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1分钟前发布 -【there be句型教学感悟?】http://www.zjks.cc 10月18日讯: there be句型教学感悟?there be表示某个地方有什么东西,翻译成中文就是“有”的意思。这里的be是be动词,有is和are两种形式,“有”的后面的名词如果是单数就用is,是复数就用are,在书写上there be的后面必须要跟名词,再跟表示地点的词组。它的一般疑问句就是把be放到句首。
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part-time staff网络兼职人员双语例句So to staff its China program, the Sprott School of Business sent an assortment of full-and part-time staff, including some faculty on sabbaticals. 因此,为了组建中国管理教育项目的教师队伍,斯普洛特商学院动用了包括全职和兼职教师在内的各类教师资源,一些原本安排休假的教师也被派往了中国。I was lucky enough to get my first part-time job because my mom shopped several times a week in our local grocery store and she heard they needed staff. 我幸运地找到第一份工作是因为我妈妈每周去当地的杂货店逛几次,然后她打听到他们要招人。We also have a stable team of highly experienced part-time teachers, who, along with our competent full-time staff, are devoted to this discipline. 同时还拥有一批稳定的有着丰富教学经验的兼职对外汉语教师队伍。The personnel are separated into part-time and full-time staff. 全体职员分为兼职和专职两类。A small company, there are four categories of personnel: managers, part-time technical staff, sales manager and part-time salesman. 说明:某小型公司,主要有四类人员:经理、兼职技术人员、销售经理和兼职推销员。No, but we need a part-time worker. As soon as the management make the offer, the staff come out. 不行,我们需要一位非专职工作的工人。管理部门一表态,职工们便罢工了。Analysis of Construction for Special and Part-time Teaching Staff in the Training Center 培训中心专兼职培训师资队伍建设分析The company is strong jewelry manufacturers in Panyu Guangzhou, need a few part-time marketing staff. 本公司是广州番禺有实力的珠宝首饰厂家,需要数名兼职的市场开拓人员。Study of the Part-time Teachers 'Administration of Higher Vocational Colleges in Tianjin Problems and Countermeasures in Constructing Part-time Teaching Staff of Higher Vocational Colleges 天津市高职院校兼职教师队伍建设问题研究Many Asian exporters survived this year's global economic downturn by cost-cutting and shedding part-time staff, eschewing more radical surgery in the hope of a quick rebound in global consumer demand. 许多亚洲出口企业通过削减成本和裁减非全职职员的方式,渡过了今年的全球经济低迷。它们抱着全球消费需求将迅速复苏的希望,一直避免更为彻底的变革。Continuing costs for sports, on the other hand, are relatively low, requiring only a few part-time staff and maintenance routines. 而在另一方面,在体育方面的后续花费是比较少的,只需一些兼职工和日常维修工作。Holiday entitlement for part-time staff is calculated pro rata. 兼职员工节假日的津贴是按比例来计算的。Hiring part-time college teachers, a convenient way to tackle the shortage of faculty staff, can integrate education recourses, optimize the distribution of college teachers, and advance teaching quality. 聘请兼职教师是解决高校师资短缺的一种有效途径,对实现教育资源共享、优化师资结构、提高教学质量具有重要意义。The main test to maintenance personnel of experience for the standard; Richard staff shortage, and by autocratic and part-time staff, men and women proportion is differ, older age, record of formal schooling and title is low. 检测的主要以维修人员的经验为标准;理人员数量不足,并且由专制和兼职人员组成,男女比例不一,年龄较大、学历和职称较低。Provincial wushu association staff 93.3% are part-time, and President and the secretary-general are all part-time job, and part-time staff mainly comes from the administrative department of physical education. 3. 省级武术社团的工作人员93.3%是兼职,且主席和秘书长全部是兼职,兼职的工作人员主要来源于体育行政部门。Part-time faculty is an important part of teaching staff in higher vocational colleges and hiring part-time faculty is one of the main measures to improve the quality of vocational education. 兼职教师是高职院校师资队伍的重要组成部分,大量聘任兼职教师是世界各国提高职业教育质量的主要举措之一。
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recognize principle【法】公认的原则双语例句But Joseph Juran came to recognize that he had misnamed this principle. 但J意识到他给这个原理起错了名字。Only know and recognize yourself in very science way, set your owe goal, right on design yourself, strictly control yourself, for the best principle is self-principle. 理性地认识自己,定下目标,正确设计自己,严格自律,因为最好的约束是自我约束。Quine: I recognize no distinction in principle between laws of nature and other true statements about the world. 我认为自然规律和其他关于世界的真理之间没有原则上的区别。It is quite compatible with the principle of utility to recognize the fact that some kinds of pleasure are more desirable and more valuable than others. the pursuit of pleasure as a matter of ethical principle. 相比之下,某些快乐更令人满意,具有更大的价值,承认这一点与功利主义的原则并不矛盾。把追求快乐作为一种道德准则。The force of contract action should depend on the judgment by judges in accordance with the principle of balancing interests, trying best to recognize its force to show the principle of the parties being subjects. 决定证据契约的效力,应当委诸于法官根据利益衡量原则进行判断,尽量认可其效力,以彰显当事人主体性原则。In order to recognize and capture figures, vector exterior product is combined with minimal-angle principle, so this method can get polygons more rapidly. 图形的识别和提取是矢量化工作中的重点,文本将矢量外积与多边形识别中的最小角法则相结合,设计并实现了一种更高速的多边形提取方法。The western Area development is a golden historical chance for sichuan's further development, It is of great importance recognize its 'aim, principle, focal points and main measures for reform and development of rural economy. 西部大开发是四川加快发展的千载难逢的历史机遇。认清四川加快发展的目标,原则、重点及主要措施,对推动农村经济改革与发展具有重要意义。For this purpose, we should recognize impartially the principle of comparative advantages, relationship between stock adjustment and increment adjustment, local governmentss role in the restructure and so on. 为此,必须正确认识比较优势原则、存量调整与增量调整的关系以及地方政府在产业结构调整中的作用等问题。So have to fully recognize its necessity, to carry on accurate principle and grasp its emphases. 要全面认识取消农民税收的必要性,坚持正确的原则,把握取消农业税的工作重点。Application of systems biological method to recognize the pharmacological action, mechanism of action, safety and recipe principle will be importance for modern research and development of traditional Chinese medicines. 在中药现代研究开发中,应用系统生物学方法研究中药的药理作用、作用机制、药物安全性和配伍规律将是十分重要的。To recognize the independence of instigation is required by the principle of personal responsibility; 坚持教唆犯独立性说是贯彻刑法个人责任的要求;How to accurately recognize the relationship between the principle of natural self-determination and the principle of state sovereignty is an important task of contemporary international law. 如何正确认识民族自决原则与国家主权原则之间的关系,是现代国际法中的一项重要课题。Only when people properly recognize the scientific principle and relativity of this technology can we make improperly applied and develop in the healthy way. 正确认识这项技术的科学原理和相对性,才能促进其得到正确运用和健康发展。Guided by scientific development view, we should recognize fully the importance of macroscopic regulation, make a clearer guiding ideology and principle for macroscopic regulaion, improve policy approaches, transform the manner of regulation and improve both capability and level of regulation. 以科学发展观为指导,充分认识宏观调控的重要性,进一步明确宏观调控的指导思想和原则,完善政策手段,转变调控方式,提高调控能力和水平。It is always hard to recognize the destination because of the affection of noises, so, based on the principle of tracks of target, a fast and dynamic windows image filter method is put forward. 由于噪声的影响,总伴随目标识别不出来的情况,基于航迹预测的原理,提出了一种快速的动态窗口图像滤波方法。For the second type of characters, template matching and cross correlation classifiers based on TM moments and Hu moments are used to recognize characters. To improve the performance of classifiers, voting principle is utilized to combine the results of three individual classifiers. 对第二类字符利用模板匹配法,基于Hu不变矩和TM矩的交叉相关分别得到各自的识别结果,然后采用投票原则来作出最后的判决。As a Chinese teacher, I deeply recognize that there are so many similarities and differences between the middle school Chinese teaching and Chinese teaching as a foreign language, such as teaching principle, goal, method and technique. 作为一线语文教师的我,深深感觉到中学语文教学与对外汉语教学工作有很多相同和不同的地方。二者的教学原则,教学目的,教学方法,教学技巧,有很多都是相通的。To recognize the important and necessary of cultivating and implementing socialist core values, to introduce the principle of cultivating core values, advocating the implementation of socialist core values is important. 认清培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的重要与必要,提出培育核心价值观的原则,倡导积极践行社会主义核心价值观。In addition, new methods were exploited to recognize modulation type, which used magnitude in bifrequency plane of CSD and applying the principle of minimum value of the sum of error-square to recognize modulation type. 另外,本文提出利用循环谱在二维频率平面的幅度值以及最小均方误差原则,对信号的调制方式进行识别。But we have to recognize the principle of anti-trust provisions are too principle to work in handling the process of monopoly disputes. 但是我们必须承认《反垄断法》的规定太过原则,在具体解决垄断纠纷中缺乏可操作性。But this claim in subsequent decisions showing more and more problems, whether the judge or the parties agree that if you do not recognize the moral rights of the deceased inheritable value of the property, is clearly contrary to the principle of fairness in civil law. 但这种主张在随后的判决中显现出越来越多的问题,不管是法官还是当事人都认为,如果不承认死者人格权中财产价值的可继承性,显然违背民法中的公平原则。
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bamboo是可数名词吗既可以做可数名词也可以做不可数名词。当bamboo在表示竹子数量和竹子总称的时候是不可数的,而当bamboo在表示各种各样的竹子时,它就是可数名词。bamboo的意思是“竹子;竹”。bamboo是不是可数名词bamboo既可以做可数名词也可以做不可数名词。bamboo在表示竹子数量和竹子总称的时候是不可数的。bamboo在表示各种各样的竹子时,它就是可数名词。bamboo通常是用作名词,意思是“竹子;竹”,bamboo泛指一般的“竹;竹子”时是不可数名词;特指“某些竹子”或强调种类时是可数名词。bamboo可用于其他名词前作定语。bamboo的例句Bamboo produces an annual crop of cane.竹子每年都能长出一批竹竿。Everything there is made of bamboo.那里什么都是竹子做的。The panda's natural habitat is the bamboo forest.大熊猫的天然栖息地是竹林。It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda's staple diet.竹笋是熊猫的主要食物,这是人所共知的。Bamboo is light because it is hollow.竹子很轻,因为它中间是空的。
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