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1分钟前发布 -【对外汉语教学案例分析应该怎么写?】http://www.zjks.cc 10月19日讯: 对外汉语教学案例分析应该怎么写?其次,写作题如果是汉语国际教育硕士的案例分析,它主要是考跨文化交际方面的问题,推荐给您的参考书是胡文仲的《跨文化交际学概论》以及刘珣的《对外汉语
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event chain网络事件链双语例句Canceling the event chain for the keyboard event by setting the cancelBubble property on the EVENT object to true 将EVENT对象的cancelBubble属性设置为true,取消键盘事件的事件链The largest event, the Wienerschnitzel Wiener Nationals [ 2] in southern California, sponsored by a chain of hot-dog restaurants, attracts tens of thousands of visitors. 由一家热狗饭店的连锁店赞助的南加利福利亚州最大的赛事WienerschnitzelWienerNationals[2],吸引了成百上千的游客。It is as if a single unimportant event set up a chain of reactions. 好像一件小事变就会导致连续串的连锁反响。It has also been empirically validated that the event that is on the causal chain is recalled better than the one that is out of such a chain. 实验亦证实因果相关联的事件比无因果关联的事件容易被记忆。An event only bubbles up the parent's chain of ancestors in the display list. 事件在显示列表中只向上级的父级链冒泡。Was there any warning of their arrival? a sign, a single event that set this chain into motion? 他们的到来有任何预警吗?像是一种标志,触发连锁反应的小事?Series of events each of which causes the next It is as if a single unimportant event set up a chain of reactions. 连锁式反应的一系列事件似乎一件区区小事就能引起连锁反应。Any of these objects could choose to handle an event, which stops its movement up the responder chain. 这些对象中的任何一个都可以选择处理一个事件(用户输入),这将会停止响应者链的传递。Smith's suicide was the first event in a chain that culminated in exposure of several enormous scandals. 史密斯的自杀,是一连串事件的第一件。这一连串事件的高潮,是揭发出好几起重大丑闻。The digital manufacturing environment of automatic assembly line manufacturing process is discussed. And a manufacturing process modeling and simulation method based on extended event process chain is advocated. 文章分析了生产线制造过程的数字化制造环境,提出了基于扩展事件过程链的生产线制造过程建模仿真方法。The paper discusses the modeling and simulation of enterprise busi-ness process based on extended Event Process Chain ( eEPC), therefore optimize and im-prove the enterprise business process. 本文采用基于扩展事件驱动过程链(eEPC)的企业业务过程模型,进行模型仿真,对企业业务过程进行优化,从而改进企业业务过程。This paper proposes a model of product development process in the environment of Concurrent Engineering ( CE), which is illustrated using extended Event driven Process Chain ( eEPC). 本文提出了一种并行工程环境下产品开发过程的模型,给出了其eEPC图形描述。Extended Event-Process Chain ( EEPC) and It's Application in BPR 扩展的事件&过程链方法(EEPC)及其在BPR中的应用Therefore, it is urgent and important to research the operational risks and emergency management of failure event of perishable products supply chain. 因此,对易腐产品在供应链环境下的运作风险和失效事件的应急管理进行研究具有紧迫性和重要性。This chapter is to build event chain model from the aspect of computation. 本章主要从计算模型的角度讨论事件链模型如何构建篇章连贯。The class teaching formed by a series of event is a complex chain, while the critical incident is an important process. 课堂教学是由一系列的事件组成的复合型链条,关键事件是其中的重要环节。In order to describe the model with complex event language and implement the scene of model, an event processing model for supply chain is built to extract complex event. 本文还研究了复杂事件处理中间件在实时供应链的应用,建立供应链的事件处理模型,提取出复杂事件,进行复杂事件语言描述,完成场景模型的实现。Event chain can be applied in language teaching and learning and information retrieval. 事件链可以应用在对外汉语教学和语言信息处理两个方面。Nowadays Complex Event Processing is widely applicable to many fields, such as business activity detecting and predicting, supply chain management, climatic environment monitoring, medical care, and so on. 复杂事件处理广泛地应用于商业检测与预测、供应链管理、气候环境监测与预报和医疗监护等很多领域。Later, it proposes a formal descriptive model of event chain reaction. And it also describes the model of relationship between unit event and objective things system. Based on the above related models, this paper proposes a reasoning method of emergency chain reaction process. 然后,提出了突发事件连锁反应的形式化表示模型,对其中的元事件与客观事物系统之间的关系模型进行了扩展描述,并基于上述模型提出了突发事件连锁反应过程的推演方法。Risk event would cause the supply chain node failure, and this will soon affect the other enterprises of the supply chain network, which led to the entire supply chain network instability. 风险事件会造成供应链节点失效,而且这会很快影响到供应链网络上的其他企业,进而导致整个供应链网络的不稳定性。But in practice, the unexpected event will inevitably lead to a number of factors disruptions in the supply chain system. 然而在实际中,突发事件一旦发生必然会导致系统中多个因素同时发生扰动。
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