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1分钟前发布 -【every time 引导什么结构?】http://www.zjks.cc 10月18日讯: every time 引导什么结构?every time后面引导的是时间状语从句,主将从现
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everytime引导的时间状语从句例句?Every time这个短语表示每次,可以做连词,引导一个时间状语从句,Every time引导的从句,可以放在主语主句之前,也可以放在主句之后。例如,Every time they see me, they always ask the same question.每次他们见到我,总是问相同的问题。She is always there every time I have difficulty in learning english.
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golden key贿赂(金)双语例句The golden key to happiness, to health and fortune, too. 金钥匙,以快乐,健康和财富,太。Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass: there was nothing on it but a tiny golden key, and Alice's first idea was that this might belong to one of the doors of the hall; but alas! 突然,她发现了一张三条腿的小桌,桌子是玻璃做的。桌上除了一把很小的金钥匙,什么也没有,爱丽丝一下就想到这钥匙可能是哪个门上的。So he scraped the snow away, and while he was thus clearing the ground he found a small golden key. 于是他把雪扒到一边,清理出一块地方来,这时他发现了一把小小的金钥匙。In2007, Sectary of the Party Committee of CDPF Wang Xinxian and vice-chairman Sun Xiande visited Golden Key Research Center. 2007年,中国残联党组书记王新宪和副理事长孙先德到金钥匙中心慰问。A golden key will open every lock. 金钥匙可以打开每一把锁。Love is the foundation and prerequisite for education students is a golden key to open the minds of students, the key is to establish good relations between teachers and students. 师爱是教育学生的基础和前提,是打开学生心扉的一把金钥匙,是建立良好师生关系的关键。In2009, Vice-Director of CDPF Cheng Kai inspected Golden Key Research Center. 2009年,中国残联党组成员、副理事长程凯到金钥匙中心视察。A golden key opens every door. 金钥匙可打开每扇门(钱能通神)。It is such a common rectangular blackboard, but it is the golden key to the door of the treasure house of knowledge. 就这样一个普通的长方形黑板,可却是通往知识宝库的金钥匙。He is the golden key to success. 他是我们通向成功的金钥匙。What is it about? The golden key project? “金钥匙工程”?它是干什么的?Quality& the golden key for Hyundai to get hot 质量&现代公司走向振兴的钥匙She started to leave the room but accidentally dropped the little golden key in the pool of blood. 她开始要离开房间,但一不小心把金色小钥匙掉落在那滩血泊中。Teaching language is the golden key to introducing students into the storehouse of knowledge. 教学语言是教师引导学生开启知识宝库的金钥匙。Finally he was rewarded a big golden key handed over from the Mayer of Hollywood City. 最后好莱坞市市长交给郎朗一把金钥匙,恭喜他成为好莱坞市的荣誉市民。The Shanghai Tourism Administrative Commission held a brief party for the lucky visitor in the airport, awarding him a credit certificate and a golden key as gifts. 上海旅游管理局在机场为这位幸运游客举行了一个简短的庆祝活动并向他颁发了荣誉证书和一把金钥匙作为礼物。Urumqi is just a golden key, with which you will open the gate to mysterious West china. 乌鲁木就是一把金钥匙,她将为你打开神秘的中国西部大门。Self-study is the golden key to the treasure-trove of knowledge. 自学是打开知识宝库的一把金钥匙。Bluebeard noticed that her hands were shaking and quickly searched for the little golden key. 蓝胡子注意到她的手在发抖,于是很快地找那把金色小钥匙。She tried the little golden key in the lock, and to her great delight it fitted. 她把小小的金钥匙插到锁眼里一试,不禁大为高兴,正合适!Shen Congwen deliberately established a mysterious "water" image which was a golden key to opening the writer's hidden heart and understanding the works. 沈从文精心建构了一个奇特的“水”意象,对它的解读是我们开启作家隐秘心扉和理解作品的一把金钥匙;We strongly believe that Tian Lai will set sail from Chongqing with this multi-purpose Golden Key and open the door to home for every guest and property owner of Tian Lai! 我们坚信,天来将带着这把万能的金钥匙从重庆启航,为每位莅临天来的客人和每位业主开启回家之门!Golden Key lets you enjoy super-star normalized service. 金钥匙更让您感受高星级酒店的服务规范。Find the excitation source for happiness, is the golden key to developing effective financial planning. 找到激发幸福感的源动力,才是制定有效财务规划的金钥匙。SENTENCE STRESS is GOLDEN KEY NUMBER TWO for speaking and understanding English. 句子中的重读是学会说和听英语的第二把金钥匙。What Can Golden Key Service Center Bring to Guests? 金钥匙一键通服务中心给客人带来了什么?Golden key to innovation exists in engineering practice 从工程实践中不断发现创新的金钥匙&关于防水技术认知与创新的一些体会The appraisal in Chinese-training class is a golden key for the foreign students to study Chinese actively. 对外汉语教师的课堂评价语言是扣开留学生心扉,激发他们学习积极性的一把金钥匙。Efficient material supply management is the golden key to corporate earnings. 有效的物资供应管理是企业盈利的金钥匙。The view of writing is a golden key to open the world of writer. 创作观是打开作家创作世界的金钥匙。
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intermediate stage间(中)期双语例句Textile products imported in an intermediate stage may, in lieu of being labeled, be accompanied by an invoice with the required information. 并对处于过渡阶段的进口纺织品可以以符合要求内容的发票来代替标签。The charge is conserved not only from "before" to "after" but also at every intermediate stage of the process. 电荷不仅由衰变前到衰变后是守恒的,而且在衰变过程的每一个中间的阶段也都是守恒的。The Rise of Wen Hua confronting Pian San in Intermediate Stage of Southern Song Dynasty& On Zhu Xi and Li Liu 文话的兴起与南宋中期文章骈散的对峙&以朱熹、李刘为例The grazing behavior in early and intermediate stage of grassland contract was analyzed by employing the model of growth and consumption in pasture system, into which the discount rate was introduced. 利用牧草生长-消费模型,引入贴现影响,分析了牧民接手草地后的承包前期和中期放牧行为。Formulation in the near future, intermediate stage, forward plan, goal. 制定近期、中期、远期计划、目标。This country is now at an intermediate stage of development. 这个国家目前正处于发展的中间阶段。The Blood Serum C-Response Protein Level the Clinical Research which Relates in the Pregnancy Intermediate Stage and the Premature Delivery 血清C反应蛋白水平在妊娠中期与早产关系的临床研究The pupa is at an intermediate stage of development; it is intermediate between the egg and the adult butterfly. 蛹是蝴蝶发育的中间阶段,介於卵和成虫之间。This article after the determination goal, the self-understanding as well as the goal determined how should I do plan now, the short intermediate stage study and the professional profession. 本文通过确定目标、自我认识以及目标确定后我该怎么做来规划现在、短中期学习及职业生涯。The cells seem to flip directly [ from exocrine to beta cells] within three days, without going through an intermediate stage, said Prof Melton. 梅尔顿教授表示:这些细胞看起来在3天内就完成(从外分泌细胞到β细胞的)直接转换,不需要经过一个中间阶段。Combination of Emulsion with TACE in the treatment of intermediate stage hepatoma: toxic reactions and clinical effect 榄香烯乳联合肝动脉化疗栓塞治疗中期肝癌的毒性反应和临床疗效研究But we shall certainly find more than one intermediate stage between these two forms; 在这两种婚姻形式之间,我们无疑还会发现某些中间阶段;China is now in the intermediate stage of rapid industrialization and urbanization and will build a host of new industrial parks and residential communities in an intensive manner in the future. 中国目前正处于快速实现工业化和城市化的中期,未来将集中建设一大批新工业园区和新城区;In the intermediate stage guerrilla warfare will become primary and regular warfare supplementary, because the enemy will be holding on to the areas he has occupied and we will be preparing for the counter-offensive but will not yet be ready to launch it. 中间阶段,由于敌人保守占领地、我虽准备反攻但尚不能实行反攻的情况,游击战争将表现为主要形态,而辅之以正规战;Referring to an intermediate stage of education usually centering on grades 6 or 7 through 8 or 9. 指教育的中间阶段,常位于六、七年级到八、九年级之间。The two beam coupling in the Ce ∶ KNSBN crystal has been investigated experimentally as a function of intensity and temperature, and analyzed by using the intermediate stage theory and band transport model. The experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical predictions. 对Ce∶KNSBN晶体双光束耦合的强度和温度特性进行了实验研究.用双光束耦合的中间段理论和带导模型对其进行了理论分析.实验与理论结果基本一致。In general, the industrialization in western Regions is now striding forward to an intermediate stage. 西部地区的工业化总体上进入到了由初级向中级迈进的阶段。From the nationwide angle, the urbanization level in China is in an intermediate stage with a quickening development; 从全国来看,中国城镇化发展水平应该是处于加速发展的中级阶段;The intermediate stage& strokes and the parts play a joint role; 中级阶段是笔画和部件共同发挥作用的阶段;After that, the thesis carries out an analysis of the status quo of the grammar teaching mode in the intermediate stage, and points out its advantages and disadvantages. 进而对中级阶段对外汉语语法教学模式的现状进行了分析,指出了其长处和不足。The style research on the external Chinese is a new research hot spot and has important theoretical and practical significance. In this paper, we explore and investigate the teaching of reading comprehension in external Chinese based on the written language for intermediate stage. 对外汉语语体研究是一个新的研究热点,有重要的理论和实践意义,本研究探讨和研究的是基于书面语的中级阶段对外汉语阅读理解教学。The paper has carried on the analysis to the head forming. The forming process phase divides into three stages based the results: formed initial period, the formed intermediate stage and the formed later period. 分析了封头的成形过程,结果表明封头成形过程可分为成形初期、中期和后期三个阶段。In intermediate stage, by identify jump keywords, assembly code is divided into basic blocks. 中间处理首先对汇编代码划分基本块,论文提出的方法是通过识别跳转关键字的方式来进行划分。The secondary vocational education, as a necessary part of educational undertakings, is the intermediate stage of the vocational education, which provided a large number of practical talents, improved the quality of the national and supported national economic development. 中职教育,是职业教育的中级阶段,属于教育事业不可缺少的一部分,它为各个国家培养了一批批实用型技术人才,提高了国民的素质,支持了国家经济的发展。Our country at present is being in the industrialization the intermediate stage, the industrialization advancement obviously speeds up, the industrial structure and the consumption pattern promote day by day, more and more is also big to the energy demand. 我国目前正处于工业化的中期阶段,工业化进程明显加快,产业结构和消费结构日益升级,对能源的需求也越来越大。In addition, from Chinese teaching stage to see, intermediate stage is a "bottleneck", most students at this stage in the study of the" plain "stage, in a very long time hard to have" improved by leaps and bounds "learning achievement. 另外,从汉语教学的阶段性来看,中级阶段是个瓶颈,大多数学生到了这个阶段会进入学习的平原期,在很长时间内很难有突飞猛进的学习成就感。The enterprise in intermediate stage growth must break through the limit of region and industry, and seeks large-scale and the multiplex development. 成长中期的企业要突破地域和行业的限制,谋求大规模和多元化发展。China is now in the intermediate stage of the Modernization urbanization. The demand for electricity grows continuously and steadily which drives the power equipment market developing rapidly continuously for a long time. 我国正处于城市化、现代化建设的中级阶段,电力需求持续稳步增长,因而带动了电力设备市场长期以来的持续快速发展。So, for the intermediate stage of oral English teaching, it is still a challenge. 因此,对于中级阶段的口语教学来说,仍是一个挑战。
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