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1分钟前发布 -【BEC中级阅读热点新闻精选:(24)英国最低工资减少工资差别】 10月19日讯: BEC中级阅读热点新闻精选:(24)英国最低工资减少工资差别英国最低工资减少工资差别牛津大学(Oxford University)的一份报告显示,引入最低工资已导致薪资级别受到挤压,这“在消除工资差别,同时在影响对高技能的奖赏和激励。”The introduction of the minimum wage has led to pay levels being compressed, “destroying differentials and removing rewards and incentives for improving skills”, according to a report by Oxford University.英国零售商协会(British Retail Consortium)委托进行的这项研究显示,接待行业96%的员工以及零售和批发行业75%的员工拿到的都是最低工资,今年10月,英国最低工资将升至时薪5.35英镑至5.52英镑。The study, commissioned by the British Retail Consortium, found that 96 per cent of workers in the hospitality industry and 75 per cent of retail and wholesale workers earned the minimum wage, which is due to rise from £5.35 to £5.52 an hour in October.自1999年实行最低工资标准以来,英国最低工资已提高46%,为逾100万员工提供了经济安全保障。欧盟(EU)统计机构欧盟统计局(Eurostat)的一份报告显示,在20个欧盟成员国中,英国最低工资水平排名第三,几乎是美国联邦标准的两倍。Britain’s minimum wage, which has risen by 46 per cent since it was introduced in 1999, provides a financial safety net for more than 1m workers. It is the third highest out of 20 European Union nations and almost twice the US federal level according to a report from Eurostat, the EU’s statistical arm.英国零售商协会表示,低收入委员会(Low Pay Commission)确定最低工资水平的方法,应考虑到一个事实:即最低工资已成为数十万员工的工资标准,而非基本工资基数。The BRC says the way rates are set by the Low Pay Commission should take into the account the fact that the minimum wage has become the norm rather than a basic pay floor for hundreds of thousands of workers.英国零售商协会会长凯文?霍金斯(Kevin Hawkins)表示,遏制通胀因素的最低工资涨幅已开始影响到雇主创造新就业岗位的能力。英国零售商协会表示,低收入委员会不应“试图成为雇主和工会不同出价之间的裁判”,而是应以各行业薪资中值和生产率的变化为指引。Inflation-busting rises have begun to undermine the ability of employers to create new jobs, says Kevin Hawkins, BRC director-general. The Low Pay Commission instead of “trying to act as a referee between conflicting bids from employers and unions” should be guided by movements in median wages and productivity in individual sectors, says BRC.英国零售商协会警告称:“许多雇主,特别是那些在零售业等竞争激烈、普遍处于通缩市场上经营的雇主,发现他们的薪资结构受到了挤压。因此,那些出钱培训员工、支持员工再教育、并希望能够认可并奖励员工新增技能和技能提高的企业,无力做到这些。”It warns: “Many employers, particularly those who operate in fiercely competitive and generally deflationary markets such as retailing, have seen their pay structures compressed. As a result, those who invest in training their staff and supporting further education and who want to be able to recognise and reward new and enhanced skills are un-able to do so.”薪资福利专业机构IDS 2005年年底进行的一项研究显示,在引入最低工资制后,超市已削减了薪资等级的数量,在一家超市,已“引入了单一的副主管薪资等级”。A study at the end of 2005 by IDS, the pay and benefits specialists, reported that supermarkets had reduced the number of pay grades and in one case had “introduced a single sub-supervisor grade” following the introduction of the minimum wage.英国零售商协会表示:“如果最低工资继续以近来的平均速度增长,那么就业率将下降,雇主也会发现自己无力奖励技能高超的员工、保持薪资差距并提供宝贵的非薪资福利。包括零售业在内的多个行业已感受到这些影响。”The BRC said: “If the minimum wage continues to grow at its recent average rate, employment will fall and employers will find themselves unable to reward skills, preserve wage differentials and provide valued non-wage benefits. These effects are already being felt in several sectors, including retail.”然而,英国职工大会(TUC)秘书长弗朗西斯?奥格拉迪(Frances O’Grady)表示:“最低工资标准已发挥了作用,因为这个标准由低收入委员会确定,该委员会将雇主和工会代表组织在一起,讨论对英国经济最为有利的政策。用机械的指数来替代这一成功的合作过程,将是愚蠢的。”Frances O’Grady, TUC general secretary, however, said: “The minimum wage has worked because the rate has been determined by the Low Pay Commission, which brings employer and trade union representatives to-gether to discuss what will work best for the UK economy. It would be foolish to replace this successful partnership process with a mere mechanical index.“英国零售商协会一贯认为,对于零售业而言,最低工资标准的每一次提高都是一场灾难。而事实是,零售业的就业率已升至创纪录的水平。”“The BRC has consistently predicted that every increase in the minimum wage will be a disaster for the retail sector. The truth is that employment in retailing has grown to record levels.”
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2014年商务英语BEC中级阅读辅导解析(7)降息不是解决信贷市场动荡的办法亿万富翁基金经理雷伊o戴利奥(Ray Dalio)表示,降息不是解决目前信贷市场动荡问题的方法。戴利奥是最近数月为美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)提供建议的专家之一。Ray Dalio, the billionaire fund manager who was among the experts to advise the US Federal Reserve in recent months, has said interest rate cuts are not the solution to the turmoil in the credit markets.基金公司Bridgewater Associates创始人和首席财务官戴利奥表示,实际上,长期解决方法将涉及汇率政策--比如中国人民币升值--以解决美国的贸易失衡问题。Rather, Mr Dalio, founder and chief investment officer of money manager Bridgewater Associates, said the longer-term solution would involve currency policies - such as a revaluation of the Chinese renminbi - to address the US’s trade imbalance."我们当前的信贷问题是国际收支问题的另一个方面,"他向英国《金融时报》表示:"这个世界一直充斥着流动性,资金不断从国外涌入,大量资金不得不迅速投资到位。""Our current credit problems are the flip side of our balance of payments problem," he told the Financial Times. "The world has been awash with liquidity and money has been pouring in from abroad, so lots of money had to get invested fast."美元作为全球主要的储备货币,加之主要盈余国家的货币盯住美元,这催生了以美元计价的债务泡沫--即大量不负责任的美元贷款。此轮抵押贷款危机仅仅是这个问题的表象之一。""The dollar being the world’s dominant reserve currency, coupled with the major surplus countries having their currencies pegged to the dollar, has led to a dollar denominated debt bubble - a lot of irresponsible lending in dollars. The mortgage crisis is just one reflection of this."戴利奥运呼吁美联储停止降息,并为美国经济增长设立一个"现实的"目标:每年增长2.2%。这将是上世纪30年代以来的最低水平,同时也低于美联储2.5%的目标增长率。Mr Dalio called for the Fed to stop cutting interest rates and to set a "realistic" target rate for US growth of 2.2 per cent a year. That would be the lowest since the 1930s, and below the 2.5 per cent that is the Fed’s target.戴利奥表示,为了双方的利益,中国需要调高人民币兑美元汇率。China needed to revalue its currency against the US dollar for the benefit of both countries, said Mr Dalio."(人民币)之所以处于目前的水平,是源自于一些历史原因,而它们不再适用,也是不可持续的。"他表示。"The [renminbi] is where it is because of historical reasons that no longer apply and are unsustainable," he said."之所以说美元兑人民币及其他新兴市场货币贬值既有利于他们,也有利于我们,是因为我们有着相反的担忧--他们担心自己的经济过热和国外资产不断累积,而我们则担心本国的经济走软和我们的海外债务不断累积。"他表示。"The reason a dollar devaluation against China’s currency and other emerging market currencies is now good for both them and us is that we have exactly opposite concerns - they are concerned about their economy overheating and their foreign assets building.
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BEC中级阅读材料:美国2月成屋销售量美国2月份成屋销售量7个月来首次出现增长,但销售价格却创下至少40年来的最大跌幅。Sales of previously owned homes in the US rose for the first time in seven months in February, while sale prices fell by their most in at least 40 years.全美房地产经纪人协会(National Association of Realtors)的数据显示,经季节因素调整后,美国上月成屋销售量增加2.9%,折合成年率为503万套,但较上年同期减少了23.8%。Figures from the National Association of Realtors showed that existing home sales rose by 2.9 per cent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.03m units last month, still 23.8 per cent lower than a year ago.此前,美国1月份成屋销售量折合成年率为489万套,创下自1999年有记录以来的最低水平。市场曾预计2月份的销售量将再次小幅下滑,至485万套。The rise comes after sales fell in January to a level of 4.89m – the lowest since records began in 1999. Sales had been expected to fall modestly again this month to a level of 4.85m.经济学家们表示,成屋销售量的增加,对住宅和金融市场是一个积极信号,但并非住宅市场即将好转的明证。Economists said that the rise was a positive indication for housing and the financial markets but that it was not clear evidence that residential real estate was about to improve.雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)经济学家扎克?潘德尔(Zach Pandl)表示:“销售量的上升是重要的第一步,但我不会就此认为住宅市场的问题都已得到解决。”“The rise in sales is an important first step,” said Zach Pandl, an economist at Lehman Brothers. “But I wouldn’t call it the end of the problems in housing.”美国2月份成屋销售价格下滑8.2%,价格中值为19.59万美元,创下全美房地产经纪人协会自1968年开始记录房价以来的最大单月跌幅。House prices fell 8.2 per cent – the biggest one-month drop since the NAR began keeping records in 1968 – to a median price of $195,900 (?127,000, £98,700).成屋库存减少3%,从10.2个月供应量减少至9.6个月供应量,但仍处于非常高的水平,是2005年水平的两倍以上。The inventory of homes for sale fell by 3 per cent from 10.2 to 9.6 months’ supply. The supply is still extre-mely elevated and more than twice as high as in 2005.潘德尔表示:“只有看到房屋价格见底,人们才会对房地产或证券市场恢复信心。”“Until you see a bottom in home prices, people are not going to be confident about the market in homes or in securities,” Mr Pandl said.JP摩根(JPMorgan)的麦克尔?芮豪特(Michael Rehaut)表示:“考虑到总体需求疲软,而且目前看来春季销售疲软的趋势已经形成,我们相信……房屋销量的上升可能只是暂时的。”“We believe this?.?.?.?pickup will likely prove temporary, given overall weak demand and the soft spring selling season that we believe has so far taken shape,” said Mi-chael Rehaut at JPMorgan.在另一份数据中,芝加哥联邦储备银行(Chicago Federal Reserve Bank)的全国活动指数显示,美国的经济衰退可能已经开始。今年2月,该指数的3个月均值跌破-0.70的“关口”,至-0.87。芝加哥联邦储备银行表示:“经过一段时间的经济扩张后出现这种情况,说明衰退已经开始的可能性越来越大。”In another data release, the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank’s National Activity index sent a signal that a recession had probably begun in the US. The three-month average score for the index fell below the -0.70 “threshold” to -0.87 for February. “Such an occurrence following a period of economic expansion indicates an increasing likelihood that a recession has begun,” the bank said.
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