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首页 > 财经类考试 > SOA北美精算师历届真题汇总November2002Course8I(四)

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1分钟前发布 -【SOA北美精算师历届真题汇总November2002Course8I(四)】http://www.zjks.cc 12月04日讯: SOA北美精算师历届真题汇总November2002Course8I(四)SheetDividend 0Income-Based Information Calculate the first year ROE and evaluate whether the ROE would beacceptable to Saturn Life. Justify your assumptions and show all work.(a) (2 points) Describe and evaluate the following price setting methods: Markup Pricing Target Return Pricing Perceived Value Pricing Value Pricing Going-Rate Pricing(b) (3 points) You have been asked to price a direct-marketed 1-year level termproduct.You are given the following initial estimates of the product’s costs:Underwriting expenses per thousand of face amount issued $20Total administrative costs $20,000Mortality cost per thousand of face amount issued $4Capital requirement $27,300Average size $5,000Expected sales 1,000 policiesDesired return 9.15%Determine the difference between the break-even volume using:(i) the Markup Pricing method; and(ii) the Target Return Pricing method.Show all work.(c) (1 point) Your primary competitor is currently the market leader and has highbrand awareness. However, its ratings are not as high as yours. You are targetingyour premiums to be lower than theirs. Describe the possible reactions thecompetitor will have to your new product.COURSE 8I: Fall 2002 - 14 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGEInpidual InsuranceAfternoon Session为了一个伟大的神圣目的,去千方百计、历尽艰辛地奋斗,是完全值得的。——金玉良言
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金融行业考哪些证书?金融行业可以考的证书实在是1.基金从业资格证书证券从业和基金从业可以说都是金融行业中的香饽饽,尤其近几年很多人都报名参加了考试。基金从业资格考试科目有科目一《基金法律法规》是必考科目,科目二《证券基金基础》和科目三《股权投资基金》是选考科目,也就是二者选其一即可。2. 期货从业资格证书同证券从业资格证书一样,也是入门所需证书。高中学历以上报考即可,共考两科,基础和法规。金融期货即将推出,期货人才应该会变的抢手。3.保险中介人从业人员资格考试保险中介从业人员资格考试可分为:( 1 )保险代理从业人员资格考试( 2 )保险经纪和保险公估从业人员资格考试 。4.证券从业资格证书此为入门证书,是由中国证券业协会负责组织的全国统一考试是进入证券行业的必要证书。共考五科:基础,交易,发行与承销,技术分析和基金。5.银行从业资格证书由中国银行业从业人员资格认证办公室负责组织和实施银行业从业人员资格考试。6.注册会计师 CPA号称“中国第一考”的注册会计师,是依法取得注册会计师证书并接受委托从事审计和会计咨询、会计服务业务的执业人员。考试内容:考试划分为专业阶段考试和综合阶段考试。考生在通过专业阶段考试的全部科目后,才能参加综合阶段考试。专业阶段考试科目:会计、审计、财务成本管理、公司战略与风险管理、经济法、税法6个科目。综合阶段考试科目:职业能力综合测试(试卷一、试卷二)。7.金融风险管理师FRMFRM是针对金融风险管理领域的一种资格认证,号称是“最具公信力的证书”。对于中国日益突出的金融风险问题,FRM正日益受到国家金融监管机构以及各家金融机构的重视。8.本土化金融风险管理师CFRMCFRM(香港注册金融风险管理师)认证是本土化、专业化的认证。它由香港金融风险管理师协会组织命题、考试并颁发证书。CFRM的知识体系在FRM的基础上作了调整,增加了更适合于中国本土实际的内部控制和财务报表分析等内容。9.北美保险精算师SOA北美精算师协会(SOA)是一个以服务于公众和学会会员为目标而建立的教育、研究和专业性组织。作为一个国际性的精算教育和研究机构,SOA的主要任务是提供人寿保险、健康保险、员工福利和养老金领域的精算教育计划,以后续教育的方式提高精算师的咨询和解决涉及不确定事件的金融、保险、财务及社会问题的能力。10.注册金融分析师CFA有“全球金融第一考”之称的CFA证书是证券投资与管理界的一种职业资格认证,是由美国投资管理与研究协会(AIMR)于1963年设立的,是目前全球规模最大的职业考试,也是全美重量级财务金融机构分析从业人员必备的证书。
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SOA北美精算师考试认可的要求(Part 3)SOA北美精算师考试认可的要求 until they have completed all other Fellowship educational requirements. The FAC is required of all candidates for Fellowship , and 15 units from the completion of a professional project and communication of the relevant aspects of the project.b. Fellowship Admissions CourseThe Fellowship Admissions Course is the final requirement for Fellowship and is required of all candidates for Fellowship. It is offered several times a year.c. Mutual RecognitionThe FSA designation may also be granted to Fellows of the Institute of Actuaries, Faculty of Actuaries, Institute of Actuaries of Australia and the Actuarial Society of Ireland via the terms of our Mutual Recognition agreements with these organizations. Inpiduals seeking Fellowship via Mutual Recognition must meet the following requirements:have attained Fellowship in the Institute, the Faculty, the Institute of Australia or the Actuarial Society of Ireland by examination and not in recognition of membership of another actuarial association;be a Fellow in good standing of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA), or Member in good standing of the American Academy of Actuaries (AAA), or full member in good standing of other actuarial associations designated from time to time by the Society of Actuaries Board of Governors;have attended and passed the Society of Actuaries Fellowship Admissions Course (FAC), or its equivalent as recognized by the Society of Actuaries, in the five years prior to application;have satisfied the Society of Actuaries Professional Development (PD) requirements, or its equivalent as recognized by the Society of Actuaries, in the five years prior to application.Inpiduals seeking additional information or an application should contact Brett Rogers at brogers@soa.org.4. CorrespondenceRequests for application forms or other correspondence regarding examinations, study notes, study groups or classes or other matters should be addressed to:Society of Actuaries475 N. Martingale Road, Suite 600Schaumburg, IL 60173–2226Phone: 847-706-3500Fax: 847-706-3599E-mail: inforequest@soa.org一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——名人名言
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2005年度5月份SOA北美精算师真题汇集ExamC(第七块内容)把考试要点用心镌刻在脑子里呀——2005年度5月份SOA北美精算师真题汇集ExamC Describe the key shortfalls of each common techniqueBase your answer on the Canadian Institute of Actuaries Educational Note “Measurementof Exposure to Interest Rate Risk”.12. Describe the risks that are unique to international investments.(b) The fund manager’s portfolio return matched the return of the index. Determinethe amount that the fund manager invested in the European and Australianmarkets.(c) For your portfolio, calculate the inpidual impacts of each of the following:(i) Currency selection(ii) Country selection(iii) Stock selectionShow all work.Course 6: Spring 2005 -38- GO ON TO NEXT PAGEAfternoon Session13. (5 points) You are given the following with respect to an 8-year, 6%, sequential-payCMO:Tranche Initial Balance1 20,0002 35,0003 65,000 The annual payment required to amortize the CMO over eight years is 19,324.31. The actual cash flows are as follows:YearInterestPaymentRequired PrincipalPaymentAdditionalPrincipal PaymentOutstandingBalance0 120,000.001 7,200.00 12,124.31 1,078.76 106,796.932 6,407.81 12,916.50 1,877.61 92,002.823 5,520.17 13,804.14 2,345.96 75,852.724 4,551.16 14,773.15 2,443.18 58,636.395 3,518.18 15,806.13 2,141.51 40,688.756 2,441.32 16,882.99 1,190.29 22,615.477 1,356.92 17,967.39 185.92 4,462.168 267.73 4,462.16 0.00 0.00(a) Describe the types of CMO structures.(b) Calculate the outstanding balance for each tranche at the end of each year.(c) Calculate the interest allocated to each tranche for each of the first three years.Show all work.Course 6: Spring 2005 -39- STOPAfternoon Session14. (4 points)(a) Describe the criteria for selecting an interest rate generator.(b) Describe the characteristics of(i) a lognormal process(ii) a mean reversionary lognormal process(c) Describe the steps used in the Markov chain process to generate interest rates.15. (4 points)(a) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using stochastic simulation whenpricing derivative securities.(b) Describe the techniques that are available to reduce variance when using MonteCarlo simulation.**END OF EXAMINATION**为着品德而去眷恋一个情人,总是一件很美的事。——名人哲学
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