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1分钟前发布 -【every time 引导什么结构?】http://www.zjks.cc 10月19日讯: every time 引导什么结构?every time后面引导的是时间状语从句,主将从现
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sentence pattern网络句型; 句式; 句子结构; 基本句型; 句型结构双语例句In reading time is aperson with high aspirations, remembers may transform as the oneselfspoken language expression viewpoints or the sentence pattern. 在阅读的时候就做个有心人,记住可以转化为自己口语表达的讲法或者句型。Andrew's Note: This is another sentence pattern that not many Chinese students of English know, but Americans say every day. 这是另一个大多数学英语的中国学生不会用的句型,但是美国人却天天都在说。On the Interchangeability between Sentence Pattern of Combined Structure and That of Combined Structural Items As Demonstrated from Ancient Chinese Annotation Books: Concurrently about the Non-Existence of Differentiation of the Simple from the Multiple Se (构造)复杂的句子谈古注释书表现的联合结构、联合结构项句式相互转换&兼说汉语语法无单句复句之分The Sentence Pattern of "adj.+ li+ no+ noun" for the Emphasis of Degree in Xinzhou Dialect; It is my son the youngest in this room. 忻州方言强调程度的形+哩+没+名句式因为强调“我的儿子”最小.个人感觉要用强调句的格式。The fifth chapter describes the using frequency of You sentence pattern exist in different text styles and its pragmatical function. 第五章介绍“由”字句在不同语体和文体中的使用频率及其语用功能。It is," How about no?" When someone is excited about something and uses the "how about" sentence pattern to say it, friends like to crush their enthusiasm with a sarcastic," How about no?" 当某人对某事感到非常激动,并用“howabout”来说时,他的朋友会用带有讽刺意味的“Howaboutno?”There are many ways to vary the basic English sentence pattern of subject-verb-object. 由许多方法可以变换英语主动宾基本句型。Pattern analysis should be definite: Sentence pattern is the pattern that is analyzed in terms of grammar. 句型划分应层次化:句型是依特定语法标准按层次划分出来的类型。It is traditionally acknowledged that there is no "one-character" sentence pattern in The Book of Songs. 传统的看法是《诗经》中没有一言句式,对于这一说法古代和近代一些学者提出了相反的看法。A Study on the Semantic Property and Sentence Pattern Choice for "Giving" Verbs 给予动词的语义性质和句型选择研究This sentence pattern will be your best friend in those situations. 在这些情况下,这个句型将是你最好的选择。Functional Analysis of Forms in Chinese Thank-Expressing Replies; Sentence with repetitions of the same form: a Rhetorically Interesting Sentence Pattern with Pragmatic Variation 基于实地调查的汉语回谢语形式与功能分析同形回复句:一种辞趣盎然的语用变异句式Remember every sentence pattern is worth repeating at least one hundred times! 记住:每个句型都值得你重复操练至少一百次!Vocabulary is the most basic unit of sentence pattern and discourse. 词汇是句型、语篇的最基本单位。On the Approach of Teaching Chinese Language and Characters; On Study of the "YOU" Sentence Pattern in Elementary Intensive Reading Materials for Chinese as a Second Language 从三套教材的语文安排看对外汉语汉字教学的路子三套对外汉语初级精读教材中的有字句研究Andrew's Note: Americans use this sentence pattern to make a suggestion, not to ask for reasons. 美国人用这个句型来提出建议,而并非是询问原因。Andrew's Note: You will sound very American if you express your hopes and desires with this sentence pattern. 如果你能用这个句型来表达你的希望和心愿,那么你的英语听起来就非常有美国味。First Sight Love and Blind Love: on modern aesthetics; This is such a popular sentence pattern in America. Americans are always talking about what they are crazy about. 一见钟情与情人眼里出西施&兼论现象学审美观这是在美国非常流行的句型。美国人总是谈论他们着迷的事情。English sentences with inanimate subjects are a typical sentence pattern in formal written english. 摘要英语无灵主语句是英语正式书面语中的一种典型句型。The regular sentence pattern of Da Ya, that is, a paragon of the style of Book of Songs, actually reflected the rhythm of court music under the restriction of Zhou double-tone bells. “诗体”的典范&《大雅》诗组规整的句式,其实是周代“双音钟”制约下的雅乐节奏的折射。The Effect of English Sentence Pattern on Immediate and Delayed Recall 英语句式对立即和延缓回忆的影响The Analysis to Pragmatic Motivation of Choosing Sentence Pattern in English Correspondence 外贸英语函电句式的选择与语用理据分析The existential construction, representing a typical feature of Chinese as a topic-prominent language, is a special kind of sentence pattern in modern Chinese. 存现句体现汉语作为话题突出型语言的典型特征,是现代汉语中比较有特点的一种句式。Sentence pattern: Make a bug with four eyes and three antennae. 完成一只有四只眼睛和三根触角的甲虫。The essence of negative sentence pattern to express affirmative proposition is to link two negative forms together for a positive sense. 汉语表达肯定命题的否定句式的实质是连用两次否定形式并表达一个肯定意义。英语含蓄否定形式上是肯定的,却蕴含否定意义,因此不易一目了然。The following sentence pattern is most commonly used all by itself. 以下这个句型常常可以独立使用。The sentence is fastidious concisely, the sentence pattern has the change, key prominent. 句子讲究精练,句型有变化,重点突出。I'll read the sentence pattern and do it first, then you do the same. 我读句型并先做一遍,然后你们照样做。A sentence pattern refers to a typical structure which is based on the structural and specific meaning. 句型是根据句子的结构意义和特定的含义而总结出的典型结构。The second part described the order of several adverbial in "ba" sentence pattern, and then explained the reasons. 第二部分是描写和解释把字句中多项状语的排列顺序;
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address part地址部分;地址码双语例句Domain name resolution works by a client contacting a server and requesting that a particular address be resolved to the corresponding part ( i.e., name to IP address, or IP address to name). 域名解析的工作方式是客户端与服务器通信,并请求将某个特定地址解析到对应的部分(即从名称解析到IP地址,或从IP地址解析到名称)。A binding handle which has only the network address part and yet to obtain the endpoint is said to be partially bound. 如果一个绑定句柄只有网络地址部分,还没有获得端点,就称之为部分绑定的。It is possible to address only part of the requirements in a given product, but by doing so, an administrator is left with the task of filling in the gaps. 在一个指定产品中,虚拟化基础结构只能解决这些需求的某一部分,但这样做之后,管理员只需要弥补不足之处。Now when you deploy a pattern using this environment profile, you explicitly define the IP address for each part in the pattern. 现在,在使用这个环境概要文件部署模式时,要显式地指定模式中每个部分的IP地址。For each component machine, you need enter the machine's host name or IP address, and the part type assign to the machine. 对于每个组件机,都需要输入机器的主机名称、IP地址以及为该机器指定的部件类型。However, if you are using an EndpointReferenceType for dynamic service binding, only the address part must be set. 然而,如果使用EndpointReferenceType来进行动态服务绑定,就只有地址部分是必须设定的。The claim by the bishop of London in his funeral address that the former scientist was part of the team that invented Mr Whippy ice-cream is no exception. 而伦敦主教在其葬礼悼词中关于撒切尔夫人是发明甜筒冰淇淋的团队成员的说法,也毫不例外引起了争议。撒切尔夫人在从政前从事科学研究的工作。Keep the scope limited; address a small part of your domain and don't try to make the DSL a general programming language 保证有限的作用域;仅仅解决领域中相应的小部分问题,不要让DSL变成一个通用编程语言On the to line, you want to enter the same name or address that you chose as part of the condition. 在“收件人”行上,您需要输入选为条件组成部分的相同姓名或地址。And while I have the opportunity to address you, I say part of solution has to be that the talent base has to be more inclusive. 才能解决这个问题,我想借此机会告诉大家我认为,解决方法之一就是使我们的人才基础更广泛。As any NVH problem being a source-path-responder system, different approaches and strategies are required to address each individual part of the issue, which are discussed with illustrations. 任何噪声、振动和声振粗糙度问题都是源路径响应器系统的问题,所以,需要采取不同途径和策略解决各部分问题,这将通过图文并茂的方式进行讨论。A method of addressing in which the address part of an instruction contains a relative address. 一种寻址方法,按照这种寻址法,指令的地址部分存放的是相对地址。The CS register has two parts: the visible segment selector part and the hidden base address part. CS寄存器有两个部分:可见段选择子部分和隐藏的基地址部分。Routing and smart URLs make the page address part of the interface and search-engine friendly. 路由和智能网址使界面和搜索引擎友好的网页地址的一部分。We require your home phone number and your address as part of our credit checks. 我们必须记录阁下的住宅电话和地址以作信贷审核用途。Next, identify the questions you remain unable to address ( likely those in part three). 接着,确认那些你无法解释的问题(像是第三部份)。I would like to address something that is not part of the exam, that I want you to think about, something that is fun, and it's always nice It has to do with my last lecture. 我想要说一些,无关考试的内容,让你们思考,这些内容很有趣,而通常做这些有趣的内容,它和我的上一节课有关。I know the nature of the data that you are looking for, and will try to come up with something that may address part of the issue, if not all of it. 我很清楚你们要搜集的资料内容,我们会尽可能努力提供这方面的资料。It will become the basis of Shared Bus. Though the analysis about the PowerPC Bus, there are four parts in BIU: Instruction Pretreatment Part, Address Bus Treatment Part, Data Bus Treatment Part and Data Pos-treatment Part. 通过对PowerPC结构的总线协议的分析,总线接口部分主要由指令预处理部分、地址总线处理部分、数据总线处理部分和数据后处理部分组成,完成微处理器和外部总线的数据交互。The DC motor driving circuit, found out the physics address of every part and interface relation, and deoxidized the intact hardware circuit of the robot. 直流电机驱动电路分别进行了详细的分析,摸清了各部分的物理地址,接口关系,还原出了机器人的完整的硬件电路结构。Address terms are an important part of the daily language of life. 称谓语是日常语言生活中一个重要的组成部分。Build internet resource and note the internet address in the proper part of the textbook. 开发与教科书配套的网络资源,并在教科书的适当位置分别注明与该章节内容相关的具体网址。Chinese address system is complex and developed, so teaching of address terms is the difficult part of vocabulary teaching in teaching in teaching Chinese as a second language. 由于汉语称谓系统的复杂和发达,使得汉语称谓语教学成为对外汉语词汇教学中的难点。Address form is an important part of human verbal communication. Address form is the most widely used and most frequent words. In Intercultural Communication, address form is often transformed the information to the other people. 称谓语是言语交际活动中的重要组成部分,是语言交际中使用最广泛、最频繁的词语,在跨文化言语交际中,称谓语往往是首先传达给对方的信息。Presidential inaugural address, an important part of western political genre, is drawing more and more attention all over the world. 总统就职演说,作为西方政治文体的重要组成部分,其重要性日益受到学者关注。But from talking on the technology, not hesitating to adopt private address, can resolve the part address problem by the fact that NAT changes, large amount of practice already indicates way, this does not finish being. 从技术上讲,尽管采用私有地址,通过NAT转换可以解决部分地址问题,但大量的实践已表明,这并非是好办法。On this basis, rapid prototyping and CAD techniques are combined to design and fabricate complex thin-walled part-computer monitor stand, and some preliminary approaches are developed to address part of key technologies on manufacture of thin-walled part via rapid prototyping techniques. 在此基础上,我们综合应用反求工程、快速成型技术与CAD技术完成复杂薄壁零件&电脑显示器底座的设计与制造,对快速成型技术在制造薄壁零件中的一些关键技术提出了初步的解决方法。In this paper, we would address the first part. 在这篇论文中,将致力于解决第一个部分所涉及到的问题。GPRS network adopts the solution of Internet static address. This part describes the project in three sections. GPRS网络采用公网静态IP的组网方案。从三个部分介绍监控系统,1.GPRS-INTERNET网络。
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language system网络语言系统; 房近语言学校; 语言体系; 话语系统双语例句ODBC works by acting as a twofold interface or connector design: First, as a programming language system to an ODBC system and second, as an ODBC system to a data storage system. ODBC的作用是充当接口或连接器,它具有双重设计目标:首先,对于ODBC系统,它充当的是编程语言系统,其次,对于数据存储系统,它充当的是ODBC系统。Until recently, researchers thought the bilingual advantage stemmed primarily from an ability for inhibition that was honed by the exercise of suppressing one language system: this suppression, it was thought, would help train the bilingual mind to ignore distractions in other contexts. 之前,研究者们一直认为双语的优势主要来自在压制一种语言系统的实战中得到强化的抑制能力:一般认为这种抑制力能够帮助训练双语思维来忽略其他环境的干扰。With the guarantees offered by the Common Language System, you should be able to maintain your legacy assets as DLLs while writing new code in IronPython. 通用语言系统(CommonLanguageSystem)保证我们可以将遗留代码保存为DLL的同时使用IronPython编写新的代码。The paper mainly introduces a solution which shows how to carrying out binary executable code in interpreter language system. 文章重点介绍了在解释执行环境中处理二进制可执行代码的一种有效方案。Shangrao dialects belong to Chinese-Tibet language system, thus to the ESL learners Shangrao dialects will greatly influence the correct phonology of English in vowels, consonants and intonation. 作为汉语的一种地域变体,上饶方言具有结构系统上的自身特点,其元音、辅音和语调都与英语语音有较大的差别。The approximate language system that a second language learner constructs which represents his or her transitional competence in the target language. 第二语言学习这在学习过程中所构建的近乎目标语的语言体系,它体现了学习者在目标学习的过渡性语言能力。Zhuang language is the language of the Zhuang nationality. Like Chinese, it belongs to the Sino-Tibet language system. 壮语是壮族的语言,和汉语一样,也属于汉藏语系。Words and phrases is an integration of pronounciation, meaning and grammar; is the basic of a language study; and also is the life backbone of a language system. 词汇是语音、语义和语法三者统一的整体,是语言的基础,是语言大系统赖以生存的支柱。The Image of the Words and the Beauty of the Silence& On the Interaction of Being and Nothingness; Language is the contrastive combination of the language system and the linguistic phenomena. 有言之象与无言之美&有无相生论略语言是语言系统和语言现象的对立统一。Those reports have reflected an inequality system of one nation and race and maintained, copied and confirmed by a shared language system inside society members. 它依然反映了一个种族的不平等系统,是由社会内部成员共享的话语体系来维持、复制和巩固的。In the latter chapter of this article, we will compare to the realization detail of other constraint database'laguage in order to expand the function of commom database language system. 本文在后面几章中扩铺了普通数据库的语言功能,使其能够在二元约束数据库上实现。Although language and thought are two different systems that develop along two different routes, part of the language system is actually part of the thought system. 虽然语言和思维是两个不同的体系并沿两条不同的路线发展,但实际上,语言体系中的某些部分也是思维体系的一部分。A Study on the Application of Unified Medical Language System to Search Engine 一体化医学语言系统在搜索引擎中的应用研究The ostensible opposition between translatability and intranslatahihy overshadows the focus on different aspects of the language system. 不可译性与可译性之间表面的对立所遮蔽的是二者对语言不同层面的关注。The Cultural Communication between China and Western Countries and the Form of Contemporary Chinese Language System 中西文化交流与现代汉语体系的形成Auditing to categorization of concept semantic types in the Unified Medical Language System 一体化医学语言系统中概念语义类型的分类审核Chinese Language System and Cultural Infiltration during Teaching Chinese as A Second Language 汉语语言系统及对外汉语教学中的文化渗透Language is the contrastive combination of the language system and the linguistic phenomena. 语言是语言系统和语言现象的对立统一。The aesthetic characteristic of Chinese wash painting color is running after the black, and also has its own unique language system, with high aesthetic and artistic significance. 中国水墨画的色彩审美有着尚黑的特点,并形成了独特的墨色语言系统,具有高度的艺术性和审美意义。As early as in1998, Southwest University of Nationalities developed a Tibetan language system for computers. 早在1998年,西南民族大学就研制成功了计算机藏文系统。Learner's inter-language fossilized some way short of target language competence while the internalized rule system contained rules that are different from those of the target language system. 学习者的语际语在未到达目的语言能力时,就发生了僵化,此时其内在化的规则体系与目的语语言体系所包含的规则不尽相同。As one category of the whole language system, the context of culture in the western advertising language is sure to be capitalist commodity economy. 作为整个语言系统的一大类别,西方广告语言的文化语境必然是资本主义商品经济。A language system, based on couple-dance, where every gesture performed by a "speaker" and followed by a guided "listener" carries meaning. 这种语言系统是建立在双人舞的基础上,每一个动作所代表的意思由一个“说话人”来表演并由一个被指引的“听众”所跟随。Restriction of individual language system; 具体语言系统的限制性;Deixis is a popular and universal language phenomenon, which reflects the relationship between language and context in the language system. 指示语是语言中带有普遍性的现象,它是语言和语境的关系在语言体系中的反映。The language user has to express his meaning through different modes of choice of structural and lexical patterns in the language system. 符号系统或者系统网络中存在不同程度的空缺现象。语言使用者需要在现有的系统中,通过选择不同的结构模式和词汇模式来表达自己的意义。A functional language system with embedded construction for representing procedural knowledge is designed and implemented. 文中设计一个嵌入式函数语言系统,此系统用于过程性知识表示。Li Culture and Chinese Language System 礼文化和汉语言系统The internet vocabulary is the most active in the internet language system. 网络词汇在网络语言系统中最开放、最活跃、最具特色。Language system, Human Thinking and Language Acquisition 语言体系、人类思维以及语言习得 英英释义nouna system of linguistic units or elements used in a particular language
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