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1分钟前发布 -【BEC中级商务英语阅读讲义精选:7】http://www.zjks.cc 12月05日讯: BEC中级商务英语阅读讲义精选:7管管伦敦的骑车族吧!不久前,有一篇报道说,自行车车座会对生殖器官造成损伤性影响,经常骑车的男性可能因此患上不育症。这让我太高兴了。在我看来,任何阻止骑车人繁衍后代的事都是好事,应该加以欢迎。Some while ago I read a newspaper story saying male cyclists who rode a lot risked impotence because of the damaging effect of the saddle on their reproductive organs. It quite made my day. In my opinion, anything that stops cyclists breeding is to be welcomed as an unmitigated good.骑自行车的人真讨厌。至少,我每天在伦敦见到的那些骑车人真让人讨厌。表面上,他们看起来像是和蔼可亲、值得尊敬、遵纪守法的中产阶级人士。通常情况下,也许确实如此。但这帮人蹬起自行车的那一刻,就不是那么回事儿了。I hate cyclists. At least, I hate the ones I see in London every day. Outwardly, they may appear to be nice, respectable, law-abiding, middle-class people, and perhaps they normally are. But the moment they straddle their bikes, something snaps.让骑车族变坏的不仅是自以为是,而是一种根深蒂固的不公平感。一方面,他们感到自鸣得意,高人一等。另一方面,他们容易出车祸,这一点很伤自尊。如此不公平让骑车族怒火满腔,把他们变成了十足的疯子。他们被一种复仇的欲望攫住,要报复这个残酷、如此错待他们的社会。It is not just the self-righteousness that gets to them. It is a deep-seated sense of injustice. On the one hand, they feel smug and superior, yet on the other, they are constantly humiliated by the knowledge of their acute vulnerability. The unfairness of it all fills them with such outrage that they turn into complete nutters, gripped by a desire for vengeance on a world that has wronged them so cruelly.骑车族对法律的蔑视令人吃惊。他们一向无视红灯,让本应该安全无虞的过街行人险象环生。这帮人沿着单行线逆行,每天早晨竟在我们当地小学门外跟家长和孩子玩“闪人”游戏。只要他们觉得方便,这帮人就会骑过人行交叉路口,骑上人行道。他们当中比较好斗的,还会朝挡路人破口大喊大叫。至于那些一时误入自行车道的汽车司机或行人,但愿老天保佑所有的人吧。Their contempt for the law is breathtaking. They routinely ignore red traffic lights, menacing pedestrians crossing the road when it ought to be safe. They cycle the wrong way along one-way streets, notably outside our local primary school where they play dodge ’em with the parents and children every morning. They race over pedestrian crossings and along the pavements whenever it suits them, the more aggressive of them screaming abuse at anyone who gets in their way. Yet heaven help anyone, car driver or pedestrian, who strays even momentarily into a cycle lane.这要紧吗?当然要紧。显然,骑车族公然藐视法律,对公众安全是一种威胁。另外,这也影响了伦敦的生活质量。骑车族不仅把步行变成一种极不愉快、有时甚至吓人的经历,还给人一种无法无天、混乱无序的感觉。Does it matter? Yes, very much. Obviously, cyclists’ flagrant disrespect for the law is a threat to public safety. It also affects the quality of life in London, not just by making walking unpleasant and sometimes even frightening, but by contributing to a sense of lawlessness and disorder.更重要的是,如果某个特定的马路使用群体认为自己可以凌驾于法律之上,那可是件非常糟糕的事儿。而更糟糕的是,政府和警察默许这种行为。为什么骑车族可以随意做出违反交通法规的危险举动?而大批警察、交通管理员和私人承包商却要借助监视摄像头和其它技术,随时准备扑向开汽车的人?并因为最微不足道的违规行为,罚他们的钱,没收他们的车、甚至加以更重的惩罚?More important, it is bad enough that a particular group of road users should regard themselves as above the law; it is much worse that the government and police should connive in it. Why should cyclists be allowed to commit dangerous traffic offences at will while vast numbers of police, traffic wardens and private sector contractors, assisted by spy cameras and other technology, are ready to pounce on car drivers for even the most trivial violations and punish them with heavy fines, the confiscation of their vehicles or worse?伦敦早该整治一下骑车族的行为了。我无意阻止人们骑车,可我确实希望骑车族能够认识到,头盔上环绕的绿色光环,并不能让他们成为不用遵守交通法规的特殊群体,就像不能因为骑自行车去超市就有权偷东西而不受罚一样。It is time London cracked down on cyclists’ behaviour. I do not want to stop people cycling but I do want them to realise that the green halo hovering over their helmets does not put them in a special category of road users to whom no laws apply, any more than cycling to the supermarket gives them the right to shoplift with impunity.我知道,这么做有困难。目前,很难惩罚违规的骑车人。警察拦下一个骑车闯红灯的人,骑车人留下个假名、假地址就走了,依旧在单行路上逆行,谁也没办法。I realise the difficulty. At present, it is difficult to punish cyclists for breaking the law. The police stop a cyclist for jumping a red light, she gives them a false name and address and off she goes, the wrong way up a one way street. There is nothing much anyone can do.其实,还是有办法的。现在,应该对自行车颁发牌照。所有16岁以上使用公共道路的骑车人,都应该持有牌照。他们并不用通过考试获得牌照,但这个制度必须自负盈亏,让申请者出钱。如果不出钱的话,骑车族就是在马路基建上揩油的人。目前,马路使用费主要是由汽车使用者交纳的。如果你想到这点,就知道我这个要求并不过分。Except, there is. It is time to introduce cyclist licensing. All cyclists over the age of 16 using public roads should be required to hold a licence. They would not need to pass a test to obtain one but the system would have to be self-financing, requiring applicants to pay a fee. This is not asking much when you consider that cyclists are otherwise freeloaders on road infrastructure that is overwhelmingly paid for by motorists.发放牌照可以改变执法,骑自行车的人要随身携带牌照,以此提供身份证明。如果违规人不能出示牌照,那么就在当事人出示牌照之前,把其自行车没收。与开汽车的人一样,如果骑车族危及行人或其它道路使用者安全,就要在其牌照上做个记录,违规三次就要加以取缔。Licensing would transform enforcement. Cyclists would be required to carry their licences with them at all times, providing proof of their identity. Those stopped for an offence who failed to produce one would have their cycles confiscated until they did so. As with motorists, cyclists endangering pedestrians or other road users would have their licences endorsed, with three offences leading to a ban.如今,骑车族上人行道要罚款30英镑。这种微不足道的罚款也应大幅提高。只有这样,执法才能在财政上自给自足。与开汽车的人一样,伦敦各个区政府可以雇用一些交通管理员,对骑自行车违规者加以追究和罚款,也可以把这项工作外包给私人承包商。Today’s piffling fines – £30 for riding on the pavement – should also be drastically raised. Then, enforcement could become self-financing. As with motorists, local authorities could employ teams of wardens to hunt down and penalise errant cyclists, or else turn the job over to private contractors.我知道,不是所有的骑车人都不好。就在几个月前,我还看见一位骑车人在红灯处停了下来。不过,如果我们对骑车族的厌恶少一些,那些好的骑车人也可以从上述措施中受益。这就是我要改变的事情。我主张,现在就对自行车实施牌照制度,以塑造一个更安全,更公平,总而言之,更文明的社会。I realise not all cyclists are bad; just a few months ago, I saw one stop at a red light. But the good ones will benefit from these measures if the rest of us hate cyclists less. So that is what I would change. I would introduce cyclist licensing now, for a safer, fairer and altogether more civil society
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BEC中级商务英语阅读讲义精选:17世行_劳力输出有利各方世界银行(World Bank)近日在开罗发布的一项研究报告显示,移民对劳动力输出国家女孩的教育、医疗和生育率具有积极影响。Migration has a positive impact on girls' education, healthcare and fertility rates in countries that export labour, according to a study by the World Bank published yesterday in Cairo."巴基斯坦等许多国家都重男轻女,因此男孩可以获得更多家庭资源,"该报告的首席经济学家及联合主编莫里斯o希夫(Maurice Schiff)表示。"当海外移民通过汇款使家庭获得额外收入时,女孩往往能得到更多。""In a lot of countries, [such as] Pakistan, boys are favoured over girls, so they get a larger share of household resources," said Maurice Schiff, the lead economist and co-editor of the report. "When additional income comes to the family through remittances sent by a migrant abroad, more tends to go to girls."研究发现,在巴基斯坦,家庭中拥有一名移民工人会将女孩入学率提高多达54%,而男孩仅为7%。The World Bank study found that, in Pakistan, the effect of having a migrant worker in the family was to increase female enrolment in schools by as much as 54 per cent, compared with just 7 per cent for boys.其它研究结果显示,移民家庭女孩的上学时间平均比非移民家庭的女孩长2年。移民对童工也有影响,因为如果孩子的父亲在海外工作挣钱,儿童被送去打工的可能性就会减小,即使被送去打工,这些孩子的工作时间也会减少大约66%。Other results showed that girls from migrant households stayed in school on average two years longer than those from non-migrant families. There was also an impact on child labour because children who had a father earning money abroad were less likely to be sent out to work and those who were, worked about 66 per cent less.报告还发现,移民提高了巴基斯坦和中美洲移民儿童的身高和体重。It also found that migration improved the height and weight of the children of Pakistani and central American migrants.收入增加也意味着能够更多地获得医疗保障。在尼加拉瓜,汇款极大提高了医生助产的可能性,这是降低母亲死亡率的一个重要因素。More money also meant better access to healthcare. In Nicaragua, remittances significantly improved the likelihood of doctor-assisted births, a big factor in reducing maternal mortality.报告的另一项发现是,在摩洛哥和土耳其向欧洲输出劳动力的地区,生育率有所下降。报告将这种现象归因于"观念和行为模式从劳动力接收国向输出国传输"。Another finding was that fertility rates have declined in those parts of Morocco and Turkey that export labour to Europe. It attributed this to "the transmission of ideas and modes of behaviour from host to source country".报告还发现,归国移民能够在本国获得更高的工资。与没有出过国的人相比,在海外工作过的埃及人的工资最多可高出38%。The report also found that returned migrants could command higher wages in their home countries. Egyptians who had worked abroad earned up to 38 per cent more than those who had not travelled.希夫表示,受益的不仅仅是劳动力输出国。The benefits, says Mr Schiff, are not confined to labour exporting countries.希夫称:"有研究发现,如果经合组织(OECD)国家的劳动力增加3%(即1500万人),并平均分布在各个职业,所获得的好处将比世界所有国家都开放贸易还要大。""There are studies which show that if you increase the labour force of OECD countries by 3 per cent, or 15m people, with the same distribution across occupations, the benefits would be larger than if all the countries of the world liberalised their trade," he said.希夫表示,这些好处应当为劳动力接收国提供有力的理由,实施暂时移民制度,例如,可以规定工人的部分工资在其本国支付,只有在工人最终回国时才能拿到。他表示,这种制度将保留汇款给贫穷国家带来的好处,减少发展中国家的人才流失,并有利于劳动力接收国控制自己的人口规模。Mr Schiff says these benefits should provide a strong argument for countries that receive labour to adopt systems for temporary migration in which, for instance, a proportion of a worker's salary is paid in the home country and is only available after the worker's final return. Such a system, he said, would maintain the benefits of remittances to poor countries, cut the brain drain from the developing world and let host countries control the size of their population.
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BEC中级商务英语阅读讲义精选:2女巫的超前思维亲爱的经济学家:Dear Economist,有一个关于古罗马末代君王塔尔坎(Tarquin)的传说。一位老女巫走到塔尔坎面前,提出以高昂的价格卖给他9本预言书。塔尔坎对这一提议不以为然。女巫烧毁了其中的3本书,然后提出以原价卖给他剩下的6本。塔尔坎再次拒绝了。There is a legend about the last king of the Romans, Tarquin. An old witch came to Tarquin, and offered to sell him nine books of prophecy at an exorbitant price. Tarquin laughed at the offer. The witch burned three of the books, and then offered to sell him the remaining six for the original price. Tarquin refused again.女巫又烧毁了3本,然后同样以最初9本的价格向塔尔坎出售剩下的3本。这一次,塔尔坎担心自己可能会错失一些宝贵的东西,于是以女巫索要的价格买下了剩余3本书。这反映了什么样的需求曲线呢?The witch burned three more books and offered to sell Tarquin the three books that were left for the original price that she had demanded for nine. This time Tarquin was scared that he might be losing something precious, and bought the remaining three books for the price that the witch asked. What sort of demand curve is that?克里斯o麦克马洪(Chris McMahon)通过电子邮件发送Chris McMahon, by e-mail亲爱的麦克马洪:Dear Mr McMahon,忘掉需求曲线吧;这是一个关于经济盈余分配的两方谈判。塔尔坎始终愿意出高价,但同时希望能够还价。女预言家("女巫"听上去让人不太舒服)则用限制供应的方法来应对,意在推升价格。Forget the demand curve; this is a two-player negotiation over the division of economic surplus. Tarquin was always willing to pay a high price but hoped to get a bargain. The sibyl ("witch" is such an uncouth label) responded with a supply constriction designed to drive up the price.塔尔坎可能会认为,这个女预言家只有一位竞争性买家,如果每位买家都只想要3本书的话,这将形成供过于求的局面。而一旦出现两位买家只有3本书可买的情况,塔尔坎明白,他正面临严峻的局面,因而抢先报出了价格。Tarquin might have thought that the sibyl had just one rival buyer, and if each buyer wanted only one trilogy, that would be a supply glut. Once there was only one trilogy available for two buyers, Tarquin knew he was in a serious auction and made a pre-emptive offer.还有一种可能性是,女预言家正在解决一个所谓的持久垄断的问题。塔尔坎知道,女预言家可能会以高价向他出售3本书,然后再回头以低价出售另外3本或6本。而通过烧毁6本书,女预言家让自己能够提出一个真正要不要随你的出价。这是一种超前思维,但话说回来,她本来就是在推销预言。Another possibility is that the sibyl was dealing with the so- called durable monopoly problem. Tarquin knew that the sibyl might sell him an expensive trilogy, and then come back later with a cut- price offer to buy a second or third. By destroying two trilogies, the sibyl enabled herself to make a credible, take-it-or-leave-it offer. Forward-thinking stuff, but then, she was flogging prophecies.
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