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首页 > 资格类考试 > 英语教学中的字母教学,有哪些游戏可以玩?

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1分钟前发布 -【英语教学中的字母教学,有哪些游戏可以玩?】http://www.zjks.cc 10月18日讯: 英语教学中的字母教学,有哪些游戏可以玩?1。抢读字母  这是一个训练学生认读字母的游戏,教师将全班分成若干小组,然後逐个出示字母卡片,学生们举手抢答,教师让最先举手的学生读出该字母,读对的给该组记10分,最後得分最多的组为优胜。    2。抢答字母组  将全班分成两个小组,并把两套字母卡片分别发给各组学生。游戏开始,教师用中文说:"乐谱的七个调","美国","圆心和半径","中华人民共和国",持有这些字母卡片的学生应立即站起来并举起字母"ABCDEFG,"USA",o,r","PRC"等,答得既快又准的组获胜。  3。看谁快  这是一个训练学生听字母的游戏,将全班分成两组,一组学生持大写字母,另一组学生持小写字母,教师快速念字母,要求持有该字母的学生迅速站起来,最先站起来的人得两分,後站起来的得一分,没站出来的得零分,得分多的组获胜。  4。听音辨字母  这是一个训练学生辨别字母的游戏。教师可将读音易混的字母分别写在板上,如GJOW,等,共准备2~4套,同时将学生分成2~4个小组,每组抽一名学生到前面向全班站好,教师发给每人一套卡片(2~4张为宜),游戏开始,教师念其中的一个字母,学生应立即找出并高举起该字母,先找对的得2分,後找对的得1分,没找对的不得分,最後得分多的组为优胜。  5。听音摘字母比赛  这是一个训练学生听认字母能力的游戏,教师先把所学过的大小写字母写在卡片上,按大小写把卡片分成两组贴在黑板上,然後把学生分成两组。游戏开始,每组的第一名学生上黑板前等候,教师说出一个字母,这两名学生就立即摘下教师所念的字母,放到讲台上,一人摘大写字母,另一人摘小写字母,摘得对而快的得2分,对而慢的得1分,不对的不得分,在教师念第一个字母时,各组的第二名学生应上前等候,在第一名学生摘完字母後,教师立即说另一个字母,游戏接著进行,最後得分多的组为优胜。  6。图形中找字母  教师在黑板上画一些图形,让学生找出其中所含的字母,例如:  CDIO bdpq CIDO EFHIL  7。宾狗(Bingo)  这是一个训练学生听写认读字母能力的游戏,每个学生准备一张纸,并在上面画一个井字,将纸分成九格,然後教师随便念九个学过的字母,学生边听边将字母填在格子中,随便填在哪个格裏都行。学生填好後,教师再打乱顺序逐个念这九个字母,学生边听边在听到的字母上画圈,当画的圈在横行、竖行或对角线上成一条直线时,学生便可以边喊"宾狗(Bingo)"边将纸举起让教师检查,最先喊"宾狗"并写得准确的获胜。这个游戏还可以用於音标,单词或数词等。  8。传递字母  每一纵排为一组,全班分成若干组,教师分别发给每一组最後一排的学生一张纸,上面写一个字母或字母组(如:KG-PV),在教师说"开始"後,最後一排的学生即用耳语把卡片上的内容告诉前面的学生,这位学生再把听到的内容告诉前面的学生…这样依次进行下去,最後第一排的学生把所传的字母或字母组写到黑板上,传得最快,最准确的组获胜。  9。跟我走  这是一个训练学生按字母表顺序记忆字母的游戏。开始前,先把字母卡片发给学生。然後说出一个字母(如:M),持有该字母卡片的学生站出来并说:I am M Follow me ,please.持有字母N的学生应立刻站在持M卡片学生的後面,并说:I am N.Follow me. please,依次类推,对的给10分,错的不给分,这个游戏也可以倒著排次序,也可说 I am M.Who is before me?持字母L的学生应立刻站在持M卡片学生的前面。、  10。字母排次序  这是一个训练学生记忆字母顺序的游戏。教师点名,并出示一张字母卡片。被点名的学生立即读出这个字母,并说出一个包含该字母读音的单词接著由被点名学生的前一位元学生说出这个字母的前一个字母,和一个含有该字母读音的单词,然後由被点名学生後面一位元学生说出这个字母的下一个字母和含有该字母的单词,如:被点名学生:B-bag,前面的学生:A-apple,後面的学生:C-cat凡说错或接不上的就给该组记负分。  11。字母排顺序接力赛  把两组20个字母大小写的卡片打乱次序贴在黑板上,一边一组。然後将全班分成两组(或按男女分组),游戏开始,各组依次上来一个学生,以接力的方式,一人移动一个字母,按字母表的顺序重新排列,看哪组最快最准确。  12。快说字母对抗赛  将全班分成若干小组,对抗赛在两个小组中进行,在教师宣布游戏开始後,第一组的第一名学生立即说出一个字母(如C),第二组的第一名学生应立即说出下一个字母D。说错或不能迅速说出字母的记负分,最後哪组扣分最多输.
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comprehensive language综合语言双语例句In the teaching of College English reading, it is significant for teachers to apply text teaching to cultivate students ability in reading comprehension and comprehensive language use. 阐述了语篇教学及语篇教学模式的优势,并从语篇教学的层面探讨了大学英语阅读课的教学方法。Moreover, reasonable word-deleting cloze is a good testing and contributes to testing the comprehensive language applied ability of students. 合理删词完形填空是一种很好的测试题,有助于考查学生对语言的综合运用能力。In Finance, we have customers used by financial analysts to define pricing and business rules in a comprehensive language. 在财务领域,我们有客户将产品给财务分析人员使用,以一种综合的语言来进行定价和制定业务规则。PUT Culture& Communication Co., Ltd. ( PUT Translation) is a comprehensive language solutions provider in southwest China. 普特文化传播有限公司(普特翻译),是国内享有盛誉的普特英语旗下的大型综合语言解决方案提供商(LSP)。All commercial relational databases use forms of the standard SQL ( Structured Query Language) as their supported comprehensive language. 所有的商业关系数据库都建立在标准SQL(结构化查询语言)作为它们支持的包容性语言。The new Curriculum Standard gives us explicit definitions of culture and culture awareness and further points out that culture awareness is one of the five components of comprehensive language competence. 新《课标》明确了文化和文化意识的定义,指出文化意识是英语语言教学的五个基本要素之一,并确定了各级的文化教学目标,这些目标对文化教学具有指导性的意义。Develop student's comprehensive language use ability based upon language skills, language knowledge, emotion and attitude, learning strategies and cultural development; 以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化发展为基础,培养学生英语语言综合运用能力;In it, the ninth grade of the comprehensive language ability stated the highest requirement that "students should have learner autonomy". 其中对综合语言运用能力第八级提出了最高要求:学习者要有自主学习能力。With its terse and comprehensive language and melodious rhyme, English saying, like a shining pearl, characterized by its grammar, rhetorical device and origin, is widely employed in English literature, summing up experience of human work and life and admonishing people. 英语谚语以精练的语言闪烁于英国文学之中,在文法、修辞和来源上有其鲜明的特点,是对社会生产和生活的经验总结并可以劝诫后人。Scale language testing always uses writing part to test comprehensive language application ability of examinees. 规模性语言测试往往用写作项目来考核受试者的综合语言应用能力。College English curricula system determines the quality level of talent training and the ability of comprehensive language application. 大学英语课程体系决定着人才培养的素质层次和综合应用语言的能力水平。Aural practice is one of the important sectors in comprehensive language communication. 听是语言综合交际技能的重要组成部分之一。Translation is a kind of comprehensive language activities. 翻译是一项综合性的语言活动。Teaching of English listening occupies an important position and role in English language teaching. A good or bad listening ability of the students will directly influence the comprehensive language ability of their English learning and mastering it. 英语听力教学在英语教学中有着重要的地位与作用,学生听力的好坏,将直接影响学生学习英语的综合语言能力,关系着学生英语语言技能的掌握程度。Listening comprehension is a comprehensive language skill. 英语听力理解是一项综合语言技能。The writer combines his own teaching practice to research how to train student's comprehensive language ability. 本文就如何培养学生综合语言能力,结合自己的教学实践进行了探索。The present research will integrate these language data resources into one unified and comprehensive language knowledge-base. 本项研究将把这些语言数据资源集成为一个综合型的语言知识库。To foster the students 'ability of making English speech means to stress on the training of their comprehensive language ability, their psychological adaptability, their logical thinking ability and their non-verbal communication ability. 在训练大学生英语演讲时必须注重对其综合运用英语语言的能力、心理适应能力、逻辑思维能力和非语言交际能力的培养。It is the goal of classroom teaching that to train the student's English language ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and the students 'comprehensive language ability of English. 课堂教学目标就是培养学生听、说、读、写等各项英语语言能力及学生的英语综合语言能力。As we know, writing is one of the comprehensive language abilities. 写作就是综合运用语言的一个体现。The new English Curriculum Standard of senior school defines the curriculum goals as comprehensive language proficiency, including language knowledge, skills, learning strategies, attitude etc. 新《高中英语课程标准》规定高中英语课程的目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,包括语言知识,语言技能,学习策略,学习态度等方面。A practical exploration into the comprehensive language teaching in the special English teaching 整体语言教学在专业英语教学中的实践探讨Reading comprehension test is a good test form, which can check the readers 'comprehensive language ability. 阅读理解测试能检查阅读者综合语言知识能力,是一种较好的测试形式。The formative assessment should be paid as much attention to as that to summative assessment, and assessment should emphasize students 'comprehensive language ability and their emotion, attitudes and values in learning process. 要采用形成性评价和终结性评价相结合的方式,着重评价学生的综合语言运用能力以及在学习过程中表现出的情感、态度和价值观。English reading is an important and effective way to help readers improve their comprehensive language ability and get some information. 英语阅读是提高读者理解语言能力和获得信息的一种重要而有效的方式。In the study of foreign language, reading ability plays an important role in improving comprehensive language skills; meanwhile, reading instruction occupies a crucial position in college English instruction. 在外语学习过程中,阅读能力对提高学生的综合语言能力起着关键的作用,同时,阅读教学在大学英语教学过程中也占有重要地位。In teaching Chinese as a foreign language reading curriculum basic goal lies in training learners 'comprehensive language ability, and the intermediate stages of reading teaching in the foreign language reading teaching plays an important role. 对外汉语教学中阅读课程设置的根本目的在于训练学习者的语言综合运用能力,而中级阶段的阅读教学在整个对外汉语阅读教学中起着承上启下的作用。Students develop their comprehensive language skills by doing tasks, which involve experiencing, communication, discussion, cooperation and inquiry. 通过做任务,学生在体验、交流、讨论、合作和探求中发展综合语言应用能力。Writing performance can indicate learners 'comprehensive language proficiency. 写作能体现学习者的综合语言能力。Writing, as one of the skills in the English learning, can reflect how good students 'comprehensive language ability is. 写作是英语学习中要求较高的一项技能。通过写文章,可以考察学生语言运用的综合能力。
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achievement test成绩测试双语例句The actual attained achievement test score. 实际获得的成绩测验得分。Integrative achievement test in college physics experiment course based on AHP AHP在大学物理实验综合成绩评定中的应用A Study of the Validity and Reliability of Achievement Test in the Northwest Minority Region in China 西北少数民族地区成就测试信度效度研究Development and Application of the Stanford Achievement Test, Diagnostic Test, and English Proficiency Test 美国斯坦福中小学成就、诊断及英语水平考试的发展和应用The best way to measure government is not by volume, but by what you might call the Achievement Test. 评价一个政府最好的方法不是根据政府规模的大小,而是你可能称之为能力测评的东西。If we're going to reverse this tide, it might be useful to put the Achievement Test back at the center of politics. 如果我们要改变这个趋势,我们大概应该要把这个成果考核重新放在政治的中心。A Study on the Backwash Effect of Achievement Test on College English Teaching 试究成就测试在大学英语教学中的反拨作用Among the testing methods, classroom test, diagnostic test and achievement test can all be chosen. 在测试性方式中,随堂测试、诊断测试、成绩测试等都可选用。The Development of Mathematics Achievement Test for Low Grade of Elementary School 小学低年级数学成就测验的初步编制Furthermore, the students were divided into high and low ACSW groups by their scores on ACSW Scale and high and low achievement groups by their scores on The Science Article Achievement Test. 另外,并依据四班学生在「学业自我价值后效量表」以及「成就测验」上之得分,将学生区分为高、低学业自我价值后效与高、低成就组。The Comparison of Enterprise Staff's Achievement Test Method and Choice Problem Research 企业员工绩效考评方法的比较及选择问题研究The achievement test is designed according to the curriculum criterion and teaching aims to measure the students 'mastery of concepts, principle and knowledge in certain fields. 成就测验就是根据课程标准和教学目标要求编制,用以测量学生对某一学科领域知识、概念、法则等掌握程度的学绩测验。However, even though researches on achievement test have achieved great success in the Chinese education field, but there is few research touching upon predictability tests. 我国教育领域虽然在成就测验即学绩测验上有不错的研究成果,但在预测性的测验上研究甚少。The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the feasibility of integrative task in the classroom tests theoretically and empirically, trying to explore the reliability and validity of the self-designed quiz and final achievement test with different test format ( half-subjective pattern, exactly the gap-filling) employed. 本文主要研究了将综合测试题型纳入课堂语言测试的可行性,旨在通过引入新题型以研究其对自行设计的课后小测验和期末成绩测试信、效度的影响。Conclusion: Both individual variables and class variables have influenced the Chinese achievement test in CEE. 结论:学生的个体变量和班级变量对高考语文成绩存在影响。On Reliability And Validity in Achievement Test 大学英语成绩测试中的信度和效度On Quality of English Achievement Test 英语成绩测试问题探究According to the correlation between language teaching and testing, language tests involve five basic types: proficiency test, aptitude test, achievement test, diagnostic test, placement test. 根据语言教学和测试的相互关系,语言测试包括五方面的基本类型:水平测试、能力倾向测试、技巧测试、判断测试、综合性测试。In addition, some studies have showed that there was no difference between traditional instruction and online learning in terms of Standard Achievement Test. 此外,有的研究表明:在标准参照测量中采用基于网络的协作研究性学习的学生与通过传统方式讲授进行学习的学生并没有表现出统计学认可的显著性差异。This paper uses SPSS to analyze the differences of the two-year achievement test results from three different teaching models within the multimedia experimental group as well as those from the multimedia experimental group and the traditional classroom control group. 本文采用SPSS统计软件,对大学英语多媒体实验班与传统课堂教学对照班以及多媒体实验班内部三种教学模式的两年学业成绩进行了统计分析。A Validation Study of an English Achievement Test 大学英语成绩考试结构效度研究The major emphasis included test content, related measurement technology, and test design for Stanford Achievement Test, Stanford Diagnostics Reading/ Mathematics Tests, and Stanford English Proficiency Test. 着重阐述了三个考试即斯坦福成就考试、斯坦福阅读和数学诊断考试及斯坦福英语水平考试的各自内容,相关的技术和设计原理。Achievement test is an absolutely necessary link in college English teaching. It is a means to test the effect of the students 'learning and the teachers' teaching. 成绩测试是大学英语教学中必不可少的一个环节,是检测一定阶段学生学业成绩和教师教学效果的手段。Most physical tests are achievement test based on criterion referenced in engineering institutions of higher education. 高等工科院校的物理测验大多数是基于标准参照的学绩测验。As to how to design a reasonable test with relatively high reliability and validity, the author also gives some advice hoping to improve the current achievement test design in teaching of Chinese as the second language in the future. 针对如何编写信度和效度都较高的、合理有效的成绩测试,提出了一些笔者个人的见解,以及在今后的对外汉语教学测试工作中希望完善与努力的方向。Are there a significant alignment between senior high school physics academic achievement test papers and physics content standard? 高中物理学业水平考试试卷与物理内容标准是否具备一致性?这是本研究的核心问题。Though some aspects of these factors ( e.g., too much autonomy granted to the students by the learner control feature, the low requirements of the achievement test) sometimes impede the development, their positive influence is overwhelming. 尽管这些因素的某些方面(如学生自我控制特色赋予学生的太多的自主权和成果考试的较低要求)有时也阻碍了学生的元认知发展,整体看来它们的影响是积极的。Achievement test is an indispensable part in Teaching of Chinese as the second language. It is important for both teachers and learners to explore its backwash. 成绩测试是对外汉语教学工作中不可或缺的一个组成部分,对于教学双方都有着至关重要的检验和反馈作用。Facing to the social environment in fierce competition, learning has become the most important thing in Chinese students, to students and parents, learning achievement test has become main standard. 面对竞争激烈的社会环境,学习已经成为中国学生生活中最重要的一个部分,对学生和家长而言,学习成绩已经成为检验孩子是否优秀的主要标准。
20 评论


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    可以。 小学教育考研方向有:教育学原理、教育管理。小学教育是一门普通高等学校本科专业,属教育学类专业,基本修业年限为四年,授予教育学学位。该专业培养具有良好思想道德品质、扎实的学科知识和较强的教育教学能力,能在小学从事教育、教学和管理等方面工作的复合型人才。

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