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1分钟前发布 -【learn 谓语动词?】http://www.zjks.cc 10月25日讯: learn是实义动词,可以充当谓语动词,具体内容如下。谓语动词指在句子中充当谓语的动词,可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词。英语句子的成分与现代汉语中学的句子成分类似,基本构成也包含主、谓、宾,有时有补语、状语,还有插入语等成分。
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以前我总是奇怪妈妈有时讲的话我都听不懂,就跟电视里说的话一样让我迷惑,妈妈告诉我,那就是普通话,写在纸上的就是我们的汉字。可是字是字,怎么会读出了会变成悦耳的声音,我很纳闷。妈妈说等我上学后,就会看见漂亮的25个拼音字母,每一个字母就是可爱的魔法精灵能拼成许许多多的汉字,念出来就是一首首动听的歌曲。于是我很盼望自己长大,也像妈妈一样会说普通话,会看厚厚的书。i used to wonder that sometimes i couldn't understand what my mother said, just as i was confused by what she said on tv. my mother told me that it was mandarin, and what was written on paper was our chinese characters. but the word is a word, how can read out will become a pleasant voice, i am very puzzled. my mother said that when i go to school, i will see 25 beautiful pinyin letters. each letter is a lovely magic spirit that can spell many chinese characters and read out a beautiful song. so i'm looking forward to growing up, speaking mandarin like my mother, and reading thick books.终于我也是一个小学生了,摸着香香的课本,我小心的翻开,第一页就是几个拼音:a、o、e,还有阴平、阳平、上声、去声这些声调,我看得有点头晕。等到学到23个声母和24 个韵母时,我都快哭了,怎么这么麻烦,就像一只只小蝌蚪游来游去,想抓也抓不到。妈妈告诉我说记住每个单韵母的口型,就容易掌握了。a是大嘴巴,o是圆嘴巴,e是扁嘴巴……几个复韵母不过就是嘴巴圆了扁,或是撮嘴巴,把他们的音记住了,真的一点都不难。我会读了,可是写又成了我的拦路虎。b和d ,p和q它们长得一样,我很难分清。老师教我们说b的肚子在右,d 的肚子在左,p像爬坡低着头,q像气球前头飘。我终于学会读也会写这些拼音字母了。语文书里那些好看的故事我也看得懂,也读得出了。虽然一个一个字母的拼,很慢,可是毕竟是自己独自完成的,总是很得意。妈妈告诉我普通话是指“以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范”的现代标准语。普通话是我国各族人民的共同语言,她抑扬顿挫,婉转悠扬,悦耳动听,是世界上最优美的语言。要学好普通话,就要学汉语拼音。老师也告诉我们制定和推行汉语拼音方案,为汉字注音和帮助推广普通话提供有利的支持,而且已在国际交流、对外汉语教学、电脑输入、手机输入、手语、盲文等各个领域都发挥着巨大的作用。my mother told me that putonghua is a modern standard language with "beijing pronunciation as the standard sound, northern dialect as the basic dialect, and model modern vernacular writings as the grammar standard". putonghua is the common language of chinese people of all ethnic groups. it is the most beautiful language in the world. to learn mandarin well, we must learn pinyin. the teacher also told us to formulate and implement the chinese pinyin program, which provides favorable support for chinese pinyin and help promote putonghua, and has played a huge role in international communication, teaching chinese as a foreign language, computer input, mobile phone input, sign language, braille and other fields.现在,我也有自己的藏书了,终于不用看图画了。拼音为我打开了一个魔法世界,精灵在我面前舞动,展示了一个个神奇的故事:勤劳的灰姑娘,顽强的丑小鸭,神奇的拇指姑娘,善良的小矮人,还有了不起的盘古,美丽的嫦娥和我最喜欢的孙悟空。妈妈说掌握拼音后,我也可以像她一样在电脑上打字,还可以查找自己感兴趣的材料。原来学会拼音会为我打开这么广阔的世界,爱上它一点也不后悔。now, i have my own collection of books, so i don't need to read pictures. pinyin opened a magic world for me. the elves danced in front of me and showed a lot of magical stories: diligent cinderella, stubborn ugly duckling, magical thumbelina, kind dwarf, great pangu, beautiful chang'e and my favorite monkey king. my mother said that after mastering pinyin, i can also type on the computer like her, and i can find the materials i am interested in. it turns out that learning pinyin will open such a wide world for me, and i will not regret falling in love with it at all.
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n.词源学; 词源复数:etymologies牛津词典noun词源学the study of the origin and history of words and their meanings词源the origin and history of a particular word 柯林斯词典 词源学Etymology is the study of the origins and historical development of words. 词源The etymology of a particular word is its history. 双语例句Etymology: over England; from one land to another; into Ireland. 词源学:越过英格兰,从一个陆地到另一个陆地,爱尔兰。As with all the best idioms, the etymology of the American term 86-ed is not clear. 同所有好的习语一样,美式词条86-ed在词源学中并不明确。The history and evolution of Chinese characters is such a messy accretion of historical sediment and false cognates that even scholars of Chinese take its etymology with a grain of salt. 中国汉字的历史和变革掺杂了太多历史的沉淀和似是而非的同源词汇,就算是中国的学者对本国的词源学研究也还是沧海一粟。For the sake of knowledge though, we looked into the etymology of a few of these words. 为了了解知识,我们探寻了这些咒骂语中一部分的词源。You epitomize the etymology of enthusiasm! 你是与热诚的化身!The explanation of these two terms in The Great Chinese Dictionary and Chinese Etymology Dictionary needs to be further investigated. 对于这两个词,《汉语大词典》和《辞源》的解释是值得商榷的。On the Theoretical Construction of the Etymology Teaching Method in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Semantic-phonetic composition is one way of word building in Chinese, but Chinese is not a phonetic language. 对外汉语汉字字源教学法理论建构论略形声是汉字的一种造字法,但汉字并不因此以表音见长。Based on or belonging to etymology. 属于词源学的或根据词源学的。Huang Yao also devoted much effort to the research on the etymology of Chinese characters and his innovative fusion of Chinese literature, philosophy, calligraphy and art. 黄尧把许多努力奉献到对汉字的文字学和中国的文学,哲学,书法和艺术的研究里。Research on Chinese Intellectual of Etymology and Culturology 中国知识分子语源学与文化学考察Sophie and Michael D.Coe agree with this etymology. 梁刘柔芬和迈克尔D·安科同意这个词源。Estrangement is a abundant meanings and disputable concept on the investigation of etymology. 从词源学考证,异化是一个含义丰富且有争议的概念。At university she developed an interest in etymology. 在大学时她对词源学产生了兴趣。An Analysis of Word Meanings in Medical English Translation from the Etymology of Medical English Vocabulary 从医学英语词源的角度探讨医学英语翻译中的词义辨析论词源与仿词源在词汇教学中的应用From the perspective of etymology and word change, this article aims at making a probe into the influence of business development on the generalization of proper nouns. 它们的背后记录着商业文明的痕迹,本文从词源学和词义变化的角度,结合世界商业发展的历史,探讨了商业贸易的发展对专有名词普通化的影响和意义。Etymology: A'hog'is literally a pig, and pigs are famous for selfishly consuming their food. 词源:hog的字面意思是“猪”。猪呢在食物上的自私是有名的。With the elaboration of the etymology of medical English vocabulary, the meanings of technical vocabulary, especially synonymy and paronym, can be distinguished in terms of morphology; 从医学英语专业词汇和准专业词汇来源的阐述中得出,专业词汇的词义可从其词形结构析出,特别是同义词和同源词;The160-page English-slanglish lexicon includes terms, definitions, parts of speech, sample sentences and notes on the etymology and origin of new slang, Munro said. 孟罗说,这本160页的英语俚语词典包括词条、定义、选段、例句、有关词源的注释和新俚语的来源。Toponymy is a newly developed branch of science which systematically studies the etymology and meaning of geographical names. 地名学是对地名的词源、意义等进行系统分析的一门新兴科学。Each etymology is a case, in miniature, of the strange road home. 每一个词源都是一条具体而微的引领我们回家的陌生的路。Comparison of the Administrative Planning and the Administrative Scheme& Based on the Explanation of Etymology and the Legal Text 比较视阈下的行政规划与行政计划&基于词源、法律文本的解读The study of etymology of Chinese characters is an important issue in Chinese language. 品,因此本文未叙及。对词源的研究是训诂学中一个前沿课题,具有较大的难度。The word "monsoon" has an ancient and debatable etymology which many authorities have already tried to trace. 季风是一古老而有争议的名词,许多权威都曾努力探索过。The origin of OK became the Holy Grail of etymology. OK的出典成了词源学梦寐以求的圣杯。As we learn about interesting words we will look at their etymology. 随着我们不断学习到新的有趣词汇,我们将进一步学习词源。EST Terms and Their Translation; Cultural Factors in Etymology VS Vocabulary Teaching Strategies 科技英语中专业词汇的翻译及词义的选择词源的文化元素与词汇教学策略选择的关系So that he could explain the etymology of the words he included. 因此他可以解释所包含词汇的语源。Then we present the concept of Complete Change Information, which includes the syntax, the semantics, and the etymology. 接着讨论了全变更信息的概念,包括语法、语义和语用三个方面内容;A Research into the Etymology and Its Original Acceptation of Sport; Feliks looked up from Kropotkin's pamphlet. 关于斯泡特(SPORT)语源和早期词义的探讨费利克斯在一本克鲁泡特金的小册子上查看着。No proofreader caught the error, but five years later an editor noticed the word had no etymology and began the investigation that led to the word's being banished. 所有的校对人员都没有发现这个错误,但是五年后,一名编辑注意到这个词没有词源,然后他开始溯源并最终将这个词从词典中去除。 英英释义nounthe study of the sources and development of wordsa history of a word
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1.专业分享Hello,Everyone.I studied in NanJing University and my major is Landscape Design. Four-years-study offers me the chance to develop my academic and practical capabilities, for example, news planning and reporting.2.兴趣分享I'm a senior from NancJing University. I'm a huge fan of reading. Books never fail to fascinate me and never cease to surprise me. I am so obsessed with Shakespeare's novels, so I determined to learn English well.
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