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1分钟前发布 -【foreigner的意思】 10月19日讯: foreigner的意思解释:外国人;外人,陌生人;外来物,进口货物;(非本土的)外来动植物foreigner 是什么意思及中文翻译:名词(n.) 外国人名词(n.) 外人,陌生人名词(n.) 外来物,进口货物名词(n.) (非本土的)外来动植物foreigner 词态变化:复数:foreigners包含foreigner的单词foreigners 外国人( foreigner的名词复数 )foreigner 相关例句His accent argues him to be a foreigner.他的腔调表明他是个外国人。He is a foreigner, as I know from his accent.正如我从他的口音中知道的那样,他是个外国人。He was a foreigner, as I knew from his accent.从他的口音, 我知道他是一个外国人。Anne's father wouldn't consent to her marrying a foreigner.安妮的父亲不会答应她嫁给一个外国人。The foreigner English teacher is accompanied by his students.那位外国英语教师整天由他得学生陪着。Judging from his accent, the foreigner should be from America.从口音来判断, 这个外国人应该来自美国。It sounds funny to hear a foreigner speak Chinese with an accent.外国人带口音讲汉语听起来很滑稽。Problems in Advanced Intensive Reading of Teaching Foreigner Chinese对外汉语高级精读教学问题研究Foreigner needs to pay all additional charges for postage or remittance charge.外地人士需自行负责全数的额外邮费及汇款手续费等等!Any resident foreigner in the country must register in the Resident Foreigner Department.任何居住在该国的外国人必须到外籍人员居住管理部门登记注册。foreigner的近反义词foreigner的近义词foreigner的反义词
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recognize principle【法】公认的原则双语例句But Joseph Juran came to recognize that he had misnamed this principle. 但J意识到他给这个原理起错了名字。Only know and recognize yourself in very science way, set your owe goal, right on design yourself, strictly control yourself, for the best principle is self-principle. 理性地认识自己,定下目标,正确设计自己,严格自律,因为最好的约束是自我约束。Quine: I recognize no distinction in principle between laws of nature and other true statements about the world. 我认为自然规律和其他关于世界的真理之间没有原则上的区别。It is quite compatible with the principle of utility to recognize the fact that some kinds of pleasure are more desirable and more valuable than others. the pursuit of pleasure as a matter of ethical principle. 相比之下,某些快乐更令人满意,具有更大的价值,承认这一点与功利主义的原则并不矛盾。把追求快乐作为一种道德准则。The force of contract action should depend on the judgment by judges in accordance with the principle of balancing interests, trying best to recognize its force to show the principle of the parties being subjects. 决定证据契约的效力,应当委诸于法官根据利益衡量原则进行判断,尽量认可其效力,以彰显当事人主体性原则。In order to recognize and capture figures, vector exterior product is combined with minimal-angle principle, so this method can get polygons more rapidly. 图形的识别和提取是矢量化工作中的重点,文本将矢量外积与多边形识别中的最小角法则相结合,设计并实现了一种更高速的多边形提取方法。The western Area development is a golden historical chance for sichuan's further development, It is of great importance recognize its 'aim, principle, focal points and main measures for reform and development of rural economy. 西部大开发是四川加快发展的千载难逢的历史机遇。认清四川加快发展的目标,原则、重点及主要措施,对推动农村经济改革与发展具有重要意义。For this purpose, we should recognize impartially the principle of comparative advantages, relationship between stock adjustment and increment adjustment, local governmentss role in the restructure and so on. 为此,必须正确认识比较优势原则、存量调整与增量调整的关系以及地方政府在产业结构调整中的作用等问题。So have to fully recognize its necessity, to carry on accurate principle and grasp its emphases. 要全面认识取消农民税收的必要性,坚持正确的原则,把握取消农业税的工作重点。Application of systems biological method to recognize the pharmacological action, mechanism of action, safety and recipe principle will be importance for modern research and development of traditional Chinese medicines. 在中药现代研究开发中,应用系统生物学方法研究中药的药理作用、作用机制、药物安全性和配伍规律将是十分重要的。To recognize the independence of instigation is required by the principle of personal responsibility; 坚持教唆犯独立性说是贯彻刑法个人责任的要求;How to accurately recognize the relationship between the principle of natural self-determination and the principle of state sovereignty is an important task of contemporary international law. 如何正确认识民族自决原则与国家主权原则之间的关系,是现代国际法中的一项重要课题。Only when people properly recognize the scientific principle and relativity of this technology can we make improperly applied and develop in the healthy way. 正确认识这项技术的科学原理和相对性,才能促进其得到正确运用和健康发展。Guided by scientific development view, we should recognize fully the importance of macroscopic regulation, make a clearer guiding ideology and principle for macroscopic regulaion, improve policy approaches, transform the manner of regulation and improve both capability and level of regulation. 以科学发展观为指导,充分认识宏观调控的重要性,进一步明确宏观调控的指导思想和原则,完善政策手段,转变调控方式,提高调控能力和水平。It is always hard to recognize the destination because of the affection of noises, so, based on the principle of tracks of target, a fast and dynamic windows image filter method is put forward. 由于噪声的影响,总伴随目标识别不出来的情况,基于航迹预测的原理,提出了一种快速的动态窗口图像滤波方法。For the second type of characters, template matching and cross correlation classifiers based on TM moments and Hu moments are used to recognize characters. To improve the performance of classifiers, voting principle is utilized to combine the results of three individual classifiers. 对第二类字符利用模板匹配法,基于Hu不变矩和TM矩的交叉相关分别得到各自的识别结果,然后采用投票原则来作出最后的判决。As a Chinese teacher, I deeply recognize that there are so many similarities and differences between the middle school Chinese teaching and Chinese teaching as a foreign language, such as teaching principle, goal, method and technique. 作为一线语文教师的我,深深感觉到中学语文教学与对外汉语教学工作有很多相同和不同的地方。二者的教学原则,教学目的,教学方法,教学技巧,有很多都是相通的。To recognize the important and necessary of cultivating and implementing socialist core values, to introduce the principle of cultivating core values, advocating the implementation of socialist core values is important. 认清培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的重要与必要,提出培育核心价值观的原则,倡导积极践行社会主义核心价值观。In addition, new methods were exploited to recognize modulation type, which used magnitude in bifrequency plane of CSD and applying the principle of minimum value of the sum of error-square to recognize modulation type. 另外,本文提出利用循环谱在二维频率平面的幅度值以及最小均方误差原则,对信号的调制方式进行识别。But we have to recognize the principle of anti-trust provisions are too principle to work in handling the process of monopoly disputes. 但是我们必须承认《反垄断法》的规定太过原则,在具体解决垄断纠纷中缺乏可操作性。But this claim in subsequent decisions showing more and more problems, whether the judge or the parties agree that if you do not recognize the moral rights of the deceased inheritable value of the property, is clearly contrary to the principle of fairness in civil law. 但这种主张在随后的判决中显现出越来越多的问题,不管是法官还是当事人都认为,如果不承认死者人格权中财产价值的可继承性,显然违背民法中的公平原则。
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爱上拼音魔法以前我总是奇怪妈妈有时讲的话我都听不懂,就跟电视里说的话一样让我迷惑,妈妈告诉我,那就是普通话,写在纸上的就是我们的汉字。可是字是字,怎么会读出了会变成悦耳的声音,我很纳闷。妈妈说等我上学后,就会看见漂亮的25个拼音字母,每一个字母就是可爱的魔法精灵能拼成许许多多的汉字,念出来就是一首首动听的歌曲。于是我很盼望自己长大,也像妈妈一样会说普通话,会看厚厚的书。i used to wonder that sometimes i couldn't understand what my mother said, just as i was confused by what she said on tv. my mother told me that it was mandarin, and what was written on paper was our chinese characters. but the word is a word, how can read out will become a pleasant voice, i am very puzzled. my mother said that when i go to school, i will see 25 beautiful pinyin letters. each letter is a lovely magic spirit that can spell many chinese characters and read out a beautiful song. so i'm looking forward to growing up, speaking mandarin like my mother, and reading thick books.终于我也是一个小学生了,摸着香香的课本,我小心的翻开,第一页就是几个拼音:a、o、e,还有阴平、阳平、上声、去声这些声调,我看得有点头晕。等到学到23个声母和24 个韵母时,我都快哭了,怎么这么麻烦,就像一只只小蝌蚪游来游去,想抓也抓不到。妈妈告诉我说记住每个单韵母的口型,就容易掌握了。a是大嘴巴,o是圆嘴巴,e是扁嘴巴……几个复韵母不过就是嘴巴圆了扁,或是撮嘴巴,把他们的音记住了,真的一点都不难。我会读了,可是写又成了我的拦路虎。b和d ,p和q它们长得一样,我很难分清。老师教我们说b的肚子在右,d 的肚子在左,p像爬坡低着头,q像气球前头飘。我终于学会读也会写这些拼音字母了。语文书里那些好看的故事我也看得懂,也读得出了。虽然一个一个字母的拼,很慢,可是毕竟是自己独自完成的,总是很得意。妈妈告诉我普通话是指“以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范”的现代标准语。普通话是我国各族人民的共同语言,她抑扬顿挫,婉转悠扬,悦耳动听,是世界上最优美的语言。要学好普通话,就要学汉语拼音。老师也告诉我们制定和推行汉语拼音方案,为汉字注音和帮助推广普通话提供有利的支持,而且已在国际交流、对外汉语教学、电脑输入、手机输入、手语、盲文等各个领域都发挥着巨大的作用。my mother told me that putonghua is a modern standard language with "beijing pronunciation as the standard sound, northern dialect as the basic dialect, and model modern vernacular writings as the grammar standard". putonghua is the common language of chinese people of all ethnic groups. it is the most beautiful language in the world. to learn mandarin well, we must learn pinyin. the teacher also told us to formulate and implement the chinese pinyin program, which provides favorable support for chinese pinyin and help promote putonghua, and has played a huge role in international communication, teaching chinese as a foreign language, computer input, mobile phone input, sign language, braille and other fields.现在,我也有自己的藏书了,终于不用看图画了。拼音为我打开了一个魔法世界,精灵在我面前舞动,展示了一个个神奇的故事:勤劳的灰姑娘,顽强的丑小鸭,神奇的拇指姑娘,善良的小矮人,还有了不起的盘古,美丽的嫦娥和我最喜欢的孙悟空。妈妈说掌握拼音后,我也可以像她一样在电脑上打字,还可以查找自己感兴趣的材料。原来学会拼音会为我打开这么广阔的世界,爱上它一点也不后悔。now, i have my own collection of books, so i don't need to read pictures. pinyin opened a magic world for me. the elves danced in front of me and showed a lot of magical stories: diligent cinderella, stubborn ugly duckling, magical thumbelina, kind dwarf, great pangu, beautiful chang'e and my favorite monkey king. my mother said that after mastering pinyin, i can also type on the computer like her, and i can find the materials i am interested in. it turns out that learning pinyin will open such a wide world for me, and i will not regret falling in love with it at all.
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monolingualadj.单语的; 只用一种语言的复数:monolinguals牛津词典adj.单语的;只用一种语言的speaking or using only one languagea monolingual dictionary单语词典 柯林斯词典ADJ 单语的;只使用一种语言的Monolingual means involving, using, or speaking one language....a largely monolingual country such as Great Britain.像英国这样主要使用一种语言的国家 双语例句As many people in America are discovering, being monolingual is no laughing matter. 很多美国人都逐渐发现,只会一种语言,不再是一件好事了。For monolingual adults, the mean age for the first signs of dementia is 71.4. 对于只讲一种语言的成人,初现痴呆症状的平均年龄是71.4。When the children were asked to press a button to switch between images of animals to images of colors, the bilingual children did this faster than the monolingual children. 当孩子们被要求按下按钮在动物图片和彩绘图片中切换时,和只会一种语言的孩子相比,会讲两种语言的孩子们完成得更快。The study involved having bilingual and monolingual children look at images of animals or depictions of colors on a computer screen. 研究中,会讲两种语言和只会讲一种语言的孩子看着电脑屏幕上动物的图片或者彩色的描绘。The study involved having participants complete a cognitive flexibility task; while monolingual and bilingual adults were both able to complete the task, the bilingual adults did it more quickly and certain parts of their brains used less energy to do so. 在这一研究中,两类人群都被要求完成一项考验认知灵活性的任务。虽然他们都可以完成,但会讲外语的人们完成得更快,而且他们大脑中的特定区域消耗了更少的能量。Gold and his team found that bilingual people were not only able to switch tasks faster they had different brain activity than their monolingual peers. 古尔德和他的团队发现,说两种语言的人不仅转换任务的速度更快,而且他们大脑的活跃程度也同说一种语言的同龄人不同。Now let me put it this way, if I met a monolingual Dutch speaker who had the cure for cancer, would I stop him from entering my British University? 现在容我换一个方式说,如果我遇到了一位只会说荷兰话的人,而这个人能治愈癌症,我会阻止他进入我的英国大学吗?By looking words up in a monolingual dictionary, you can make sure that the word or phrase you choose actually means what you think it does. 通过在单语词典里查找单词,你能保证你选择的单词或短语实际上表达了你想的意思。First, Gold and his team asked 30 people, who were either bilingual or monolingual, to look at a series of colored shapes and respond with the name of each shape by pushing a button. 首先,古尔德和他的团队让30个人看一系列有颜色的形状,然后按下按钮回答他们看到的是哪种形状,这30个人中既有说一种语言也有会说两种语言的人。Research by Australian universities has shown that a monolingual country often performs worse in international trade and diplomacy. 澳大利亚大学的研究表明,单语国家通常在国际贸易和外交中表现不佳。The method first constructs a paraphrase corpus by automatically translating a bilingual parallel corpus into a monolingual parallel corpus, from which candidate paraphrases for words are extracted. 该方法首先利用翻译引擎将双语平行语料库自动转换为单语平行语料库,以此构建复述语料库并用于候选复述的抽取。Assumption on the Compilation of a Simple Monolingual Learner's Dictionary of Chinese as a Foreign Language 编纂简明汉语单语系列学习词典的构想Earlier and recent psychological studies show that bilingual children are more resourceful and complex intellectually when compared with their monolingual peers. 早年与近年的语言心理研究都显示,学双语的儿童,思想结构比只学单语的儿童复杂。If such a view were to prevail, Singapore would eventually become a monolingual society and the bilingual policy would exist only in name. 如果让这种主张占主导,到头来,新加坡必成为单语社会,双语政策名存实亡。Research of Monolingual Word Alignment Based on Feature Integration 基于特征融合的单语词对齐方法研究The Cognitive Linguistic Approach on Chilton s Time-Space Metaphor; Research of Monolingual Word Alignment Based on Feature Integration 对齐尔顿时空隐喻的认知语言学分析基于特征融合的单语词对齐方法研究Many researches indicate that bilingual children are more sensitive and quick than monolingual children. 很多的研究表明双语小孩比单语小孩在对语言的理解上有更高的敏感性,思维方式也更灵活。The monolingual foreign learners 'dictionaries of Chinese are quite different from those for native speakers. 对外汉语学习单语词典与给本国人使用的词典有很大的不同。Third, culture can be used in a monolingual/ monocultural and multilingual/ multicultural setting. 第三,文化能在单语言和文化的背景中使用,也能在多语言和文化的背景中使用。Monolingual advanced learners 'dictionary ( ALD) of English has established its distinctive features and principles of compilation. 英语高阶学习词典已形成自己鲜明的特色和编纂原则。Based on the study of three bilingual dictionaries on mechanical engineering and other monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, this paper analyzed some problems of illustrations in the bilingual dictionary on engineering science and technology published in recent years; 本文从三本机械工程专业词典谈起,分析了近年来双语科技词典中关于插图方面的问题,评述其插图的个性、必要性和可行性;Method of deriving definition primitives from a monolingual dictionary 从单语词典中获取定义原语的一种方法The current work focuses on the derivation of definition primitives from a monolingual dictionary. 文中主要讨论了从单语词典中获取定义原语的方法。No matter in monolingual or bilingual countries, there is successful bilingual education. Australian bilingual education is a classic example. 双语教育不管是在单语国家还是在双语国家都有成功的典型,澳大利亚的双语教育,就是一个成功的典型。Illustrations in Monolingual Dictionaries& Their Functions 单语词典中的例证及其功能Most of the existing research is focused on similarity measurement of monolingual texts. 目前大多数的研究都仅针对单语言的文本相似度,即相同语言的文本之间的相似度。In this paper, we summarize the status of research in this field and proposed a method considering the characteristics of Chinese and Japanese to automatic extract the Chinese-Japanese NE translation equivalents based on inductive learning from monolingual corpora. 本文总结了该领域的研究现状,并结合汉语和日语的特点,提出了一种新的基于归纳学习法的单语语料库命名实体翻译对自动抽取方法。In Wikipedia, parallel or comparable bilingual resources exist in two parallel or comparable monolingual web pages. 维基百科中双语平行或可比较资源是完全存在于两个平行或可比较的单语网页中。Lots of bilingual countries even monolingual countries did bilingual experiments and had great achievements. 许多双语国家甚至单语国家陆续实施双语教育实验并获得重大成功。With the increase of international communication, it also frequently happens in monolingual communities such as China. 随着国际间交往的发展,语码转换也频繁的在中国这样的单语社区中发生。 英英释义nouna person who knows only one languageadjusing or knowing only one languagemonolingual speakersa monolingual dictionary
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  • 体现古汉语语法的特点的成语?

    言简意赅。拼 音:yán jiǎn yì gāi解释:赅:完备。话不多,但意思都有了。意思是形容说话与写文章内容简明扼要。示例:我们作文应该言简意赅,不要拖泥带水。近义词:要言不烦、简明扼要、言简义丰、言简意深、言简意该。反义词:长篇大论、连篇累牍、拖拖沓沓。

    银笺别梦 4人参与回答 2024-10-19
  • 汉语国际教育与教育学的区别?


    傲世俊颜 4人参与回答 2024-10-19
  • 汉语国际教育的一级学科是什么?

    汉语国际教育专业一般指中国语言文学。汉语国际教育专业培养掌握扎实的汉语基础知识,具有较高的人文素养,具备中国文学、中国文化、跨文化交际等方面的专业知识与能力。能在国内外各类学校从事汉语教学。在各职能部门、外贸机构、新闻出版单位及企事业单位从事与语言文化传播交流相关工作的中国语言文学学科应用型专门人才。 2013年国家专业目录中对外汉语更为汉语国际教育。

    风雪两白头 4人参与回答 2024-10-19
  • 心得是什么意思?


    #NAME? 4人参与回答 2024-10-19
  • 汉语言文学专业哪门课最难?

    专业课程:语言学概论、中国古代文学史(一)、中国古代文学史(二)、中国近代文学史、中国现代文学史、中国当代文学史、近代汉语、现代汉语语法研究、美学、中学语文教学法、外国文学史、毕业论文 、

    孤独先生 4人参与回答 2024-10-19