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1分钟前发布 -【foreigner的意思】 10月23日讯: 解释:外国人;外人,陌生人;外来物,进口货物;(非本土的)外来动植物foreigner 是什么意思及中文翻译:名词(n.) 外国人名词(n.) 外人,陌生人名词(n.) 外来物,进口货物名词(n.) (非本土的)外来动植物foreigner 词态变化:复数:foreigners包含foreigner的单词foreigners 外国人( foreigner的名词复数 )foreigner 相关例句His accent argues him to be a foreigner.他的腔调表明他是个外国人。He is a foreigner, as I know from his accent.正如我从他的口音中知道的那样,他是个外国人。He was a foreigner, as I knew from his accent.从他的口音, 我知道他是一个外国人。Anne's father wouldn't consent to her marrying a foreigner.安妮的父亲不会答应她嫁给一个外国人。The foreigner English teacher is accompanied by his students.那位外国英语教师整天由他得学生陪着。Judging from his accent, the foreigner should be from America.从口音来判断, 这个外国人应该来自美国。It sounds funny to hear a foreigner speak Chinese with an accent.外国人带口音讲汉语听起来很滑稽。Problems in Advanced Intensive Reading of Teaching Foreigner Chinese对外汉语高级精读教学问题研究Foreigner needs to pay all additional charges for postage or remittance charge.外地人士需自行负责全数的额外邮费及汇款手续费等等!Any resident foreigner in the country must register in the Resident Foreigner Department.任何居住在该国的外国人必须到外籍人员居住管理部门登记注册。foreigner的近反义词foreigner的近义词foreigner的反义词
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adj.无特异性的;非定向双语例句The address bus is used by the processor to select aspecific memory location or register within a particular peripheral. 地址总线被处理器用来选择在特定外设中的存储器地址或寄存器。Early symptom is a typical and aspecific. Misdiagnosis rate reaches td 80.6%. 青年人肺癌早期症状不典型,临床症状无特异性,误诊率高,首次就诊误诊达806%。There was medium fluorescent signal on some endothelial cells of blood vessels in encephalon. Conclusion There was probably no expression of CD34 on embryonic 14 days mandibular first molar of ICR mouse. CD34 could not be used as aspecific phenotype of embryonic tooth. 结论CD34在胚胎14天ICR小鼠鼠胚下颌第一磨牙牙胚中可能没有表达,不能作为牙胚上皮和间充质细胞的特异性表型标记抗原。The nature of network contains the non-coordinations betweenindividuals 'behaviors ( or behavioral tendencies) and the ethical rules in aspecific society. 网络的本质特性暗含了个体行为(倾向)与社会伦理规则之间的不协调性。Exploring the potential modulators to the specific and aspecific therapeutic efficacy to analyse whether lipid metabolism is involved with the prognosis. 研究醒脑开窍针刺法特异性和非特异性治疗作用潜在支配因子,以此推断降脂调脂作用是否影响针刺治疗的预后。Business firms is to distinguish between the different enterprises of aspecific sign, an intangible asset of the company. 企业商号是区分不同企业的特定化标志,也是企业的一种无形资产。The forth Chapter uses indicators constructed above proposes aspecific evaluation, performance feedback and evaluation process made a focus research. 第四章从上文构建的指标出发,提出了具体的考评方式,并对考评过程中绩效反馈与面谈做出了重点研究。Around the program details of aspecific implementation method, mainly include the following: 1. System hardware design. 围绕这个方案详细介绍了具体实现过程,主要包括以下内容:1.系统硬件设计。Papers focus on design means and methods of research, rather than aspecific research project, and therefore have a purpose, practical and applicable. 论文注重设计手段和方法的研究,而不是针对某个特定项目的研究,所以具有目的性、实践性和适用性。Therefore, aspecific study of the verbal behavior of students has become an important task in thedevelopment of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. 因此,开创专门针对留学生的言语行为研究已经成为发展对外汉语教学的重要课题。Hence, one of the creative of this article is research the federalism in aspecific place-California. 因此本文的创新点之一是研究联邦主义在一个具体的州&加州的实践情况。PI Aspecific antibody could not be detected in all groups. PIA特异抗体在所有组别中均未检测出。
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转移地址双语例句A program references storage using the effective address computed by the processor when it executes a Storage Access or Branch instruction or when it fetches the next sequential instruction. 在程序执行StorageAccess或Branch指令或者在存取下一条顺序指令时,它将使用处理器计算出的有效地址引用存储设备。Hbr hint_trigger,$ register& This tells the processor that the branch instruction at the relative address hint_trigger is likely to branch to the address specified in register$ register. hbrhinttrigger,$register&告诉处理器相对地址hinttrigger处的分支指令可能会跳转到寄存器$register所指定的地址。Finally, bi$ lr(" branch indirect") branches to the address specified in the link register ( the return address), thus returning from the function. 最后,bi$lr(branchindirect)分支跳转到在链接寄存器内指定的地址(返回地址),进而从函数返回。You cannot do branch hinting directly in C/ C++ because you have neither the address of the branch nor the target. 在C/C++中无法直接进行分支提示,这是因为既没有分支地址,也没有分支目标。The new branch will open on 1st March and from that date all orders and inquiries should be sent to Mr. Wang Lo at the above address, instead of to our London office. 新办事处将于三月一日开业,今后所有的订单和询价请按上述地址送到王洛先生那,而不是伦敦办公室。BTAC Branch Target Address Calculator 分支目标寻址计算器During the branch, the CPU examines the least significant bit ( LSb) of the destination address to determine the new state. 在分支时,CPU会检查目标地址的最低有效位(LSB),以确定新的状态。Because of the rapid development of our business in Asia, we think it's necessary to open a branch at the following address. 鉴于我们在亚洲地区业务的快速发展,有必要在下列地点设立分成公司。You can also report for any branch address problem with the build-in feedback email feature. 用户也能通过内置的报料邮件功能,给我们提供更准确的银行地址资料。According the record of the branch information, BTB can effectively predict the branch behavior and the target address of the latter instruction stream. Compared to other routine branch prediction technologies, BTB is more effective and easier to implement based on VLSI. BTB通过对分支历史信息的记录,有效的预测后续指令流中分支的行为及其目标地址,较之其它常规分支预测技术更为有效,并利于VLSI实现。The research on branch prediction includes the use of history information, branch instruction address mapping and state transition. 分支预测算法的研究包括分支历史信息的处理,分支指令地址的映射,状态转换等。Similar to branch prediction, value prediction and address predictions have received considerable interest in recent years. 近年来前瞻技术引起了人们广泛的研究兴趣,其中包括分支预测技术、值预测技术和地址预测技术等。It consists of two sections. Section One shows how to branch out the teaching of Chinese address terms according to the existing textbook of Chinese for foreign communication which includes the contents of texts, vocabularies, annotations and exercises. 主要由以下两节组成:第一节讲述如何依据对外汉语教材进行汉语称谓语教学:分别是依据课文内容、课后单词、课后注释、课后练习部分出现的汉语称谓语进行教授。
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附条件监禁刑判决,附条件判决双语例句Adding a conditional 'if*' sentence might help your grammar score. 加入if条件句有助于提高你在语法方面的分数。Can you see that the fact that it's a conditional sentence a complex sentence doesn't stop it from being a conclusion. 你们明白实际上这是个条件句,一个复杂句也可以是结论。A Parallel Debugger with Fast Conditional Breakpoint CRF-based approach to sentence segmentation and punctuation for ancient Chinese prose 一种具有快速条件断点的并行程序调试器基于条件随机场的古文自动断句与标点方法The two clauses can be reversed in a conditional sentence with no change in meaning. 在条件句中两个分句可以颠倒而句意不变。Update Semantics for Epistemic Systems and Conditional Systems; Comparison of Double-object Sentence between the Analects and Shi Shuo Xin Yu 适于认知系统和条件句系统的更新语义(英文)《论语》与《世说新语》双宾语句式比较The fourth device is by syntax such as partial negation, conditional sentence, transferred negation, ellipsis, interrogative sentences, tactful implication and periphrases. 可以使用半否定、条件句、否定转移、省略、疑问句、婉转暗示和迂回等手段。Condition precedes result. This is usually the case in a conditional sentence. 先说条件,后说结果,这是条件句通常的说法。According to relation conjunctions reflects, conditionals can be divided into three types: hypothetical compound sentence, conditional compound sentence and unconditional sentence; 根据关联词语所反映的是充分条件关系还是必要条件关系,可分为假设复句、条件复句以及五条件句;? This paper puts forward the concept of varied conditional sentence and compares the general conditionals with the varied conditionals. 本文提出了变异条件句这个概念,并把一般条件句和变异条件句加以比较。When two parts of a negative and subjunctive conditional sentence describe the different subject, the connection phrase is always putin the front of the subject. This researching conclusion can be used directly in the field of teaching foreigners and processing Chinese information. 这个结论可以直接用于对外汉语教学和中文信息处理。Classic Theory makes the judgment about the truth of the conditional sentence ( including counterfactual conditional sentence) according to the truth relation hold between the antecedent and the consequent of the sentence. 经典逻辑理论对一个条件句(包含反事实条件句)的真值所依据的标准是前件和后件之间的真假关系。Every human language has a method of forming the conditional sentence, as conditional sentences reflect human capacity to perceive the logical relationship between different events in the objective world. 任何语言中都有条件句,因为条件句表明人们在观察客观世界时,对于事物的行为之间的逻辑关系的认知。This paper proposes a new method combining Cascade Chunking Algorithm with Conditional Random Fields into the rich contextual information, to give each unit an optimal labeling result from the point of whole sentence. 本文采用层叠组块算法和条件随机场相结合的方法进行日语依存关系解析,融入丰富的上下文信息,从整句的角度给予每个标注单元一个最优的标注结果。The thesis selects Cascaded Conditional Random Fields as the multi-layer model. Finally, a parsing algorithm based on local optimization for decoding the sentence is proposed. 本文选用层叠条件随机场作为多层分析模型。最后,在解码方式上本文使用局部最优化的搜索算法对句子进行解码。In order to understand the situation of acquisition of conditional complex sentence in Chinese by Korean students, and reveal the process and features of their acquisition, this thesis investigates the use of conditional complex sentences by the Korean students by conducting a survey. 本文为了了解韩国留学生汉语条件复句的习得状况,揭示韩国留学生汉语条件复句的习得过程和习得特点,对留学生习得条件类复句的情况做了调查。The conditional sentence is the linguistic representation of the concept of condition. 条件概念通过条件句的语言形式得以表达。According to Classic Theory, a conditional sentence is true only if its antecedent is false. 按照经典理论,前件为假的条件句都是真命题!那么反事实条件句以其前件为假的身份被定义为真命题。
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    1 可以去掉2 从语法上来说可以去掉句子中的谓语或宾语,但是这样会导致句子表达不够完整,内容不够明确,容易产生歧义或误解。3 因此,在正式的写作或口语表达中,应尽可能保留完整的句子结构,准确传达自己的意思。

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