名词的搭配关系不同:在古代汉语中,有些量词与名词之间的搭配关系与现代汉语不同。随着时间的推移,一些量词和名词的搭配关系发生了变化,使得现代汉语中的数量词用法更加丰富多样。
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basic colors网络基本颜色; 基本颜色定义; 基本原始羽色; 基本色; 基本色彩双语例句In order to illustrate these basic components, we will use a simple XML fragment from an application dealing with readings from colorimeters ( devices that measure colors using tri-stimulus readings). 为了说明这些基本组件,我们将使用处理色度计(用三基色法读数测量颜色的设备)读数的应用程序中一段简单的XML片段。The speaker, Bruce Sullivan, a self-described "relationship specialist," proposed that people can be divided into four basic personality types, which he labeled with colors. To express oneself in or as if in aphorisms. 这位称自己为关系专家的发言人建议人们能够按照四种基本的性格类型来划分。One method, called additive, starts with three basic colors and adds them together to produce some other colors. 一种叫加色法,通过把三种基本颜色相叠加以产生其他色彩。They are two basic colors, albino and sable ( reddish-brown). 它们有两种基本颜色,白色和深褐色。Though his basic pictorial description may be engagingly pragmatic, Kang consciously chooses solitude colors that are very far from real but closer to surreal. 虽然他纯粹的图像描写已经极富魅力,姜亨九却有意识地选择冷艳的、脱离真实更接近于超现实的色彩。In some cases, the colors in the Basic Parameters rollout of Raytrace material behave differently from colors in standard materials. 在一些情况下,在光线追踪材质基本参数卷展栏(BasicParameters)中的颜色的作用不同于标准材质中的颜色。Artists consider the basic colors to be red, yellow, and blue, but scientists say they are red, green, and blue. 美术家认为基色是红、黄、蓝;可是科学家却说成红、绿、蓝。An abstract, simple, reductionist style with absence of all but basic formal elements and primary colors. ( U.S.mid-20th century) 美国20世纪中期兴起的一种艺术流派,其特点是抽象、简单、微缩,即把作品简略到基本抽象成分。White is the basic colors, and decorations are in red, green, blue, purple and black. 以白色为底色,配以红色、绿色、蓝色、紫色和黑色。In chapter one we introduce the basic theory of printed colors, expounding the feeling, feature of colors and expression ways of mixed color system. 第一章介绍了印刷色彩学的基本理论。该章叙述了颜色的感觉,属性及混色系统的表示方法。The teaching of basic colors is one of the basic links in the teaching of fine arts. It has its own rigorous teaching procedure and training system. 基础色彩教学是美术教学的基础环节,它有着严谨的教学程序和系统的训练体系。Focusing on ten basic colors, the paper illustrates and analyzes the unique meanings of color terms in business English. 本文从英语学习中常见的十种基本颜色词汇的基本词义入手,对颜色词在商务环境中独特的词义进行了分析和概述。In the alkali-boron-silicon system basic fluxing agent, we use the combined effects of alkali metals, alkali earth metals and admixtures to replace lead, in order to produce environment-protecting unleaded fluxing agent for overglaze colors with low bismuth. 在碱-硼-硅系统基础熔剂中引入外加剂,通过多种碱金属、碱土金属及外加剂等复合效应来代替铅在熔剂中的作用进而研制低铋环保型无铅熔剂。Teaching and Training of Basic Colors 浅谈基础色彩的教学与训练Harmony and contrast, cool and warm, self-values, all are the basic factors of the application of colors. 谐调与对比,冷暖和自身价值,是色彩运用的基本要素。According to two basic features of an image& edge and color, this method used colors to represent special information in HSI color space after obtaining a gray fusion image. 该算法从边缘、色彩这两个图像的基本特征着手,在灰度融合图像的基础上,基于HSI空间,用色彩体现特殊传感器的独有信息。Watercolor is one of the most important basic courses of the arts teaching, two points should be implemented. One is that we should always develop students 'sensation of colors, which is the ultimate aim of the training. 水彩是美术课教学中最重要的基础课之一,在水彩课教学过程中,始终贯彻的重点有两个:一是培养训练学生的色彩感,这是色彩训练的最终目的;Based on the principle of three basic colors, the commonly used pseudocolor coding methods, the multislits coding method and the reference beam coding method, are analyzed. 在三基色原理的基础上,分析了彩虹全息图的两种假彩色编码方法&多狭缝编码方法和参考光编码方法;The basic graphics card designed has many hardware drawing functions, 16M colors. The XGA adapter interface has two methods for users to call, that is assembler and C forms. 我们设计的基本图形卡有多种硬件作图功能,彩色种类为16M,实现的XGA适配器接口则以汇编和C两种方式供用户调用XGA的绘图功能使用。Decoration engineers use the basic elements, such as colors, lights and shadows, materials, contents, natural factors and other accessories to express the national cultural faith and religion quest. 建筑装饰艺术利用其基本的造型元素,如色彩、光影、材质、内容、自然要素、附属陈设等表达了一套完整的建筑装饰特征和深邃的民族文化内涵。According to theories of production value, the design of transferring equipment will consider these factors, such as setting, basic forms, patterns, styles, colors, functions of new information and so on. 依据产品价值理论对中转设备的摆放方式、基本形态、造型风格、色彩、新型信息功能等多方面进行要素设计。I collected and sorted the maps. And on the basis of the basic theories about color, I analyzed the colors of the maps and summarized the characteristic and the principle of the maps 'colors. 对地图资料进行收集和分类,根据色彩学基本理论,对各种地图的用色进行了分析,总结出地图用色的特点和规律,丰富了地图用色理论。The basic languages of painting lines, colors, are very suitable to shape and describe the soft, colorful patterns of women. 绘画基本语言中的线条、色彩,都非常适合用于塑造和描绘女性的柔美、缤纷多姿的形态。Based on the modern Chinese vocabulary learning and teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the author researches the basic colors words that exist in modern Chinese and analyzes the errors that have been made by foreign students in this thesis. 本论题立足于现代汉语词汇学以及对外汉语教学,对现代汉语中的基本颜色词进行研究,并针对留学生出现的偏误进行了分析。In a certain extent, it is proposed the productivity theory, we not only get the basic vision of historical materialism and have a real understanding of the true colors of history, but also have an important effect on the transformation of society and promoting social production. 从一定程度上来讲,正是生产力理论的提出,我们不仅获得了历史唯物主义的基本视野,对历史的本来面目有了真正的认识,也对改造社会,促进社会生产的起到了推动作用。The basic idea of the marking policy is to change the distribution of bandwidth through changing the marking probability with different colors of package. 该标记策略的基本思想是通过改变标记不同颜色的包的概率来改变流带宽的分布。One of their paths is that they consider humanity as basic point and the ultimate point of some divine colors as the Aesthetic "Redemption" content and show the ultimate concern of life. 其路径之一即是以人性为基点,以带有某种神性色彩的终极指向为审美救赎内涵,展现对生命的终极关怀。As a member of Chinese basic vocabulary, colors, word of the development and evolution are interesting taste. 作为汉语基本词汇的成员,颜色词的发展和演变都饶有情趣。
72 评论


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