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1分钟前发布 -【nationality怎么把单词拼成汉语?】 10月19日讯: nationality怎么把单词拼成汉语?nationality根据词根词缀来拼成汉语词根-nat- 生 +中缀 -ion 名词词尾 + 后缀-ality 名词词尾作名词使用意思是国籍;(构成国家一部分的)民族;变形复数nationalities例句It was a year of unrest among the country's many nationalities.对于那个国家的许多民族而言那是不平静的一年。
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basic color碱(性)色;碱性颜料双语例句In autumn, the ripe wheat decides the basic color of the land in North China. 秋季,辽阔的中国北方,成熟的小麦决定了大地的基本色。The aim is to describe the similarities and differences of cognitive semantic structures about basic color terms. 文章从认知语言学的角度,运用原型理论、隐喻和转喻等理论,分析英汉语言中的基本颜色词“白”。By adopting codability theory and a synthetic contrastive approach of combining classical Chinese, Mandarin and dialects, this thesis researches basic color terms in Chinese. 文章用编码度理论和汉外、汉语普方古综合比较的研究模式,讨论汉语的基本颜色词。Two handless rhetoric discusses of Chinese language basic color phrase association of thought meaning 汉语基本颜色词联想意义之两柄修辞探析颜色词素在词义不透明双字词中的语义激活English and Chinese from the cultural connotations of the translation of basic color terms 谈谈英汉基本颜色词的文化伴随意义从文化内涵看英汉基本颜色词的翻译This article discusses how to find the color rule of individual makeup modeling through combining basic color theory and the "four-season person" theory by Carole Jackson. 杰克逊“四季型人”的理论巧妙结合,探讨如何找对个人化妆造型用色的规律,以提升我国女性的人文形象。Color-based teaching is the basic course of the plastic arts, which aims to enable students to master the basic color theory knowledge and performance of the method by teaching; 色彩基础教学是高校造型艺术学科的基础课程,其目的是通过教学使学生掌握色彩的基本理论知识和表现方法;The surface should have the basic color of metal in spraying paint. 喷漆时表面应见金属本色。A Comparative Study on Cultural Association of Basic Color Terms in English and Chinese 英汉颜色词联想意义的文化对比研究As the basic color of the design. 作为这个设计的基调色彩。I use their preferred Lahui alternate with cloth sheets for the walls of the house, which is home to a basic color. 我用自己偏爱的蓝灰相间的布张满整间屋的墙壁,这也就决定了家的基本色彩。The second part is based on the color words related to the phrases, analyzing the basic color words. 第二部分从有色彩词出现的成语着手,分析历代基本色彩词在成语中的表意特点。After establishing Mongolian country, the style and basic color of costume is unanimous. 建立蒙古国之后,服饰的款式风格和基本色彩大为一致。Using the methods of natural classifying and multi-dimensional scaling, the study probed into the classification of basic color terms with 279 Chinese undergraduate students as the subjects. 运用自然分类和多维标度法,对279名大学生进行了11种基本颜色词的分类研究。This paper focuses on Chinese color words, mainly the basic color words. 本文旨在通过对汉语颜色词,主要是基本颜色词的研究,来进一步阐述汉语符号系统对客观世界的表记功能,从而从一个侧面对汉语词汇系统进行更深入的研究。On the Basic Color Teaching in the Art Design 浅谈艺术设计课中的色彩基础教学The paper provids a new method for color numbering and standard chromatography through researching the basic color theory. 该文通过对颜色基本理论的研究提出了新的颜色编号和标准色谱的制备方法。In this paper we discuss the semantic fuzziness and translation of basic color words in Russian and Chinese. 本文探讨了俄汉语中基本颜色词语义的模糊性及其翻译的问题。Red, as a basic color, appears in all languages. 红色几乎是所有语言中的基本颜色词之一。Start from the basic color theory and the principle of Gauss-Laplace operator, a shadow detection method of color image based on RGB color space is presented in this paper. 从色彩理论和高斯-拉普拉斯算子的基本原理出发,提出了一种基于RGB彩色空间的影像阴影检测方法。Therefore the contained cultural differences in the basic color terms in English and Chinese are contrastively analyzed and the application of color terms in English and Chinese proverbs are correspondingly categorized. 因此对英汉基本颜色词中所蕴含的文化差异进行了对比分析,并将颜色词在英汉谚语中的应用做出了相应的归类。The fifth chapter is to explore basic modes of color words in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, including the proposed of teaching practice of basic color words and phased color words teaching, and finally make the recommendations to the arrangement of color words in teaching materials. 第五章是对对外汉语基本颜色词的教学模式进行探析,包括对基本颜色词的课堂教学实践和分阶段的颜色词教学提出建议,最后对对外汉语教材中颜色词的编排体例提出建议。In 1969, Berlin and Kay proposed the evolutionary theory of Basic Color Words. Berlin和Kay(1969)通过对颜色词的研究,提出了基本颜色词进化论观点。Fourth, the Chinese meaning of basic color term evolution of the impact of its formation. 第四,汉语基本颜色词意义发展演变对其构词情况的影响。Fifth, the Chinese the basic color of the word systematic. 第五,汉语基本颜色词的系统性初探。Every nation has its own color cognitive system, but the basic color words are universal. 每个民族都有自己的颜色认知系统,但基本颜色词却具有普遍性。This paper mainly makes contrastive analysis on the following aspects of the basic color terms in English and Chinese: In the theory of cultural linguistics, language and culture are closely related. 本文主要是对英汉两种语言中的基本颜色词的以下几个方面进行对比分析:根据文化语言学理论,语言与文化是密切相关的。Cultural connotations of basic color terms in minorities. (二)民族语言中基本颜色词的文化内涵。The basic color terms and social culture in minorities. (三)基本颜色词与民族社会文化。This can avoid the limit to the basic color words of a certain historical period or a certain type of color words on the breadth of the material collection, material use and seminars. 这就在材料搜集的宽广度、材料的运用和研讨上,避免了以往仅限于某个历史时期基本颜色词或某一类颜色词研究的局限。 英英释义nouna dye that is considered to be a base because the chromophore is part of a positive ionSynonym:basic dyebasic colour
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monolingualadj.单语的; 只用一种语言的复数:monolinguals牛津词典adj.单语的;只用一种语言的speaking or using only one languagea monolingual dictionary单语词典 柯林斯词典ADJ 单语的;只使用一种语言的Monolingual means involving, using, or speaking one language....a largely monolingual country such as Great Britain.像英国这样主要使用一种语言的国家 双语例句As many people in America are discovering, being monolingual is no laughing matter. 很多美国人都逐渐发现,只会一种语言,不再是一件好事了。For monolingual adults, the mean age for the first signs of dementia is 71.4. 对于只讲一种语言的成人,初现痴呆症状的平均年龄是71.4。When the children were asked to press a button to switch between images of animals to images of colors, the bilingual children did this faster than the monolingual children. 当孩子们被要求按下按钮在动物图片和彩绘图片中切换时,和只会一种语言的孩子相比,会讲两种语言的孩子们完成得更快。The study involved having bilingual and monolingual children look at images of animals or depictions of colors on a computer screen. 研究中,会讲两种语言和只会讲一种语言的孩子看着电脑屏幕上动物的图片或者彩色的描绘。The study involved having participants complete a cognitive flexibility task; while monolingual and bilingual adults were both able to complete the task, the bilingual adults did it more quickly and certain parts of their brains used less energy to do so. 在这一研究中,两类人群都被要求完成一项考验认知灵活性的任务。虽然他们都可以完成,但会讲外语的人们完成得更快,而且他们大脑中的特定区域消耗了更少的能量。Gold and his team found that bilingual people were not only able to switch tasks faster they had different brain activity than their monolingual peers. 古尔德和他的团队发现,说两种语言的人不仅转换任务的速度更快,而且他们大脑的活跃程度也同说一种语言的同龄人不同。Now let me put it this way, if I met a monolingual Dutch speaker who had the cure for cancer, would I stop him from entering my British University? 现在容我换一个方式说,如果我遇到了一位只会说荷兰话的人,而这个人能治愈癌症,我会阻止他进入我的英国大学吗?By looking words up in a monolingual dictionary, you can make sure that the word or phrase you choose actually means what you think it does. 通过在单语词典里查找单词,你能保证你选择的单词或短语实际上表达了你想的意思。First, Gold and his team asked 30 people, who were either bilingual or monolingual, to look at a series of colored shapes and respond with the name of each shape by pushing a button. 首先,古尔德和他的团队让30个人看一系列有颜色的形状,然后按下按钮回答他们看到的是哪种形状,这30个人中既有说一种语言也有会说两种语言的人。Research by Australian universities has shown that a monolingual country often performs worse in international trade and diplomacy. 澳大利亚大学的研究表明,单语国家通常在国际贸易和外交中表现不佳。The method first constructs a paraphrase corpus by automatically translating a bilingual parallel corpus into a monolingual parallel corpus, from which candidate paraphrases for words are extracted. 该方法首先利用翻译引擎将双语平行语料库自动转换为单语平行语料库,以此构建复述语料库并用于候选复述的抽取。Assumption on the Compilation of a Simple Monolingual Learner's Dictionary of Chinese as a Foreign Language 编纂简明汉语单语系列学习词典的构想Earlier and recent psychological studies show that bilingual children are more resourceful and complex intellectually when compared with their monolingual peers. 早年与近年的语言心理研究都显示,学双语的儿童,思想结构比只学单语的儿童复杂。If such a view were to prevail, Singapore would eventually become a monolingual society and the bilingual policy would exist only in name. 如果让这种主张占主导,到头来,新加坡必成为单语社会,双语政策名存实亡。Research of Monolingual Word Alignment Based on Feature Integration 基于特征融合的单语词对齐方法研究The Cognitive Linguistic Approach on Chilton s Time-Space Metaphor; Research of Monolingual Word Alignment Based on Feature Integration 对齐尔顿时空隐喻的认知语言学分析基于特征融合的单语词对齐方法研究Many researches indicate that bilingual children are more sensitive and quick than monolingual children. 很多的研究表明双语小孩比单语小孩在对语言的理解上有更高的敏感性,思维方式也更灵活。The monolingual foreign learners 'dictionaries of Chinese are quite different from those for native speakers. 对外汉语学习单语词典与给本国人使用的词典有很大的不同。Third, culture can be used in a monolingual/ monocultural and multilingual/ multicultural setting. 第三,文化能在单语言和文化的背景中使用,也能在多语言和文化的背景中使用。Monolingual advanced learners 'dictionary ( ALD) of English has established its distinctive features and principles of compilation. 英语高阶学习词典已形成自己鲜明的特色和编纂原则。Based on the study of three bilingual dictionaries on mechanical engineering and other monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, this paper analyzed some problems of illustrations in the bilingual dictionary on engineering science and technology published in recent years; 本文从三本机械工程专业词典谈起,分析了近年来双语科技词典中关于插图方面的问题,评述其插图的个性、必要性和可行性;Method of deriving definition primitives from a monolingual dictionary 从单语词典中获取定义原语的一种方法The current work focuses on the derivation of definition primitives from a monolingual dictionary. 文中主要讨论了从单语词典中获取定义原语的方法。No matter in monolingual or bilingual countries, there is successful bilingual education. Australian bilingual education is a classic example. 双语教育不管是在单语国家还是在双语国家都有成功的典型,澳大利亚的双语教育,就是一个成功的典型。Illustrations in Monolingual Dictionaries& Their Functions 单语词典中的例证及其功能Most of the existing research is focused on similarity measurement of monolingual texts. 目前大多数的研究都仅针对单语言的文本相似度,即相同语言的文本之间的相似度。In this paper, we summarize the status of research in this field and proposed a method considering the characteristics of Chinese and Japanese to automatic extract the Chinese-Japanese NE translation equivalents based on inductive learning from monolingual corpora. 本文总结了该领域的研究现状,并结合汉语和日语的特点,提出了一种新的基于归纳学习法的单语语料库命名实体翻译对自动抽取方法。In Wikipedia, parallel or comparable bilingual resources exist in two parallel or comparable monolingual web pages. 维基百科中双语平行或可比较资源是完全存在于两个平行或可比较的单语网页中。Lots of bilingual countries even monolingual countries did bilingual experiments and had great achievements. 许多双语国家甚至单语国家陆续实施双语教育实验并获得重大成功。With the increase of international communication, it also frequently happens in monolingual communities such as China. 随着国际间交往的发展,语码转换也频繁的在中国这样的单语社区中发生。 英英释义nouna person who knows only one languageadjusing or knowing only one languagemonolingual speakersa monolingual dictionary
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unit class网络单位类型; 单位类别; 单元类双语例句Therefore, an AOP program needs to be compiled as a unit rather than one class at a time. 因此,需要将AOP程序作为一个单元来编译,而不能每次编译一个类。Now imagine trying to unit test a class that makes an expensive SOAP call. 现在,想像一下对发出开销较高的SOAP调用的类进行单元测试。In this section, you update the unit validator class to compare the MySQLVersion attribute to a regular expression. 在这一部分之中,您要更新单元确认器类,以将MySQLVersion属性与规范的表达式相比较。Parser errors are returned in the Compilation Unit class instance. 解析器错误是在编译单元类实例中返回的。To run this unit test, create a Run configuration for the unit test class as a Test:: Unit type. 要运行这个单元测试,应该为单元测试类创建一个Test::Unit类型的Run配置。As long as all the test cases pass, I add the new unit test class to my unit test automation library, which gets run on every build. 只要通过所有的测试用例,我就将向单元测试自动库添加新的单元测试类,在每次构建时运行。As a grass-root unit, the third class ser icing station perfects the support system. 卫生装备三级检修站是其基层单位,它的设立完善了保障体系。Add some images that correlate to the lesson or unit your class is currently studying. 添加一些与您的班级目前正在学习的课程或单元有关的图像。Current ratio Comparative Study on the Unit Integrity Teaching and Class Period Teaching 流动比率(会计学)单元整体教学与课时教学的对比分析Application of "Trichotomy" in bedside duty shift of intensive care unit This class was certainly a lively lot, to say the least. 三分法在ICU床边交接班中的应用至少可以说,这个班是相当活跃的一个班集体。I cheated on a unit test in math class this morning during second period with Mr. 今天早上第二节,布克先生的数学课上,我在单元测验中作了弊。How does unit of unit of officer treasurer unit, 2 class treasurer, basic level treasurer differentiate? 主管会计单位、二级会计单位、基层会计单位如何划分?So, the first unit of the class, so basically I'm going to go over the first half of the class today, and the second half of the class on Tuesday just because we have to start somewhere. 先来看看本课程的第一单元,今天先概要地复习一下这门课的第一部分,周二再回顾第二部分,为了有个起点。The theories relating to nonlinear control systems are expounded. And a robust output tracking control unit of a class of multi-variable affine nonlinear systems with uncertain parameters is designed. 针对非线性控制系统的相关理论进行了阐述,设计了一类多变量仿射非线性参数不确定系统的鲁棒输出跟踪控制器。The unit class includes stream classes and operating unit classes. 过程单元类包括物流类、能流类和单元模块类。The most prominent characteristic of the structure design of this module is the introduction of concepts of object-oriented and encapsulation. Through designing and combining five basic element classes and a basic unit class, the required USIF are realized. 本模块结构设计的最大特点是引入了面向对象和封装的概念,通过自定义五个基本元素类和一个基本单元类,组合实现用户接口界面。The concept includes 6 Class-ⅰ units and 44 Class-ⅱ units. In comparison with previous concepts, the piedmont thrust belt in north Tianshan mountain is classified as unit of Class-ⅰ; 该方案将盆地划分为6个一级构造单元和44个二级构造单元,与以往方案的差别主要体现在:北天山山前冲断带单独划分为一级构造单元;The unit class tests checks each function unit ( user command, system call) of os which is based on safe mechanisms. 单元级测试针对操作系统的各个功能单元(用户命令、系统调用)进行安全机制的检查。Finally four teachers were chosen to be observed in their English classes, and each for 1 unit ( about 6 class hours). 接着三位老师分别接受了关于12个问题的访谈,最后,四个老师的英语课被选择做观摩,每位的为一个单元(大概6个课时)。The combination of centralization with distribution and the resource management in unit of traffic class instead of individual flow can assure the scalability and reliability of resource management system. 资源管理的集中与分散相结合、资源总量管理等措施可以保证系统的可扩展性和可靠性。Single sand body oil flow unit A class and B class to the main flow characteristics of the reservoir is relatively uniform. 含油单砂体流动单元以A类和B类为主,储层渗流特征相对统一。Based on the model analysis, the programming language Visual C++ is used as a development tool and the object-oriented programming method is adopted to design the heat tranfer unit classes, fluid class and auxiliary class. 在模型分析的基础上,以编程语言Visualc++为开发工具,运用面向对象的程序设计方法,完成热力计算中传热单元类、流体介质类及辅助类的设计。At the micro level, there are level shift, unit shift, class shift, structure shift and system shift. 在微观层面,翻译转换分为层次转换、单位转换、词性转换、结构转换和系统转换。The study followed the principle of informed consent, and the questionnaires were distributed in the unit of class. The freshmen were asked to finished all the questionnaires in the classroom. 调查遵循知情同意原则,以班级为单位发放问卷,要求学生在教室内完成。But this has a character in class in the basic unit every different schoolmate, has all kinds of contradiction, existence complicated relation, this unit leader is a class adviser. 在班级这个基层单位中有性格各异的同学,有各种各样的矛盾,存在着复杂的关系,而这个单位的领导者就是班主任。The students are in school together as a unit class, and class management style, study style building class students will view, outlook on life, a great impact on world outlook. 而学生在学校是以班级为单位集中在一起的,班级管理的风格、班级学风的建设将会对学生的学习观、人生观、世界观产生巨大影响。It including nine foundations class, respectively is: View class, page class, graph unit class, text unit class, shape unit class, line unit class. Element class, unit group class and layer class. 它包括九个基础类,分别是:视图类、页面类、图形单元类、文字单元类、形状单元类、线条单元类、元件类、单元组和图层类。As the basic unit of school, class is the first socialized colony where the students get to know the society, and contains huge educational potential which can affect their development. 班级作为学校中最基本的教育单位,是学生走向社会、参与社会所接触到的第一个社会化群体,其间蕴藏着巨大的影响学生主体发展的教育潜力。We could foresee that taking tasks as the central unit to organize class teaching will be the trend of oral pedagogy of TCSL in the future. 我们可以这样展望,以交际任务为中心组织课堂教学应该是未来国内对外汉语口语教学的发展方向。
40 评论


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