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1分钟前发布 -【北美精算师考试流程是什么样的?】http://www.zjks.cc 12月04日讯: 北美精算师考试流程是什么样的?1、下载减费号码申请表(折扣申请表)2、邮寄减费号码申请表3、等待减费号(折扣号)4、申请到折扣号后下载并填写折扣考生登记表5、邮寄折扣考生登记表和考试费用北美精算师资格考试约于每年5月及11月各举行一次
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真题精选November2003Course8F(3):北美精算师考试SOA以下就是真题精选November2003Course8F “Hemlock Inc. poisons investors as it files Chapter 11 bankruptcy - $2billion of corporate bond defaults – stock is delisted.”That was the headline that three business people faced as they scanned the businesssection of the morning paper.Dominic is a Portfolio Manager for the Parthenon Investment Grade Bond Fund, a fundthat attracts investments from smaller insurance companies. Dominic had relied onprivate sector watchdogs when he purchased newly issued Hemlock Inc. debt for the fundjust six months ago. At that time, and as recently as last week, various NRSROs hadrated Hemlock BBB or its equivalent.Isabel is the head of the Investment Committee for Mt. Olympus Insurance CompanyExplain what a rating issued by an NRSRO means.Describe attempts by NRSROs to mitigate these shortcomings.Explain how A.M. Best arrives at a company rating.private placements 30%Non-investment grade bonds 5%Common stock 20%YEAR ANNUAL EARNINGSADEQUACY RATIO2002 170%2001 190%2000 185%1999 200%1998 225%(i) Describe the impact of the Hemlock event on MOIC under the Standard &Poor’s Capital Adequacy model.(ii) Describe how Standard & Poor’s would view MOIC’s liquidity.(iii) Calculate the current weighted average Earnings Adequacy Ratio andcomment on the prospects for 2003’s Earnings Adequacy Ratio. Showyour work.COURSE 8: Fall 2003 - 10 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGEFinanceAfternoon Session之旷世名言珍藏:我并没有什么方法,只是对于一件事情很长时间很热心地去考虑罢了。 —— 牛顿
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2005年真题Course8G北美精算师考试(最后一部分)2005年真题Course8G北美精算师考试 manager at XYZ Corporation has toldyou that she wants to redesign the medical plan options to encourage employeeresponsibility and consumerism.Discuss each element of the proposed plan design with respect to the company’sexposure to risk and recommend changes to limit the company’s risk.(b) Discuss various factors that should be considered to ensure profitability of theproduct in today’s environment in terms of pricing, underwriting, and management.之名人心语:学习的敌人是自己的满足,要认真学习一点东西,必须从不自满开始。对自己,“学而不厌”,对人家,“诲人不倦”,我们应取这种态度。
83 评论


我在济南,请问北美精算师考试要看什么书啊?我也在济南,你可以参考。P:指定教材:Fundamentals of Probability ¥200 1.5 kgSolution manual of Fundamentals of Probability ¥80 A First Course in Probability, 7th Ed ¥150考试manual:ASM版Exam P 9th Edition (2019秋) study manual ¥90 1.5kgASM版Exam P 10th Edition (2019春)study manual ¥200 1.5kgACTEX版 Exam P (2019春)study manual ¥180 1.5kgGUO版 Exam P (2019春)study manual ¥160 1.5kgDAR新版Exam P Equation Study List公式手册 ¥20FM:指定教材:Financial Mathematics ¥70.00 1kgMathematics of Investment and Credit, 3rd Edition, 2004 ¥120.00 1kgMathematics of Investment and Credit Solutions Manual ¥80 0.5kgThe Theory of Interest 2nd Edition ¥55 1kgDerivatives Markets 2nd edition ¥140.00 2kg (这本书fm mfe c都需要用到)Derivatives Markets Solution Manual Second Edition ¥80.00 0.5kg考试manual:ASM版Exam FM 8th Edition (2019秋) study manual ¥160ASM版Exam FM 9th Edition (2019春)study manual ¥200 1.5kgACTEX版 Exam FM (2019春)study manual ¥220 1.5kgGUO版 Exam FM (2019春)study manual ¥180 1.5kgDAR新版Exam FM Equation Study List公式手册 ¥20MFE:指定教材:Derivatives Markets 2nd editionDerivatives Markets Solution Manual Second Edition考试manual:ASM版Exam MFE 8th Edition (2019秋) study manual ¥70 1.5kgASM版Exam MFE 9th Edition (2019春)study manual ¥180 1.5kgACTEX版 Exam MFE (2019春)study manual ¥240 1.5kgGUO版 Exam MFE (2019春)study manual ¥200 1.5kgMLC:指定教材:Actuarial Mathematics, 2nd Edition ¥105.00 2kgSolutions Manual for Bowers'' et al Actuarial Mathematics ¥80.00 0.5kgIntroduction to Probability Models, 8th Edition, 2003 ¥100 1.5kg考试manual:ASM版Exam MLC 7th Edition (2019秋) study manual ¥240 2.5kgACTEX版 Exam MLC (2019春)study manual ¥130 1.5kgGUO版 Exam MLC (2019春)study manual ¥260 1.5kgDAR新版Exam MLC Equation Study List公式手册 ¥30C:指定教材:Loss Models From Data to Decisions ¥90 2kgSolutions Manual to Loss Models From Data to Decisitions ¥80 0.5kgFoundations of Casualty Actuarial Science, 4th Edition, 2001 ¥90 1.5kg考试manual:ASM版Exam C 8th Edition (2019秋) study manual ¥260 2.5kgACTEX版 Exam C (2019春)study manual ¥185 1.5kgGUO版 Exam C (2019春)study manual ¥300 2.5kgDAR新版Exam C Equation Study List公式手册 ¥30Fap:指定教材,已经全部是最新版的,全套价格为 ¥900 (非最新版一套为¥600)Fundamentals of Private PensionsUnderstanding Actuarial Management:Enterprise Risk ManagementINVESTMENT SCIENCEIntroduction to Ratemaking&Loss Reserving Third Edition Group Insurance 5th edition Actuarial Aspects of Individual Life Insurance 2nd Edition 其实如果你的知识够用的话,甚至可以不用看教材,不知道你是否明白教材和manual的区别啊!我就顺便提一下,教材就相当于课本,而manual就是考前的复习题手册,manual非常的重要,考前一定要做的!建议是考一门课程买一门课程的书,中国的学生基本用的都是复印的书,淘宝上有卖的。我也在考,也祝你考试顺利啊!
60 评论


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