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1分钟前发布 -【对外汉语教学-面试对话】http://www.zjks.cc 10月18日讯: 对外汉语教学-面试对话对外汉语教学-面试对话本文简介::。:?:。。:,。:,。:。:,。:?:,。。。:,。:,,。:,?:,。:,。:,。:,,。:,。:,?:?:,,。:,。:。3,3012。。。。:,。:。!:!:,。。:,,。。。:。:????:,。:,,。:。:?:。、。:?:DDD。。:?:。,QQQ3。。:QQQ?:。:?:,。。,。:对外汉语教学-面试对话本文内容::。:?:。。:,。:,。:。:,。:?:,。。。:,。:,,。:,?:,。:,。:,。:,,。:,。:,?:?:,,。:,。:。3,3012。。。。:,。:。!:!:,。。:,,。。。:。:????:,。:,,。:。:?:。、。:?:DDD。。:?:。,QQQ3。。:QQQ?:。:?:,。。,。:QQQ,?:。:,,?:。。:,,?:?:。,,,,,,。。大卫:,。。?:、、、。。,?、、?:,。:!?:,4800。,?:。:DDD?:,,。:,。:?:。。。。。。。:。,,?:QQQ。:。,。:,。:,。:。:。:?:,。:。。:DDD,!!!!:?!!!!!:,。:?:12。:,!:,。11
98 评论


intransitiveadj.不及物的牛津词典adj.不及物的used without a direct object The verb ‘die’ as in ‘He died suddenly’, is intransitive.He died suddenly中的动词die是不及物的。 柯林斯词典 (动词)不及物的An intransitive verb does not have an object. 双语例句The verbs were subdivided into transitive and intransitive categories. 动词可细分为及物动词和不及物动词。To Get Back Together Getting back together is a common intransitive phrasal verb used when a couple, band or group decide to resume their relationship. 复合Gettingbacktogether是一个常用的不及物动词短语,表示夫妇、乐队或团体决定恢复他们的关系。To Fall For In the case of to fall for someone or to fall in love, the word fall functions as an intransitive verb representing a particular state of being. 爱上例如爱上某人或坠入爱河,单词fall作为不及物动词表示一个特定的状态。The development of the Chinese language leads to a new phenomenon that some intransitive verbs are followed by an object. 随着语言的发展,一部分传统的不及物动词带上了宾语。I can't use it as a verb Verbs can be grouped into transitive verbs and intransitive verbs according to whether they take an object. 我不能把它当作动词用动词按能不能带宾语分为及物动词和不及物动词。Verbs can be grouped into transitive verbs and intransitive verbs according to whether they take an object. 动词按能不能带宾语分为及物动词和不及物动词。The latter is distinct in the expression "intentionally" or "unintentionally" because it has two kinds of verbs: transitive verbs and intransitive ones. 日语动词由于有自动词和他动词的存在,它们在体现动词的“有意”和“无意”上分工明确。Research of duality and multi-level security model based on intransitive noninterference theory 基于非传递无干扰理论的二元多级安全模型研究The principal parts Some intransitive notional verbs plus adjectives form the sentence patterns, which are active in form but passive in meaning. 一部分不及物实义动词与形容词搭配构成主动形式被动意义句型。In this dictionary the mark shows an intransitive verb. 在本词典中,[I]符号表示不及物动词。Intransitive verbs do not have an object. 有及物动词没有宾语。Many intransitive notional verbs plus adjectives form compound predicate sentence patterns. 许多不及物实义动词与形容词搭配,构成复合谓语句型。The boundary between transitive and intransitive verbs is clear-cut, as is determined by the syntactical structure instead of semantic values. 二元互斥表现于动词,即动词的及物性和不及物性是泾渭分明的,决定动词根本属性的不是语义特征而是句法结构。The Use of Intransitive Verb · Transitive Verb · Passive Verb on Expressing the Result of Affairs 表现事件结果的自动词、他动词、被动词The characteristic of the sentences composed of intransitive verb employment state is that the objects take the responsibility no matter the actions are allowed or commanded by the subjects. 自动词使役态构成的句子其特点是,无论是在主体允许下还是命令下的行为,其责任等都在于客体本身。The noun is followed by an intransitive verb. 这个名词后接不及物动词。Up to now, the standards of differentiating the adjectives from the intransitive verbs only include the semantic standard, the modality standard and the grammatical function standard. 目前能够用来区分形容词和不及物动词的标准,不外乎意义、形态、语法功能三种。The verb can be transitive verb ( vt.) or intransitive verb ( vi.), and4 kinds of forms. 动词可以是及物动词或不及物动词,并且它有4种存在形式。It is therefore necessary to describe the definition and category of prepositions as well as transitive and intransitive prepositions. 因此,全面论述介词的定义、范畴,及物介词和不及物介词很有必要。A part of adverbs is classified as prepositions, or precisely intransitive prepositions, in order to clarify the confusion of classification and function between adverb and preposition. 部分副词被归入介词,成为不及物介词,澄清了副词和介词之间分类不清、功能不明的问题。Traditionally, notional verbs are divided into two categories: transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. 传统语法一般将实词性动词分为两大类:及物动词,不及物动词。The traditional classification of verbs into transitive and intransitive verbs is useful but not enough. 把动词分成“及物动词”和“不及物动词”的传统做法解释不了许多语法现象。It is difficult to make sure thatQu_1after intransitive verb is directional complement same as Laias yet. 与来相同,在自动词后面的去1,我们至今很难认定它就是趋向补语了。The relationship between argument and subject is just like that of intransitive verb and verb. 话题是非典型成员,其与主语的关系如同不及物动词和动词的关系。This paper attempts to compare subordinating conjunctions with transitive prepositions and prepositional adverbs with intransitive prepositions in an effort to enhance learners 'understanding of this new theory and improve their English grammar competence. 通过对从属连词与及物介词,介词副词与不及物介词的比较,将进一步加深人们对这一创新理论的了解,提高英语语法的应用能力。Verbs can be divided into two kinds in general: transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. 动词通常可以分为两类:及物动词和不及物动词。In ergative languages, the objects of transitive verbs and the subjects of intransitive verbs are marked with the same case. 在作格语言中,及物形式的宾语和不及物形式的主语具有相同的格标记。The unaccusative sentence structure is one of the focuses of the study of intransitive verbs. 非宾格句子结构一直是不及物动词研究中的焦点问题。According to the characteristics of the verb itself, we divide the verb into three categories: intransitive verbs, transitive verbs and can let verbs. 按照动词本身的特点,我们先将《法言》中的动词分为三大类:不及物动词、及物动词和能愿动词。Through the research of the thesis, hope have a deeper understanding about the traditional intransitive verb, this good to computer understands and produces the natural language, and to teaching of Chinese, especially the teaching Chinese as a foreign language. 通过论文的研究,希望对传统意义上的不及物动词有更深一步了解,这有助于自然语言的计算机理解和生成,并且对汉语教学,特别是对外汉语教学有所帮助和启发。 英英释义nouna verb (or verb construction) that does not take an objectSynonym:intransitive verbintransitive verb formadjdesignating a verb that does not require or cannot take a direct object
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2023年汉语国际专业大学排行榜 院校名单一览表在2023年最新公布的中国汉语国际专业大学排名中,北京语言大学排名第一,华东师范大学排名第二,山东大学排名第三。下面小编整理了全国各大学汉语国际专业排名情况,供大家进行参考。2023年汉语国际专业大学排名一览表排名高校名称等级学校数专业名称1北京语言大学5★+326汉语国际教育2华东师范大学5★+326汉语国际教育3山东大学5★+326汉语国际教育4暨南大学5★326汉语国际教育5上海外国语大学5★326汉语国际教育6首都师范大学5★326汉语国际教育7河南大学5★326汉语国际教育8北京外国语大学5★326汉语国际教育9江苏师范大学5★326汉语国际教育10河南师范大学5★326汉语国际教育11山东师范大学5★326汉语国际教育12河北大学5★326汉语国际教育13天津外国语大学5★326汉语国际教育14云南师范大学5★326汉语国际教育15浙江越秀外国语学院5★326汉语国际教育16南京大学5★326汉语国际教育17武汉大学5★-326汉语国际教育18四川大学5★-326汉语国际教育19浙江师范大学5★-326汉语国际教育20西北大学5★-326汉语国际教育汉语国际专业的就业方向有哪些可从事汉语国际教育、跨文化传播和中外文化交流、涉外文秘、中小学语文教学等方面工作,或攻读中国语言文学各二级学科及汉语国际教育专业硕士研究生。主要运用汉语进行外交、商贸、新闻、文化交流、中文教学等方面的工作;掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有初步运用汉语进行科学研究与实际工作能力。随着我国综合实力的提高,中国国际影响力的提高和“汉语热”的兴起,汉语逐渐成为世界上最为重要的语言之一。加之国家对汉语国际推广事业的大力推动,汉语逐渐升温;特别是2005年首届世界汉语大会之后,传统的对外汉语教学开始向汉语国际推广转变,汉语学习的主课堂逐渐从国内转向了国外,全球出现了轰轰烈烈的“汉语热”。
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