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1分钟前发布 -【汉语教学中的情感因素】http://www.zjks.cc 10月19日讯: 汉语教学中的情感因素在语言学习过程中,各种情感因素交织在一起,共同影响学习效果。对语言学习产生影响的情感因素主要指学习动机、学习态度、性格和自信心。1、动机。动机(motivation)在情感因素中占极其重要的地位。调查结果发现,在影响第二语言学习的诸因素中,动机占33%,学能占33%,智力占20%,其他占14%。动机是激励个体从事某种行为的内在动力,常表现为为达到某种目的而付出努力的愿望。2、态度。态度是构成动机的主要因素之一。它是个体对某种客观事物的评价性反应,是在对事物了解的基础上产生情感上的褒贬好恶,并反映出对之采取行动的倾向性。学习态度大体上可以分为积极态度、一般态度和消极态度三种。对于汉语学习来说,这三种不同态度是会大大影响语言学习效果的。3、性格。性格对于第二语言学习非常重要,个性特征是重要的情感因素。外向性格和内向性格在学习语言的时候有明显的不同。外向型的学习者喜欢多说话,愿意交际,不怕犯错误,这就能获得较多的语言输入和输出的机会,特别有利于强调快速反应的口语能力的提高。而内向型性格的学习者由于不爱说话,不爱交际,可能在口语能力的提高方面慢一些,但在、阅读理解及写作能力方面钻研较深。对于不同性格的学习者,教师应针对不同特点因材施教,扬长避短。4、自信。自信,指的是个人对自己的评价并习惯性地以这种评价关注自己。它用一种赞同或反对的态度来表达对自己的成功与价值的相信范围。简言之,自信是个人对自己所持的一种价值判断。具有高度自信的学习者能更积极主动的学习,不怕犯错误,能得到更多的机会练习并提高语言运用能力。来源:儒森对外汉语进修学校
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pattern grammar网络型式语法; 模式语法; 模型语法双语例句On the Syntactic Pattern and Alignment of Coordinate Items in the Coordinate Structure; A Europeanized Grammar: Combination between Intensifier and Coordinate Structure 并列结构中并列项的句法结构和序列一种欧化现象:程度副词与并列结构的组合&兼谈对外汉语教学中的偏误分析Pattern analysis should be definite: Sentence pattern is the pattern that is analyzed in terms of grammar. 句型划分应层次化:句型是依特定语法标准按层次划分出来的类型。The foreword introduces the definition of You sentence pattern, the significance and value of this study, its grammar and study idea, the source of corpus. 前言介绍由字句的界定、本研究的意义和价值、所采用的语法理论及研究思路、语料来源。In this article, the author queries the Chinese sentence pattern A or AB, a frequent expression in news, film media and school campuses and presents its difference from Chinese traditional negative and positive sentence patterns in three grammatical aspects ( syntax, semantics and grammar). 文章针对流行于新闻、影视媒体及校园言语中的A不AB谓语句用于正反问句的现象提出质疑,并从语言三个平面找出它与传统正反问句的区别。In the fourth part we use the modem linguistics theories to explain the factors which have influenced and constrained the adverbials 'distribution in "bei" sentence pattern from the language itself ( rhythm, semantics and grammar) and the cognitive points. 第四部分运用现代语言学理论从语言本体(韵律、语义、语法)和认知角度解释了影响和制约被字句中状语分布的因素。This paper discusses and analyzes the "ABB" pattern in Yichang dialect, which is a kind of language pattern of overlapped adjectives from structure, grammar function and way of expression aspects, and the sources of this language pattern from historical language angle as well. ABB式为宜昌话一叠缀形容词格式,本文从结构方式、句法功能和表达特点等方面对其一一予以论析,并从历史语言的角度探讨、分析这一话语模式的语源关系。In this dissertation, We select You sentence pattern to do some research, under the guidance of three-dimensions grammar, valency grammar, case grammar and speech act theory, try our best to do more comprehensive analysis and description of You sentence pattern. 本文选定由字句作为研究对象,在三维语法、配价语法、格语法、言语行为等现代语言学理论与方法的指导下,力求对由字句作比较全面的分析和描写。Onomatopoeic words with AB pattern and their different construction own different grammar meaning. AB式及其不同重叠形式的拟声词表示的语法意义不同。In order to determine sentence pattern of a certain language, we are supposed to study its grammar, that is, analyze grammatical unit, grammatical structure and kinds of grammatical phenomenon. 研究一种语言的语法,分析它的语法单位、语法结构和各种语法现象,其中目的之一,是为了确定句型。The verbal combined structure is a common pattern in the grammar of Modern Chinese. 动词性联合结构是现代汉语中常见的结构形式,但其内部各联合项位次的排列情况是十分复杂的。Such sentence pattern is regular in Jin Wen Shang Shu but later develops into a common law in ancient Chinese grammar. 这种句式在今文《尚书》却很常见,并且后来发展成为古代汉语语法的普遍规律。In recent twenty years, the studies on the grammar of titles include the study on the special words and grammar pattern, the study on the nature and function of language and the comprehensive study on the grammar of titles. 总结了近20年来标题语法研究的主要内容:特殊词语和语法格式的研究、标题语言性质和功能的研究、标题语法的综合研究;The special pattern is an important content in modern Chinese grammar study. 特殊句式是现代汉语语法研究中的重要内容。The sentence pattern is the objective existence one kind of grammar phenomenon, Is important condition which the sentence forms. 句型是客观存在的一种语法现象,是句子形成的重要条件。The Syntactic analysis of 'A+ I' Pattern in English in this thesis is carried out within the framework of Generative Grammar. 本文在生成语法的理论框架下详细分析了英语A+I结构。The sentence pattern information is acquired from the co-occurrent information between trees and grammar rules. 根据句法树和文法之间共现的关系,对句型信息进行建模。The content of teaching contains pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence pattern and grammar in English textbook. Language skills are including listening, speaking, reading and writing. 它包含语音、词汇、句型、语法等教学内容,还有听、说、读、写语言技能的学习活动。Through the investigation, it can help us understand the pattern of china dialects, what results can the morphology of different development bring out, and what kind of role to play in the grammar system. 通过考察,可以帮助我们认识在汉语的一种方言里,形态究竟能有多大程度的发展,能在语法系统中起怎样的作用。
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