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1分钟前发布 -【orientation什么意思中文?】http://www.zjks.cc 10月19日讯: orientation什么意思中文?n.方向;目标;定向;(个人的)基本信仰,态度,观点;(任职等前的)培训,训练;迎新会
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language complexity网络语言的复杂性; 语言复杂性双语例句The Java language has several features all with relatively high complexity costs that help to delay binding. Java语言有许多有助于延迟绑定的功能,这些功能都以相对较高的复杂度为代价。With this concern in mind, nevertheless, and in order to deal with the problem of language complexity, UML2.0 was modularized in a way that allows selective use of language modules. 不过,由于有了这些顾虑,UML2.0在某种程度上进行了模块化,允许有选择性的使用一些语言模块,以便解决语言复杂度的问题。To support such trends, flexible new hierarchical capabilities were added to the language to support software modeling at arbitrary levels of complexity. 为了支持这种趋势,将更加灵活和新的分等级的性能添加到语言中去,用以支持软件模型在任意复杂的级别中使用。The Java language has long suffered from escalating complexity because the base object model is not flexible enough to be extended. Java语言一直苦于无法充分增强其灵活性,原因是它的基本对象模型还未灵活到可以被扩展的程度。As I continue through this series of tutorials, I will cover additional aspects of the BPEL4WS language by adding levels of complexity to the step that processes the request. 随着我继续这个系列教程,我将通过向处理请求的步骤增加复杂度来介绍BPEL4WS语言的其它方面。For example, you may write about the use of machine learning in natural language processing or review sample complexity of machine learning algorithms. 例如,你可以写关于在自然语言处理中使用机器学习的报告或机器学习中各演算法的抽样复杂度的比较整理。Current mathematical theories and count practice show that the time for processing natural language exponentially increases as the complexity of the input information. 目前的数学理论和计算实践显示,自然语言处理所需要的时间随输入信息的复杂度呈指数增长。We allow inner complexity of the language because it enables us to shift the complexity away from the individual utterance. 我们允许语言的内在复杂性,因为这使得我们把复杂性从每个个体的表达中移走。This is the language of complexity. 这就是语言的复杂性。After optimizing these basic operations with the method of combining intrinsic with macro language, the complexity of calculation of G. 采用了内联函数和宏语言相结合的方法对这些基本运算进行了优化,优化后G。With the development of the computer programming language, the complexity and size of the software package are continuously increasing. 随着计算机编程语言的飞速发展,软件包的复杂度和容量不断增加。Background knowledge and language complexity in reading comprehension& a report of an experiment 背景知识与语言难度在英语阅读理解中的作用Legal English bears the name of "visual language" for its oddity and complexity. 英文法律语言因其独特的冗余表征,而有所谓视觉语言之称。The complexity of language and the variety of culture have determined the complexity of language teaching. 语言的复杂性和文化的多样性决定了语言教学的复杂性。People mostly adopt VHDL language in designing and simulation digital system. But the huge scale of design and the language complexity of itself lead to the problems of difficult developing, slowly run speed and heavily taking space of the simulator. 人们在设计和模拟数字系统时大多采用VHDL语言,然而设计的庞大规模及VHDL语言本身的复杂性造成其模拟器开发难度大,并且往往存在着运行速度慢、占用空间多等问题。This paper investigates the effects of background knowledge and language complexity on English reading comprehension for Chinese students of intermediary level. 本文是一篇英语阅读的实验报告,着重调查背景知识与文章的语言难度对英语阅读理解的影响。Assembler code program containing library function name is firstly translated into intermediate language program and then into high level language program to reduce complexity of decompilation. 将含有库函数名的汇编代码程序翻译成中间语言程序,然后再转换成高级语言程序可降低逆编译的复杂性。Evolution Language Complexity of Cellular Automaton of Rule 122 122号元胞自动机的演化语言复杂性When it came to the language complexity, compositions via translation were calculated significantly higher than those composed by direct writing. 就语言复杂度而言,在先写后译写作模式下产生的英语作文比在直接写作模式下产生的作文要来得更为详尽复杂。However, previous studies have merely investigated the effect of planning on language proficiency in terms of accuracy, fluency and complexity. 然而,以往研究侧重策划对语言准确性,流利性和复杂性的影响。Then, with the development of language, they began to realize the complexity of anaphora, and researched on the anaphoric phenomenon from different perspectives. 后来,随着语言学的发展,他们开始意识到回指的复杂性,并逐渐从不同的角度研究回指现象。Chinese structural particle "de" has inevitably become an important and difficult problem of second language learners because of the use of complexity, high frequency of occurrence. 汉语结构助词的因其使用情况复杂、出现频率高,使得汉语结构助词的成为第二语言学习者不可避免的一个重点和难点问题。In the actual teaching, degree adverbs has become a major difficulty in second language teaching due to its inherent complexity. 在实际教学中,程度副词也因其本身的复杂性而成为第二语言教学的一大难点。There are many mature decompilation tools In the field of decompile for Java, based on NET C# and PB language, but due to the complexity of C and C++ language, there is no corresponding tool. 在反编译领域,对于Java、基于.NET的C以及PB语言,反编译工具的技术已比较成熟,而对于C和C++语言,由于其本身的复杂性,并没有对应的工具。Although BPEL language have strong expressive skill, the structural complexity of BPEL will make its semantics are not very clear, so in practical application, the accuracy of the BPEL process has placed enormous demands. BPEL语言有较强的表达能力,但BPEL结构上的复杂性会使其语义不是很清楚,所以在实际应用中对BPEL程序的正确性提出了很高的要求。The text features of English writing mainly include the key content points, the text structure ( cohesion, coherence), and the language features ( fluency, accuracy, complexity). 其中文本特征主要包括内容要点、篇章结构(衔接、连贯)和语言特征(流利性、准确性、复杂性)。Because of the different description language have a different ability, so, the computation complexity of reasoning problems in description logic was proportional with the ability of language expression, if the stronger of language expression ability, the higher the computation complexity is. 由于不同的描述语言表达能力也不同,因此描述逻辑中推理问题的计算复杂性与语言的表达能力成正比关系,即语言的表达能力越强,计算复杂性越高。Color words are important component of the language vocabulary system, the complexity and richness of the modern Chinese color words caught the attention of many scholars, and it occupies a pivotal position in teaching Chinese vocabulary as a foreign language. 颜色词是语言词汇系统的重要组成部分,现代汉语颜色词以其常用性、复杂性和丰富性受到众多学者关注,其在对外汉语词汇教学中也有举足轻重的地位。As a de facto object-oriented modeling standard language, the complexity and magnitude of UML ( Unified Modeling Language) is inevitable. However, it also contains a lot of standard elements with vague and sparse semantics. UML(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)作为事实上的面向对象建模标准语言,它的复杂性和庞大性是不可避免的,但是它也包括了大量的具有模糊、稀疏语义的标准元素。Cultural diversity inevitably led to the construction of non-architectural language to the language conversion complexity. 文化的多元性必然致使非建筑语言向建筑语言转换的复杂性。
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unit charactern.单位性状双语例句Processing a text file often consists of sequentially reading a unit of information ( typically either a character or a line) and doing something in response to the unit you've just read. 处理文本文件通常包括读取信息单元(通常叫做字符或行),然后对刚读取的单元执行适当操作。A magnetic tape unit capable of recording one character at a time and creating record gaps only when explicitly directed. 能够一次记录一个字符并且仅在显式指定时才建立记录间隔的一种磁带机。Abbreviation for Binary term, unit of storage capable of holding a single character. 二进制术语的缩写,能够存储一个字符的存贮单元。In printing subsystem, a unit of the printer font memory. A character pattern of a32 × 32 dot character box can be stored in one compartment. 在印刷子系统中,印刷机字库存储器中的一个单元,一个32×2点字符刚好占用一个字格。In software systems, we often use certain simple defined basic information, such as industry classification, unit character, time unit etc. 在软件系统中,我们经常会用到一些简单的定义性的各类基础信息,如:行业类别、单位性质、时间单位等。A unit of type width based on the number of times a character can be set in one linear inch. 印字宽度的单位,以一英寸直线距离上能安置的字符数计。A high-speed printing device, primarily used in data processing, that prints an entire line of type as a unit instead of printing each character individually. 高速打印机设备,主要用于资料处理,作为一个单位一次打印整行字符,而不用一字一字地打印。Effects of Governor Type Selection Upon the Overall Characteristics of Torque Converter With Lock-up and Engine Unit Research on character of vehicle speed governor 闭锁式变矩器与不同调速器发动机匹配的研究车用调速器特性性能的计算研究The spoken language character, is refers to in Chinese a syllable to express a concept the structural unit, also is the oral account character. 口语字,是指汉语中由一个音节表达一个概念的结构单位,也就是口说的字。In this article, a compact structure and energy-saving variable frequency close hydraulic power unit is introduced. The control character of this unit using PID has studied. The response characteristic of the system has improved using PID control. 针对一种结构紧凑、节能的变频闭式液压动力单元进行了PID控制特性仿真研究,采用PID控制时能改善系统的的响应特性,使系统速度和压力达到预定的控制效果。Moreover, the feed forward unit has the stated prefiguring character, it can shorten the shift time. 而前馈控制环节,具有一定的预见性,可以缩短换挡时间。The shaft stability of generating unit and the power character play crucial role on the unit safe operation, it not only directly affects the safe operation, but also influences the life of unit. 机组的轴系稳定性和动力特性是机组安全运行的重要指标,不仅直接影响机组的运行品质,同时也影响机组的使用寿命。Effects of Characters Construction on Basic Processing Unit of Chinese Character Recognition 汉字结构对汉字识别加工的影响The paper describes the its process, combination of chemical unit, operation principle of main imported equipment, arrangement character. 介绍自贡鸿鹤化工总厂挤压法重质纯碱的工艺流程、化工单元组合、引进主要设备的工作原理、布置特点、试车及技术改进情况;In the segmentation, the Chinese character segment was the basic segmentation unit with consideration of the overlap and conglutination in handwritten Chinese character strings. 该算法具有如下的突出优点:在分割方面,将偏旁部首作为分割的基本单位,充分考虑无约束手写汉字分割的各种交叠和粘连情况,降低了金额汉字串分割的难度;Basic processing unit of Chinese character recognition: evidence from stroke number effect and radical number effect 汉字加工的基本单元:来自笔画数效应和部件数效应的证据Study on microstructure unit character and its swell-shrink property for physico-chemical soft rock 物化型软岩微结构单元特征及其胀缩性研究Work theory of large scale steam turbine jacking oil system is elaborated, the shortcoming of jacking oil system existed in home 300 MW unit is analyzed, and the character of new type jacking oil system is analyzed and discussed. 阐述了大型汽轮机顶轴油系统的工作原理,对国产300MW机组顶轴油系统存在的不足进行了分析,并对新型顶轴油系统的特点及改进进行了分析与探讨。Besides the physical quantum unit of formula choosing, it concerns the physical character. 物理定理、物理定律中的比例常数,除与公式中各物理量单位的选取有关外,有的还与物理性质有关。Reconfigurable robot unit structure design and assembly character analyses 可重构机器人单元结构设计及组合特性分析The result indicates that although the flow unit ⅰ has the best physical character, the distribution of area and remaining oil were few; 结果表明:Ⅰ型流动单元储集性能最好,但分布范围小,剩余油少;Suspension PVC resins with novel four unit dispersing agent system: Study on particle character and rheological property 新型四元复合分散体系悬浮聚合PVC树脂&颗粒特性与加工流变性能研究The constructive part is a constituent of the integrated character while the component is a basic unit of the character disintegration for coding's sake. 偏旁是合体字的构成单位,部件是为编码需要进行汉字拆分的基本单位。The research status of engineering drawings recognition and interpretation is analyzed systematically. The research contents are reviewed which include drawing image pretreatment and vectorization, basic graphics unit and character recognition, two-dimensional graphics interpretation and three-dimensional graphics reconstruction. 文章系统分析了工程图纸识别与理解的研究现状,回顾了图纸处理技术的研究层次,其中包括图纸图像的预处理矢量化、基本图元和文字符号的识别以及2D图形理解和3D图形重建。With the growing of reorganization of Chinese, scholars have begun to attach importance to another basic unit of Chinese character which made the theory of "word oriented" applied more and more in the teaching job. 随着对汉语认识的日渐全面与深刻,学者们开始重视汉语的另一基本单位即汉字。随之而来的字本位理论也为越来越多的被学者应用于对外汉语教学。This essay tries to unit crime subject of historical development, the concept and character, scope, the form of sin etc series were discussed. 本文拟通过对单位犯罪主体的历史发展、概念及特征、范围、罪过形式等系列进行探讨。Gene is the DNA or RNA sequences carrying the genetic information, also known as genetic factor which is the basic genetic unit controlling the character. 基因是指携带有遗传信息的DNA或RNA序列,也称为遗传因子,是控制性状的基本遗传单位。Once-through boiler is a key feature of the ultra-supercritical unit, the control object of the control system has character of multiple-input multiple-output, nonlinear, strong coupling, varying parameters and model uncertainty and so on. 直流锅炉是超超临界机组的一个主要特点,其控制系统的被控对象具有多输入多输出、非线性、强耦合、变参数和模型不确定等特点。According to sufficient experiments, we get some useful conclusions as follows: in noisy channel-based transliteration model, the basic unit of Chinese should be Chinese character and syllable-English sequence can improve significant performance under the condition of low-order language model. 第二,通过充分的实验比较得出结论:对基于噪声信道方法的音译模型而言,汉语应该以汉字为基本单位,通过音节化英文人名能够在低阶语言模型上获得更好的翻译性能。Cyclic peptides, a kind of biological molecules composed by amino acid unit and with special character, widely exist in nature and exhibit a multitude of interesting biological activities. 环肽是自然界中普遍存在的,由氨基酸单元构成的一类具有特殊形状和特殊性质的环状化合物。 英英释义noun(genetics) a character inherited on an all-or-none basis and dependent on the presence of a single gene
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英语学习:“产出导向法”理论体系的解读与应用“产出导向法”(Productionoriented approach,下文简称POA)是由以文秋芳教授为首的北京外国语大学中国外语与教育研究中心团队创建的符合中国国情的外语教学理论。自2007年首次提出,历经十余载发展和多轮迭代更新,已形成比较完善的理论体系(文秋芳,2015,2018a),并在国内多所高校付诸实践,取得明显成效(张伶俐,2017;张文娟,2017)。近年来,POA理论与实践研究主题从英语教学拓展到国际汉语教学和非英语语种教学(江潇潇,2019;朱勇、白雪,2019),研究人员范围从中国延伸到韩国、泰国、匈牙利等近十个国家,在国内外产生了一定的学术影响力。遗憾的是,就POA研究的课程学段而言,大部分研究集中在高等教育阶段,很少涉及POA在基础外语教育中的应用。下文首先阐述POA理论体系的创建背景,然后介绍最新修订的POA理论体系的主要内容,最后对POA在基础外语教学中的应用提出建议。“产出导向法”理论体系创建背景1.中国大学英语教学模式的弊端就我国大学英语综合课的教学模式而言,总体来说可以分为两种:“课文中心”和“任务中心”(文秋芳,2018a)。“课文中心”教学模式按照教学流程又可分为“自下而上”和“自上而下”两类。“自下而上”的课文教学盛行于20世纪50年代到90年代中期,教学流程是从语言形式到意义:首先讲解单词和短语,然后解释语法,最后阐述难句和整个语篇的意思。按照这样的流程处理完课文之后,学生做课后练习,对所学语言知识进行操练和巩固。“自上而下”的课文教学始于20世纪90年代,教学流程是从整篇文章的意义到语言形式:首先分析课文的中心意思和整体结构,然后分部分讲解课文内容,主要目的是让学生了解课文所表达的意义,其中穿插少量单词、短语和难句的讲解,最后学生完成课后语言练习。“任务中心”教学模式于20世纪末由国外引入国内,提倡课堂教学以学生完成真实的交际任务的方式开展,教学流程分为“任务前”“任务中”和“任务后”三个阶段:在“任务前”阶段,教师介绍任务,学生为完成任务作准备;在“任务中”阶段,学生主要依靠自己或同伴合作完成任务;在“任务后”阶段,学生汇报任务结果,教师进行评价(Ellis & Shitani,2014)。概括来说,在“自下而上”和“自上而下”这两类“课文中心”教学模式下,教师的主要作用都是帮助学生理解和吸收“输入”,至于学生是否能将所学的语言形式和内容应用于交际活动中不是课堂教学重点。在“任务中心”教学模式下,教师的主要作用体现在为学生提供“产出”机会,但学生如何获取、加工和运用“输入”不是课堂教学重点。也就是说,“课文中心”教学模式重输入、轻输出;而“任务中心”教学模式重输出、轻输入,二者都未将输入与输出有机结合。2.“产出导向法”要解决的根本问题“产出导向法”要解决的根本问题即上述大学英语教学模式中存在的输入与输出脱节的问题,即“学用分离”。这一长期存在的弊端严重影响外语教学效果和效率(文秋芳,2018a)。“学用分离”问题同样存在于我国基础外语教学领域,是改革开放40年来我国基础外语教学最本质的问题之一,更是新时代基础外语教学课程改革的关键问题(徐浩,2018)。要解决“学用分离”问题,必须从教学理念和教学实踐两个层面着手:首先,要在理念层面明确“学”与“用”之间的关系以及它们的内涵,包括学什么、怎么学以及用的目的是什么;其次,要在实践层面提供切实可行的教学流程,即怎么教。下文将详细介绍POA理论体系的主要内容,并分析该理论围绕以上问题提供了怎样的解决方案。“产出导向法”理论体系主要内容1. POA理论的教学理念、教学假设和教学流程最新修订的POA理论体系(文秋芳,2018a)由教学理念、教学假设和教学流程三部分组成(见图1)。“教学理念”是POA对教学所持有的基本态度和观念,决定教学假设和教学流程的方向和行动目标;教学假设是基于二语习得理论研究成果提出的二语教学假设,是制定教学流程的理论依据;教学流程为教学如何实施提供具体指导。下文将对这三部分内容作进一步阐释。教学理念包含学习中心说、学用一体说、文化交流说和关键能力说。“学习中心说”强调所有课堂教学活动都是为了“学习”发生,即学生学有所获、学有所成。“学习中心说”与“学习者中心说”的区别是前者既强调教师的主导作用,也强调学生的主体作用,而后者在一定程度上忽视了教师才是决定课堂教学质量和效率的关键因素。“学用一体说”强调在课堂教学中,输入与输出之间不允许有很长的时间间隔,学一点,用一点,学与用无缝对接。其中,“用”是“学”的目的,以产出目标的形式体现,即学生要用英语做什么事情;“学”是达成产出目标的手段,即为了达成产出目标要学习什么内容。“文化交流说”指外语教学内容既要包括学习者本土文化,也要包括目的语文化,以提升学习者的跨文化交际能力。“关键能力说”指外语教学的最终目标是提升学生的关键能力,包括语言能力、学习能力、思辨能力、文化能力、创新能力和合作能力(文秋芳,2018b)(见图2)。其中,语言能力是所有关键能力的基础,位于核心地位;其他五种能力相互联系、相互作用。与《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》中倡导的四项核心素养(即语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力)(中华人民共和国教育部,2018)相比,前四种关键能力(即语言能力、学习能力、思辨能力和文化能力)与四项核心素养的内涵相似;后两种关键能力(即创新能力和合作能力)在于培养学生的创新精神和合作意识,为学生将来踏入社会和职场做准备。Ellis, R. & Shintani, N.2014. Exploring Language Pedagogy through Second Language Acquisition Research [M]. New York: Routledge.Long, M. 2015. Second Language Acquisition and Task-Based Language Teaching [M]. Oxford: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.Swain, M. 1985. Communicative Competence: Some Roles of Comprehensible Input and Output in its Development [A]. In S. Gass& C. Madden (eds.). Input in Second Language Acquisition [C]. Rowley, MA: Newbury House, 235-253江潇潇. 2019. 基于“产出导向法”的僧伽罗语教材改编:产出任务设计的递进性[J]. 外语与外语教学, (1): 17—24王初明. 2010. 互动协同与外语教学[J].外语教学与研究, (4): 297—299王蔷. 2015. 从综合语言运用能力到英语学科核心素养——高中英语课程改革的新挑战[J]. 英语教师, (16): 6—7文秋芳. 2015. 构建“产出导向法”理论体系[J]. 外语教学与研究, (4): 547—558文秋芳. 2018a.“产出导向法”与对外汉语教学[J]. 世界汉语教学, (3): 387—400文秋芳. 2018b. 新时代高校外语课程中关键能力的培养:思考与建议[J]. 外语教育研究前沿, (1): 3—11徐浩. 2018. 新时代基础外语教育课程改革的关键问题——历时与发展的视角[J]. 外语教育研究前沿, (2): 12—17张伶俐. 2017.“产出导向法”的教學有效性研究[J]. 现代外语, (3): 369—376张文娟. 2017.“产出导向法”对大学英语写作影响的实验研究[J]. 现代外语,(3): 377—385中华人民共和国教育部. 2018.普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)[S]. 北京:人民教育出版社.朱勇, 白雪. 2019.“产出导向法”在对外汉语教学中的应用:产出目标达成性考察[J]. 世界汉语教学, (1): 95—103毕争,文学博士,毕业于北京外国语大学,外语教学与研究出版社编辑。以上有关英语学习:“产出导向法”理论体系的解读与应用的内容,来自《英语学习》杂志。
44 评论


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