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1分钟前发布 -【illustration记忆方法?】 10月19日讯: illustration记忆方法?1. 创造联想:将"illustration"与具体的图像或场景联系起来。例如,你可以想象一本插图丰富的绘本,里面有各种生动的插图,来帮助你理解和记忆这个单词。2. 制作记忆卡片:在一张卡片上写下"illustration"这个单词,并在另一张卡片上写下它的中文意思。然后,反复翻阅这些卡片,尽量将单词和它的意思联系在一起。3. 利用单词的音节:将"illustration"分解成几个音节(ill-us-tra-tion),并逐个记忆。你可以尝试将每个音节组合成一个具体的形象,再将这些形象串联在一起,帮助你记忆整个单词。4. 多次重复:通过反复阅读、书写和使用"illustration"这个单词,可以加深对它的记忆。你可以在日常生活中寻找使用这个单词的机会,例如在阅读文章、写作文或参与讨论时使用它。5. 使用记忆技巧:尝试使用一些记忆技巧来帮助你记住"illustration"这个单词。例如,你可以将它与其他类似的单词进行比较,找出它们之间的联系和区别,从而更容易记住。
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address part地址部分;地址码双语例句Domain name resolution works by a client contacting a server and requesting that a particular address be resolved to the corresponding part ( i.e., name to IP address, or IP address to name). 域名解析的工作方式是客户端与服务器通信,并请求将某个特定地址解析到对应的部分(即从名称解析到IP地址,或从IP地址解析到名称)。A binding handle which has only the network address part and yet to obtain the endpoint is said to be partially bound. 如果一个绑定句柄只有网络地址部分,还没有获得端点,就称之为部分绑定的。It is possible to address only part of the requirements in a given product, but by doing so, an administrator is left with the task of filling in the gaps. 在一个指定产品中,虚拟化基础结构只能解决这些需求的某一部分,但这样做之后,管理员只需要弥补不足之处。Now when you deploy a pattern using this environment profile, you explicitly define the IP address for each part in the pattern. 现在,在使用这个环境概要文件部署模式时,要显式地指定模式中每个部分的IP地址。For each component machine, you need enter the machine's host name or IP address, and the part type assign to the machine. 对于每个组件机,都需要输入机器的主机名称、IP地址以及为该机器指定的部件类型。However, if you are using an EndpointReferenceType for dynamic service binding, only the address part must be set. 然而,如果使用EndpointReferenceType来进行动态服务绑定,就只有地址部分是必须设定的。The claim by the bishop of London in his funeral address that the former scientist was part of the team that invented Mr Whippy ice-cream is no exception. 而伦敦主教在其葬礼悼词中关于撒切尔夫人是发明甜筒冰淇淋的团队成员的说法,也毫不例外引起了争议。撒切尔夫人在从政前从事科学研究的工作。Keep the scope limited; address a small part of your domain and don't try to make the DSL a general programming language 保证有限的作用域;仅仅解决领域中相应的小部分问题,不要让DSL变成一个通用编程语言On the to line, you want to enter the same name or address that you chose as part of the condition. 在“收件人”行上,您需要输入选为条件组成部分的相同姓名或地址。And while I have the opportunity to address you, I say part of solution has to be that the talent base has to be more inclusive. 才能解决这个问题,我想借此机会告诉大家我认为,解决方法之一就是使我们的人才基础更广泛。As any NVH problem being a source-path-responder system, different approaches and strategies are required to address each individual part of the issue, which are discussed with illustrations. 任何噪声、振动和声振粗糙度问题都是源路径响应器系统的问题,所以,需要采取不同途径和策略解决各部分问题,这将通过图文并茂的方式进行讨论。A method of addressing in which the address part of an instruction contains a relative address. 一种寻址方法,按照这种寻址法,指令的地址部分存放的是相对地址。The CS register has two parts: the visible segment selector part and the hidden base address part. CS寄存器有两个部分:可见段选择子部分和隐藏的基地址部分。Routing and smart URLs make the page address part of the interface and search-engine friendly. 路由和智能网址使界面和搜索引擎友好的网页地址的一部分。We require your home phone number and your address as part of our credit checks. 我们必须记录阁下的住宅电话和地址以作信贷审核用途。Next, identify the questions you remain unable to address ( likely those in part three). 接着,确认那些你无法解释的问题(像是第三部份)。I would like to address something that is not part of the exam, that I want you to think about, something that is fun, and it's always nice It has to do with my last lecture. 我想要说一些,无关考试的内容,让你们思考,这些内容很有趣,而通常做这些有趣的内容,它和我的上一节课有关。I know the nature of the data that you are looking for, and will try to come up with something that may address part of the issue, if not all of it. 我很清楚你们要搜集的资料内容,我们会尽可能努力提供这方面的资料。It will become the basis of Shared Bus. Though the analysis about the PowerPC Bus, there are four parts in BIU: Instruction Pretreatment Part, Address Bus Treatment Part, Data Bus Treatment Part and Data Pos-treatment Part. 通过对PowerPC结构的总线协议的分析,总线接口部分主要由指令预处理部分、地址总线处理部分、数据总线处理部分和数据后处理部分组成,完成微处理器和外部总线的数据交互。The DC motor driving circuit, found out the physics address of every part and interface relation, and deoxidized the intact hardware circuit of the robot. 直流电机驱动电路分别进行了详细的分析,摸清了各部分的物理地址,接口关系,还原出了机器人的完整的硬件电路结构。Address terms are an important part of the daily language of life. 称谓语是日常语言生活中一个重要的组成部分。Build internet resource and note the internet address in the proper part of the textbook. 开发与教科书配套的网络资源,并在教科书的适当位置分别注明与该章节内容相关的具体网址。Chinese address system is complex and developed, so teaching of address terms is the difficult part of vocabulary teaching in teaching in teaching Chinese as a second language. 由于汉语称谓系统的复杂和发达,使得汉语称谓语教学成为对外汉语词汇教学中的难点。Address form is an important part of human verbal communication. Address form is the most widely used and most frequent words. In Intercultural Communication, address form is often transformed the information to the other people. 称谓语是言语交际活动中的重要组成部分,是语言交际中使用最广泛、最频繁的词语,在跨文化言语交际中,称谓语往往是首先传达给对方的信息。Presidential inaugural address, an important part of western political genre, is drawing more and more attention all over the world. 总统就职演说,作为西方政治文体的重要组成部分,其重要性日益受到学者关注。But from talking on the technology, not hesitating to adopt private address, can resolve the part address problem by the fact that NAT changes, large amount of practice already indicates way, this does not finish being. 从技术上讲,尽管采用私有地址,通过NAT转换可以解决部分地址问题,但大量的实践已表明,这并非是好办法。On this basis, rapid prototyping and CAD techniques are combined to design and fabricate complex thin-walled part-computer monitor stand, and some preliminary approaches are developed to address part of key technologies on manufacture of thin-walled part via rapid prototyping techniques. 在此基础上,我们综合应用反求工程、快速成型技术与CAD技术完成复杂薄壁零件&电脑显示器底座的设计与制造,对快速成型技术在制造薄壁零件中的一些关键技术提出了初步的解决方法。In this paper, we would address the first part. 在这篇论文中,将致力于解决第一个部分所涉及到的问题。GPRS network adopts the solution of Internet static address. This part describes the project in three sections. GPRS网络采用公网静态IP的组网方案。从三个部分介绍监控系统,1.GPRS-INTERNET网络。
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event chain网络事件链双语例句Canceling the event chain for the keyboard event by setting the cancelBubble property on the EVENT object to true 将EVENT对象的cancelBubble属性设置为true,取消键盘事件的事件链The largest event, the Wienerschnitzel Wiener Nationals [ 2] in southern California, sponsored by a chain of hot-dog restaurants, attracts tens of thousands of visitors. 由一家热狗饭店的连锁店赞助的南加利福利亚州最大的赛事WienerschnitzelWienerNationals[2],吸引了成百上千的游客。It is as if a single unimportant event set up a chain of reactions. 好像一件小事变就会导致连续串的连锁反响。It has also been empirically validated that the event that is on the causal chain is recalled better than the one that is out of such a chain. 实验亦证实因果相关联的事件比无因果关联的事件容易被记忆。An event only bubbles up the parent's chain of ancestors in the display list. 事件在显示列表中只向上级的父级链冒泡。Was there any warning of their arrival? a sign, a single event that set this chain into motion? 他们的到来有任何预警吗?像是一种标志,触发连锁反应的小事?Series of events each of which causes the next It is as if a single unimportant event set up a chain of reactions. 连锁式反应的一系列事件似乎一件区区小事就能引起连锁反应。Any of these objects could choose to handle an event, which stops its movement up the responder chain. 这些对象中的任何一个都可以选择处理一个事件(用户输入),这将会停止响应者链的传递。Smith's suicide was the first event in a chain that culminated in exposure of several enormous scandals. 史密斯的自杀,是一连串事件的第一件。这一连串事件的高潮,是揭发出好几起重大丑闻。The digital manufacturing environment of automatic assembly line manufacturing process is discussed. And a manufacturing process modeling and simulation method based on extended event process chain is advocated. 文章分析了生产线制造过程的数字化制造环境,提出了基于扩展事件过程链的生产线制造过程建模仿真方法。The paper discusses the modeling and simulation of enterprise busi-ness process based on extended Event Process Chain ( eEPC), therefore optimize and im-prove the enterprise business process. 本文采用基于扩展事件驱动过程链(eEPC)的企业业务过程模型,进行模型仿真,对企业业务过程进行优化,从而改进企业业务过程。This paper proposes a model of product development process in the environment of Concurrent Engineering ( CE), which is illustrated using extended Event driven Process Chain ( eEPC). 本文提出了一种并行工程环境下产品开发过程的模型,给出了其eEPC图形描述。Extended Event-Process Chain ( EEPC) and It's Application in BPR 扩展的事件&过程链方法(EEPC)及其在BPR中的应用Therefore, it is urgent and important to research the operational risks and emergency management of failure event of perishable products supply chain. 因此,对易腐产品在供应链环境下的运作风险和失效事件的应急管理进行研究具有紧迫性和重要性。This chapter is to build event chain model from the aspect of computation. 本章主要从计算模型的角度讨论事件链模型如何构建篇章连贯。The class teaching formed by a series of event is a complex chain, while the critical incident is an important process. 课堂教学是由一系列的事件组成的复合型链条,关键事件是其中的重要环节。In order to describe the model with complex event language and implement the scene of model, an event processing model for supply chain is built to extract complex event. 本文还研究了复杂事件处理中间件在实时供应链的应用,建立供应链的事件处理模型,提取出复杂事件,进行复杂事件语言描述,完成场景模型的实现。Event chain can be applied in language teaching and learning and information retrieval. 事件链可以应用在对外汉语教学和语言信息处理两个方面。Nowadays Complex Event Processing is widely applicable to many fields, such as business activity detecting and predicting, supply chain management, climatic environment monitoring, medical care, and so on. 复杂事件处理广泛地应用于商业检测与预测、供应链管理、气候环境监测与预报和医疗监护等很多领域。Later, it proposes a formal descriptive model of event chain reaction. And it also describes the model of relationship between unit event and objective things system. Based on the above related models, this paper proposes a reasoning method of emergency chain reaction process. 然后,提出了突发事件连锁反应的形式化表示模型,对其中的元事件与客观事物系统之间的关系模型进行了扩展描述,并基于上述模型提出了突发事件连锁反应过程的推演方法。Risk event would cause the supply chain node failure, and this will soon affect the other enterprises of the supply chain network, which led to the entire supply chain network instability. 风险事件会造成供应链节点失效,而且这会很快影响到供应链网络上的其他企业,进而导致整个供应链网络的不稳定性。But in practice, the unexpected event will inevitably lead to a number of factors disruptions in the supply chain system. 然而在实际中,突发事件一旦发生必然会导致系统中多个因素同时发生扰动。
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structure grammar网络结构语法; 结构文法双语例句A solution to homonym correction based on Chinese phrase structure grammar is presented in this paper. 本文在讨论了汉语短语结构语法的基础上,提出了一种基于汉语短语结构语法的语音消歧方案。Head-driven phrase structure grammar 中心词驱动短语结构文法The author proposes a kind of RNA secondary structure graph grammar which composed by the set of initial structure graphs and the set of the rewriting rules. 论文针对RNA二级结构图提出一种图语法,该语法由初始结构图集和重写规则集构成,用重写规则在初始结构图上的不断重写得到的结构图都是该语法的语言。As you read through the proposal, make comments in places that you think need improvement, or correct sentence structure or grammar. 在你浏览计画书时,在你认为需要改进处做评论,或纠正句法文法的错误。The Structure and Grammar of Adjective in Sichuan Dialect 四川话形容词的结构类型及其语法意义No doubt, your teachers at school have given you specific writing practice drills to improve your sentence structure, grammar, style, syntax, and writing ability. 毫无疑问地,学校的老师会藉由给特定的写作练习训练来增进你的句型结构、文法、写作风格、语法和写作能力。I took the essence of your essay and revised its structure, grammar, and style, giving it an elegance and sophistication that will set you apart from other applicants. 我抓住了您文中的精髓所在,并在结构、语法和行文上进行了一些修改,使文章变的更加高雅和更有说服力,从而使您在众多申请者中能脱颖而出。The current syntax tagging models are customarily based on PSG ( Phrase Structure Grammar) or DG ( Dependency Grammar), but all have some shortcomings. 现有句法标注模型主要包括基于短语结构语法(PSG)和基于依存语法(DG)的句法标注模型,还存在一些局限性。We'll analyze the structure and grammar sense of this sentence pattern, try to analyze what causes it, and predict its tendency. 我们将这种句式的结构和表达的语法意义进行分析,并尝试分析这种句式产生的原因,预测其发展趋势。The present article addresses the issue from four aspects, with the emphasis on the development of interactive communicative competence of English learners. Discourse makes an emphasis on structure and grammar. 本文针对这一现象进行了四个方面的探讨,并强调指出:英语交际能力的培养应立足于学习者的互动交际能力的培养。语篇强调语法和结构。By rendering Dowty's argument selection from an abstract procedure into a concrete feature structure presentation, Davis has successfully introduced the lexical entailments into HPSG ( Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar). Davis通过把Dowty的论元选择从一个抽象过程实现为特征结构表达式,成功地将词汇语义蕴涵引入到HPSG框架之内。In the Teaching of Chinese Language to international learners, the focus has always been the narrative complement structure in grammar teaching. 在对外汉语教学中,汉语述补结构一直是教学重点,其中可能补语对留学生来说尤其是难点。这主要是因为可能补语和状态补语在某些情况下会出现相同的形式。The general procedures of translation are as follows: 1. analyze& analyze its surface structure from grammar and semantics; 翻译的一般程序为:1、分析&从语法和语义两方面分析原文的表层结构;This paper illustrates the formalization model employed in Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 简要评述了中心语驱动短语结构语法所采用的语言理论形式化方法。It is assumed in the paper that the index agreement theory in the framework of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, which incorporates syntax, semantics and pragmatics, seems to be a potential approach to the problems exhibited in the traditional explanation of agreement. 中心语驱动短语结构语法框架内的标引一致理论,则兼顾了句法、语义、语用因素,较好地解决了传统一致观所解决不了的问题。The structure, grammar usage, plural noun attributive and the problems in the use of the noun attributive etc are discussed in the paper. 英语名词定语的构成、语法作用、重迭式、复数名词定语以及使用名词定语时应注意的问题等为英语名词定语主要探讨的几个方面。This paper discusses and analyzes the "ABB" pattern in Yichang dialect, which is a kind of language pattern of overlapped adjectives from structure, grammar function and way of expression aspects, and the sources of this language pattern from historical language angle as well. ABB式为宜昌话一叠缀形容词格式,本文从结构方式、句法功能和表达特点等方面对其一一予以论析,并从历史语言的角度探讨、分析这一话语模式的语源关系。Structure grammar based on local area of collection of line segmentation and geometric element and number of classes of geometric element could extract manmade object from natural background. 基于直线段集合图像给定区域内直线线段的结构文法及其所含几何基元数目和几何基元种类将人造目标从自然背景中提取出来。This chapter from still and dynamic angle, analyse the word structure and grammar structure of proverbs to show the feature of proverb in structure. 在这一章中主要从静态和动态两个角度,对禅籍中谚语的词结构和语法结构进行具体分析,从而展示谚语在动态的语用过程中,结构上的灵活性特点。The constraint-based theories Head-driven Phrase Structure grammar ( HPSG) and Lexical Functional Grammar ( LFG) integrate syntax and semantics in the account of anaphoric study. 以制约规则为基础建立的中心语驱动短语结构语法和词汇功能语法将句法和语义相结合来研究复指现象。Most of them have made their contributions to the research on the translation of legal documents from the point of view of vocabulary, sentence structure and grammar. 其中大部分从词、句子和语法的角度出发详细地探讨了法律文献的翻译。PSG ( Phrase Structure Grammar) has been extensively applied in computational linguistics. 短语结构语法在计算语言学中得到广泛的应用。He holds that the logic structure is built on the grammatical structure, grammar structure and logic structure of characters, words and sentences. 朱子认为,《大学》的意义结构正是建立在字、词、句、篇的语法结构、文法结构和逻辑结构之上。Based on the research about structure and grammar of EXPRESS language, STEP information is extracted for screw parts model in Java program. 本文通过对EXPRESS语言结构形式和语法的研究,针对螺杆零件模型进行STEP信息递归提取,用Java语言实现STEP文件到螺杆模型的映射。Context-free grammar which is aslo referred to as phrase structure grammar, is the most commonly mathematical system used to simulate the composition structure of natural language. Syntactic analysis is based on context-free grammar to identify sentences and assign sentences 'structure. 上下文无关语法又称为短语结构语法,是模拟自然语言成分结构的最常用的数学系统。此时就可以对句子进行句法剖析了,也就是根据上下文无关语法识别一个句子并给句子指派结构。In the writing process, students have the their opportunity to use language points and consolidate their knowledge of the structure of grammar, idioms and vocabulary which have been taught by their teachers. 在写作过程中,学生拥有了使用语言知识点和巩固教师已教给他们的语法知识结构,习惯用语以及反映他们的词汇量的机会。The external structure included grammar 、 tone and meaning. 外部结构包含三个层面,语法结构、调类结构和意义结构。SFG presents a view of language in terms of both structure ( grammar) and words ( lexis). 系统功能语法从语言的结构(语法)和词汇两方面提出了观点。It is pointed out that much attention is paid to linguistic knowledge, such as sentence structure, grammar and phonetics in the college English teaching in China, while the context of the language and the culture are ignored. 指出中国的大学英语教学注重的是语言知识、句型结构、语法和语音等,而忽视了语境和文化。
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  • 国际汉语教师资格证考试需用书籍?

    汉办的国际汉语教师证书考试需要以下参考书: 1、现代汉语 黄伯荣、廖序东主编:《现代汉语》,高等教育出版社,2003。 北京大学中文系:《现代汉语》,商务印书馆,1993。 刘月华等:《实用现代汉语语法》,商务印书馆,2001。 2、汉语作为外语教学理论 吕必松:《华语教学讲习》,北京语言学院出版社。 赵金铭主编:《对外汉语教学概论》,商务印书馆,2004。 陈 宏、吴勇毅主编:《对外汉语课堂教学

    乏味的雨天 4人参与回答 2024-10-19