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1分钟前发布 -【recently作时间状语用什么时候?】 10月19日讯: recently作时间状语用什么时候?recently作时间状语用现在完成时,具体内容如下。现在完成时态由"have/has+过去分词"构成,主要有两个含义: ①表示动作发生在过去,但与现在的情况有联系,有时无时间状语,有时和一些表示不确定的过去时间状语连用,如:many times,just,yet,ever,never,already,before,so far, by now等连用。 ②表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在并还可能继续延续下去的动作,用于延续性动词,且句中常带有表示一段时间的时间状语,如:for two months, so far等。
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monolingualadj.单语的; 只用一种语言的复数:monolinguals牛津词典adj.单语的;只用一种语言的speaking or using only one languagea monolingual dictionary单语词典 柯林斯词典ADJ 单语的;只使用一种语言的Monolingual means involving, using, or speaking one language....a largely monolingual country such as Great Britain.像英国这样主要使用一种语言的国家 双语例句As many people in America are discovering, being monolingual is no laughing matter. 很多美国人都逐渐发现,只会一种语言,不再是一件好事了。For monolingual adults, the mean age for the first signs of dementia is 71.4. 对于只讲一种语言的成人,初现痴呆症状的平均年龄是71.4。When the children were asked to press a button to switch between images of animals to images of colors, the bilingual children did this faster than the monolingual children. 当孩子们被要求按下按钮在动物图片和彩绘图片中切换时,和只会一种语言的孩子相比,会讲两种语言的孩子们完成得更快。The study involved having bilingual and monolingual children look at images of animals or depictions of colors on a computer screen. 研究中,会讲两种语言和只会讲一种语言的孩子看着电脑屏幕上动物的图片或者彩色的描绘。The study involved having participants complete a cognitive flexibility task; while monolingual and bilingual adults were both able to complete the task, the bilingual adults did it more quickly and certain parts of their brains used less energy to do so. 在这一研究中,两类人群都被要求完成一项考验认知灵活性的任务。虽然他们都可以完成,但会讲外语的人们完成得更快,而且他们大脑中的特定区域消耗了更少的能量。Gold and his team found that bilingual people were not only able to switch tasks faster they had different brain activity than their monolingual peers. 古尔德和他的团队发现,说两种语言的人不仅转换任务的速度更快,而且他们大脑的活跃程度也同说一种语言的同龄人不同。Now let me put it this way, if I met a monolingual Dutch speaker who had the cure for cancer, would I stop him from entering my British University? 现在容我换一个方式说,如果我遇到了一位只会说荷兰话的人,而这个人能治愈癌症,我会阻止他进入我的英国大学吗?By looking words up in a monolingual dictionary, you can make sure that the word or phrase you choose actually means what you think it does. 通过在单语词典里查找单词,你能保证你选择的单词或短语实际上表达了你想的意思。First, Gold and his team asked 30 people, who were either bilingual or monolingual, to look at a series of colored shapes and respond with the name of each shape by pushing a button. 首先,古尔德和他的团队让30个人看一系列有颜色的形状,然后按下按钮回答他们看到的是哪种形状,这30个人中既有说一种语言也有会说两种语言的人。Research by Australian universities has shown that a monolingual country often performs worse in international trade and diplomacy. 澳大利亚大学的研究表明,单语国家通常在国际贸易和外交中表现不佳。The method first constructs a paraphrase corpus by automatically translating a bilingual parallel corpus into a monolingual parallel corpus, from which candidate paraphrases for words are extracted. 该方法首先利用翻译引擎将双语平行语料库自动转换为单语平行语料库,以此构建复述语料库并用于候选复述的抽取。Assumption on the Compilation of a Simple Monolingual Learner's Dictionary of Chinese as a Foreign Language 编纂简明汉语单语系列学习词典的构想Earlier and recent psychological studies show that bilingual children are more resourceful and complex intellectually when compared with their monolingual peers. 早年与近年的语言心理研究都显示,学双语的儿童,思想结构比只学单语的儿童复杂。If such a view were to prevail, Singapore would eventually become a monolingual society and the bilingual policy would exist only in name. 如果让这种主张占主导,到头来,新加坡必成为单语社会,双语政策名存实亡。Research of Monolingual Word Alignment Based on Feature Integration 基于特征融合的单语词对齐方法研究The Cognitive Linguistic Approach on Chilton s Time-Space Metaphor; Research of Monolingual Word Alignment Based on Feature Integration 对齐尔顿时空隐喻的认知语言学分析基于特征融合的单语词对齐方法研究Many researches indicate that bilingual children are more sensitive and quick than monolingual children. 很多的研究表明双语小孩比单语小孩在对语言的理解上有更高的敏感性,思维方式也更灵活。The monolingual foreign learners 'dictionaries of Chinese are quite different from those for native speakers. 对外汉语学习单语词典与给本国人使用的词典有很大的不同。Third, culture can be used in a monolingual/ monocultural and multilingual/ multicultural setting. 第三,文化能在单语言和文化的背景中使用,也能在多语言和文化的背景中使用。Monolingual advanced learners 'dictionary ( ALD) of English has established its distinctive features and principles of compilation. 英语高阶学习词典已形成自己鲜明的特色和编纂原则。Based on the study of three bilingual dictionaries on mechanical engineering and other monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, this paper analyzed some problems of illustrations in the bilingual dictionary on engineering science and technology published in recent years; 本文从三本机械工程专业词典谈起,分析了近年来双语科技词典中关于插图方面的问题,评述其插图的个性、必要性和可行性;Method of deriving definition primitives from a monolingual dictionary 从单语词典中获取定义原语的一种方法The current work focuses on the derivation of definition primitives from a monolingual dictionary. 文中主要讨论了从单语词典中获取定义原语的方法。No matter in monolingual or bilingual countries, there is successful bilingual education. Australian bilingual education is a classic example. 双语教育不管是在单语国家还是在双语国家都有成功的典型,澳大利亚的双语教育,就是一个成功的典型。Illustrations in Monolingual Dictionaries& Their Functions 单语词典中的例证及其功能Most of the existing research is focused on similarity measurement of monolingual texts. 目前大多数的研究都仅针对单语言的文本相似度,即相同语言的文本之间的相似度。In this paper, we summarize the status of research in this field and proposed a method considering the characteristics of Chinese and Japanese to automatic extract the Chinese-Japanese NE translation equivalents based on inductive learning from monolingual corpora. 本文总结了该领域的研究现状,并结合汉语和日语的特点,提出了一种新的基于归纳学习法的单语语料库命名实体翻译对自动抽取方法。In Wikipedia, parallel or comparable bilingual resources exist in two parallel or comparable monolingual web pages. 维基百科中双语平行或可比较资源是完全存在于两个平行或可比较的单语网页中。Lots of bilingual countries even monolingual countries did bilingual experiments and had great achievements. 许多双语国家甚至单语国家陆续实施双语教育实验并获得重大成功。With the increase of international communication, it also frequently happens in monolingual communities such as China. 随着国际间交往的发展,语码转换也频繁的在中国这样的单语社区中发生。 英英释义nouna person who knows only one languageadjusing or knowing only one languagemonolingual speakersa monolingual dictionary
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branch address转移地址双语例句A program references storage using the effective address computed by the processor when it executes a Storage Access or Branch instruction or when it fetches the next sequential instruction. 在程序执行StorageAccess或Branch指令或者在存取下一条顺序指令时,它将使用处理器计算出的有效地址引用存储设备。Hbr hint_trigger,$ register& This tells the processor that the branch instruction at the relative address hint_trigger is likely to branch to the address specified in register$ register. hbrhinttrigger,$register&告诉处理器相对地址hinttrigger处的分支指令可能会跳转到寄存器$register所指定的地址。Finally, bi$ lr(" branch indirect") branches to the address specified in the link register ( the return address), thus returning from the function. 最后,bi$lr(branchindirect)分支跳转到在链接寄存器内指定的地址(返回地址),进而从函数返回。You cannot do branch hinting directly in C/ C++ because you have neither the address of the branch nor the target. 在C/C++中无法直接进行分支提示,这是因为既没有分支地址,也没有分支目标。The new branch will open on 1st March and from that date all orders and inquiries should be sent to Mr. Wang Lo at the above address, instead of to our London office. 新办事处将于三月一日开业,今后所有的订单和询价请按上述地址送到王洛先生那,而不是伦敦办公室。BTAC Branch Target Address Calculator 分支目标寻址计算器During the branch, the CPU examines the least significant bit ( LSb) of the destination address to determine the new state. 在分支时,CPU会检查目标地址的最低有效位(LSB),以确定新的状态。Because of the rapid development of our business in Asia, we think it's necessary to open a branch at the following address. 鉴于我们在亚洲地区业务的快速发展,有必要在下列地点设立分成公司。You can also report for any branch address problem with the build-in feedback email feature. 用户也能通过内置的报料邮件功能,给我们提供更准确的银行地址资料。According the record of the branch information, BTB can effectively predict the branch behavior and the target address of the latter instruction stream. Compared to other routine branch prediction technologies, BTB is more effective and easier to implement based on VLSI. BTB通过对分支历史信息的记录,有效的预测后续指令流中分支的行为及其目标地址,较之其它常规分支预测技术更为有效,并利于VLSI实现。The research on branch prediction includes the use of history information, branch instruction address mapping and state transition. 分支预测算法的研究包括分支历史信息的处理,分支指令地址的映射,状态转换等。Similar to branch prediction, value prediction and address predictions have received considerable interest in recent years. 近年来前瞻技术引起了人们广泛的研究兴趣,其中包括分支预测技术、值预测技术和地址预测技术等。It consists of two sections. Section One shows how to branch out the teaching of Chinese address terms according to the existing textbook of Chinese for foreign communication which includes the contents of texts, vocabularies, annotations and exercises. 主要由以下两节组成:第一节讲述如何依据对外汉语教材进行汉语称谓语教学:分别是依据课文内容、课后单词、课后注释、课后练习部分出现的汉语称谓语进行教授。
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language system网络语言系统; 房近语言学校; 语言体系; 话语系统双语例句ODBC works by acting as a twofold interface or connector design: First, as a programming language system to an ODBC system and second, as an ODBC system to a data storage system. ODBC的作用是充当接口或连接器,它具有双重设计目标:首先,对于ODBC系统,它充当的是编程语言系统,其次,对于数据存储系统,它充当的是ODBC系统。Until recently, researchers thought the bilingual advantage stemmed primarily from an ability for inhibition that was honed by the exercise of suppressing one language system: this suppression, it was thought, would help train the bilingual mind to ignore distractions in other contexts. 之前,研究者们一直认为双语的优势主要来自在压制一种语言系统的实战中得到强化的抑制能力:一般认为这种抑制力能够帮助训练双语思维来忽略其他环境的干扰。With the guarantees offered by the Common Language System, you should be able to maintain your legacy assets as DLLs while writing new code in IronPython. 通用语言系统(CommonLanguageSystem)保证我们可以将遗留代码保存为DLL的同时使用IronPython编写新的代码。The paper mainly introduces a solution which shows how to carrying out binary executable code in interpreter language system. 文章重点介绍了在解释执行环境中处理二进制可执行代码的一种有效方案。Shangrao dialects belong to Chinese-Tibet language system, thus to the ESL learners Shangrao dialects will greatly influence the correct phonology of English in vowels, consonants and intonation. 作为汉语的一种地域变体,上饶方言具有结构系统上的自身特点,其元音、辅音和语调都与英语语音有较大的差别。The approximate language system that a second language learner constructs which represents his or her transitional competence in the target language. 第二语言学习这在学习过程中所构建的近乎目标语的语言体系,它体现了学习者在目标学习的过渡性语言能力。Zhuang language is the language of the Zhuang nationality. Like Chinese, it belongs to the Sino-Tibet language system. 壮语是壮族的语言,和汉语一样,也属于汉藏语系。Words and phrases is an integration of pronounciation, meaning and grammar; is the basic of a language study; and also is the life backbone of a language system. 词汇是语音、语义和语法三者统一的整体,是语言的基础,是语言大系统赖以生存的支柱。The Image of the Words and the Beauty of the Silence& On the Interaction of Being and Nothingness; Language is the contrastive combination of the language system and the linguistic phenomena. 有言之象与无言之美&有无相生论略语言是语言系统和语言现象的对立统一。Those reports have reflected an inequality system of one nation and race and maintained, copied and confirmed by a shared language system inside society members. 它依然反映了一个种族的不平等系统,是由社会内部成员共享的话语体系来维持、复制和巩固的。In the latter chapter of this article, we will compare to the realization detail of other constraint database'laguage in order to expand the function of commom database language system. 本文在后面几章中扩铺了普通数据库的语言功能,使其能够在二元约束数据库上实现。Although language and thought are two different systems that develop along two different routes, part of the language system is actually part of the thought system. 虽然语言和思维是两个不同的体系并沿两条不同的路线发展,但实际上,语言体系中的某些部分也是思维体系的一部分。A Study on the Application of Unified Medical Language System to Search Engine 一体化医学语言系统在搜索引擎中的应用研究The ostensible opposition between translatability and intranslatahihy overshadows the focus on different aspects of the language system. 不可译性与可译性之间表面的对立所遮蔽的是二者对语言不同层面的关注。The Cultural Communication between China and Western Countries and the Form of Contemporary Chinese Language System 中西文化交流与现代汉语体系的形成Auditing to categorization of concept semantic types in the Unified Medical Language System 一体化医学语言系统中概念语义类型的分类审核Chinese Language System and Cultural Infiltration during Teaching Chinese as A Second Language 汉语语言系统及对外汉语教学中的文化渗透Language is the contrastive combination of the language system and the linguistic phenomena. 语言是语言系统和语言现象的对立统一。The aesthetic characteristic of Chinese wash painting color is running after the black, and also has its own unique language system, with high aesthetic and artistic significance. 中国水墨画的色彩审美有着尚黑的特点,并形成了独特的墨色语言系统,具有高度的艺术性和审美意义。As early as in1998, Southwest University of Nationalities developed a Tibetan language system for computers. 早在1998年,西南民族大学就研制成功了计算机藏文系统。Learner's inter-language fossilized some way short of target language competence while the internalized rule system contained rules that are different from those of the target language system. 学习者的语际语在未到达目的语言能力时,就发生了僵化,此时其内在化的规则体系与目的语语言体系所包含的规则不尽相同。As one category of the whole language system, the context of culture in the western advertising language is sure to be capitalist commodity economy. 作为整个语言系统的一大类别,西方广告语言的文化语境必然是资本主义商品经济。A language system, based on couple-dance, where every gesture performed by a "speaker" and followed by a guided "listener" carries meaning. 这种语言系统是建立在双人舞的基础上,每一个动作所代表的意思由一个“说话人”来表演并由一个被指引的“听众”所跟随。Restriction of individual language system; 具体语言系统的限制性;Deixis is a popular and universal language phenomenon, which reflects the relationship between language and context in the language system. 指示语是语言中带有普遍性的现象,它是语言和语境的关系在语言体系中的反映。The language user has to express his meaning through different modes of choice of structural and lexical patterns in the language system. 符号系统或者系统网络中存在不同程度的空缺现象。语言使用者需要在现有的系统中,通过选择不同的结构模式和词汇模式来表达自己的意义。A functional language system with embedded construction for representing procedural knowledge is designed and implemented. 文中设计一个嵌入式函数语言系统,此系统用于过程性知识表示。Li Culture and Chinese Language System 礼文化和汉语言系统The internet vocabulary is the most active in the internet language system. 网络词汇在网络语言系统中最开放、最活跃、最具特色。Language system, Human Thinking and Language Acquisition 语言体系、人类思维以及语言习得 英英释义nouna system of linguistic units or elements used in a particular language
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    【词语】: 三令五申【拼音】: sān lìng wǔ shēn【解释】:令:命令;申:表达,说明。多次命令和告诫。【出处】:《史记·孙子吴起列传》:“约束既布,乃设铁钺,即三令五申之。”汉·张衡《东京赋》:“三令五申,示戮斩牲。”

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