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1分钟前发布 -【BEC中级商务英语阅读讲义精选:17】http://www.zjks.cc 12月05日讯: 世行_劳力输出有利各方世界银行(World Bank)近日在开罗发布的一项研究报告显示,移民对劳动力输出国家女孩的教育、医疗和生育率具有积极影响。Migration has a positive impact on girls' education, healthcare and fertility rates in countries that export labour, according to a study by the World Bank published yesterday in Cairo."巴基斯坦等许多国家都重男轻女,因此男孩可以获得更多家庭资源,"该报告的首席经济学家及联合主编莫里斯o希夫(Maurice Schiff)表示。"当海外移民通过汇款使家庭获得额外收入时,女孩往往能得到更多。""In a lot of countries, [such as] Pakistan, boys are favoured over girls, so they get a larger share of household resources," said Maurice Schiff, the lead economist and co-editor of the report. "When additional income comes to the family through remittances sent by a migrant abroad, more tends to go to girls."研究发现,在巴基斯坦,家庭中拥有一名移民工人会将女孩入学率提高多达54%,而男孩仅为7%。The World Bank study found that, in Pakistan, the effect of having a migrant worker in the family was to increase female enrolment in schools by as much as 54 per cent, compared with just 7 per cent for boys.其它研究结果显示,移民家庭女孩的上学时间平均比非移民家庭的女孩长2年。移民对童工也有影响,因为如果孩子的父亲在海外工作挣钱,儿童被送去打工的可能性就会减小,即使被送去打工,这些孩子的工作时间也会减少大约66%。Other results showed that girls from migrant households stayed in school on average two years longer than those from non-migrant families. There was also an impact on child labour because children who had a father earning money abroad were less likely to be sent out to work and those who were, worked about 66 per cent less.报告还发现,移民提高了巴基斯坦和中美洲移民儿童的身高和体重。It also found that migration improved the height and weight of the children of Pakistani and central American migrants.收入增加也意味着能够更多地获得医疗保障。在尼加拉瓜,汇款极大提高了医生助产的可能性,这是降低母亲死亡率的一个重要因素。More money also meant better access to healthcare. In Nicaragua, remittances significantly improved the likelihood of doctor-assisted births, a big factor in reducing maternal mortality.报告的另一项发现是,在摩洛哥和土耳其向欧洲输出劳动力的地区,生育率有所下降。报告将这种现象归因于"观念和行为模式从劳动力接收国向输出国传输"。Another finding was that fertility rates have declined in those parts of Morocco and Turkey that export labour to Europe. It attributed this to "the transmission of ideas and modes of behaviour from host to source country".报告还发现,归国移民能够在本国获得更高的工资。与没有出过国的人相比,在海外工作过的埃及人的工资最多可高出38%。The report also found that returned migrants could command higher wages in their home countries. Egyptians who had worked abroad earned up to 38 per cent more than those who had not travelled.希夫表示,受益的不仅仅是劳动力输出国。The benefits, says Mr Schiff, are not confined to labour exporting countries.希夫称:"有研究发现,如果经合组织(OECD)国家的劳动力增加3%(即1500万人),并平均分布在各个职业,所获得的好处将比世界所有国家都开放贸易还要大。""There are studies which show that if you increase the labour force of OECD countries by 3 per cent, or 15m people, with the same distribution across occupations, the benefits would be larger than if all the countries of the world liberalised their trade," he said.希夫表示,这些好处应当为劳动力接收国提供有力的理由,实施暂时移民制度,例如,可以规定工人的部分工资在其本国支付,只有在工人最终回国时才能拿到。他表示,这种制度将保留汇款给贫穷国家带来的好处,减少发展中国家的人才流失,并有利于劳动力接收国控制自己的人口规模。Mr Schiff says these benefits should provide a strong argument for countries that receive labour to adopt systems for temporary migration in which, for instance, a proportion of a worker's salary is paid in the home country and is only available after the worker's final return. Such a system, he said, would maintain the benefits of remittances to poor countries, cut the brain drain from the developing world and let host countries control the size of their population.
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韩国加大反间谍力度在去年11月的北京车展上,韩国现代汽车(Hyundai Motor)公司的管理人员看到了被他们称为"令人震惊"的一幕。At the Beijing motor show last November, officials of South Korea's Hyundai Motor Company saw what they describe as a "shocking" scene.在他们眼里,中国汽车制造商们展示的一些新车型--例如辽宁曙光汽车集团(SG Automotive)的"旗胜"和天马汽车集团(Tianma Auto)的"英雄"--看上去与现代的圣达菲(Santa Fe)和下属企业起亚汽车(Kia Motors)的索兰托(Sorento)很相似。To their eyes, some of the new models displayed by Chinese carmakers - such as the Qisheng by Liaoning SG Automotive and the Yingxiong by Tianma Auto - looked similar to Hyundai's Santa Fe and its affiliate Kia Motors' Sorento.现代汽车的管理人员Jake Jang回忆道:"当我们看到中国的展车时,我们认为那是一模一样的复制品。前后外饰看上去与我们的运动型多功能汽车(SUV)非常相似。""The moment we saw the Chinese models, we thought they were replicas. The front and rear exteriors looked so similar to our sports utility vehicles," recalls Jake Jang, a Hyundai official.中国汽车制造商否认了现代的指控。辽宁曙光汽车集团的管理人员高彦龙(音译)表示:"现代汽车工作人员对我们的旗胜车型发表的言论毫无根据,我们自己造出了这些汽车。"天马汽车发表的言论同样直接,一位管理人员表示:"我们无需对现代汽车方面的言论进行任何回复。他们怎么想是他们的自由。但我可以告诉你,我们的英雄车型完全是自主开发的。我们还向政府注册了相关的专利。"The Chinese carmakers reject Hyundai's accusation. "What the people at Hyundai said about our Qisheng is completely groundless. We made the vehicles ourselves," says Gao Yanlong, an official at Liaoning. Tianma was equally blunt. "We don't need to make any response to the comments by Hyundai. It is their freedom to think that way. But I can tell you, our Yingxiong is fully self-developed. We also registered its related patents with the government," an official says.然而,现代汽车的高管回到韩国后,越来越担心中国竞争对手正在科技和设计方面缩小与韩国的差距,对该公司而言,这种发展可能是灾难性的。Still, Hyundai executives returned home with growing fears that their Chinese rivals are closing the technological and design gap with South Korea - a development that could be disastrous for the company.上月,起亚汽车发生了部分工人因涉嫌向中国出售汽车技术而被捕的事情,突显出韩国汽车业的这种危机感。他们被指控盗窃了索兰托以及一款将于12月推出的新车型的关键信息。目前尚不清楚是谁涉嫌购买了这些技术。The sense of crisis in South Korea's automotive industry was heightened last month when it emerged that some of Kia's workers had been arrested for allegedly selling car technology to China. They?were accused of stealing crucial information on the Sorento and a new model that will be launched in December. It is not known who the alleged buyers of the technology were."尽管我们在成本方面相对较弱,但我们认为,我们在质量和科技方面领先中国,"韩国商工会议所(Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry)的Kim Hyun-soo表示,"但是,当技术外泄可能使中国迅速追赶我们的优势时,这种信心受到了动摇。""We believe that we are ahead of China on quality and technology, although we are relatively weak on the cost side," says Kim Hyun-soo at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry. "But the belief is being shaken as technology leaks may allow China to quickly catch up on our strengths."对中国制造商可能迅速赶上的担忧,已在许多实业家和立法者中间造成了一种被围攻的感觉--尽管韩国自己也是通过复制日本和美国的技术(至少在其发展初期是这样),成长为世界第11大经济体的。The fear that Chinese manufacturers are fast catching up has generated a sense of siege among many industrialists and lawmakers, even though South Korea itself grew into the world's 11th largest economy by replicating Japanese and US technology, at least in its initial development stage.韩国国家情报局(National Intelligence Service)表示,在2003年至2007年5月间,共查获了101起工业间谍案,据称这些案件为国家带来的潜在损失高达1435亿美元。上月,检察部门逮捕了浦项制铁(Posco)子公司Posdata的研究员,原因是其涉嫌试图将韩国开发的无线宽带技术Wibro走私到美国。The National Intelligence Service says it identified 101 cases of industrial espionage between 2003 and May 2007, which it claims cost the country $143.5bn (?106bn, £72bn) in potential losses. Last month prosecutors arrested researchers at Posdata, an affiliate of Posco, the steelmaker, for allegedly attempting to smuggle Wibro - a wireless broadband technology developed by Korea - into the US.韩国国家情报局的一位官员表示:"世界正在进行一场经济战争,因此,我们正在努力阻止技术外泄,以使我们的国家成为一个经济超级强国。""The world is engaged in an economic war so we are trying hard to prevent technology outflows to make our country an economic superpower," says an NIS official.随着不安全感的日益加剧,韩国国会已经立法规定,如果韩国公司要向海外转移核心技术,需要得到政府的许可,以防技术泄露。Prodded by the increasing sense of insecurity, parliament has legislated to prevent technology leaks by requiring Korean companies to get government permission if they want to transfer core technologies overseas.法律还规定,工业间谍将被判处高达7年的有期徒刑,或最高罚款75.5万美元。然而,对于强硬派议员而言,即便是这种惩罚也不足以保护韩国。The law also provides for industrial spies to be sentenced to up to seven years' jail or fined up to $755,000. For hardline?legislators,?however, even this is not enough to protect South Korea.由反对党--大国家党(Grand National party)的朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)牵头,一些韩国议员最近提交了一项法律修正案,旨在阻止外国人收购拥有关键技术的韩国公司。A group of lawmakers, led by Park Geun-hye of the opposition Grand National party, recently submitted a revised bill aimed at blocking foreigners from taking over domestic companies holding key technologies.
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BEC中级流程:第一阶段为笔试,包括阅读、写作和听力,第二阶段为口试。 笔试一般9点钟开始,首先会发给你阅读试卷,考试进行至50分钟左右,老师会提醒填涂答题卡。考试进行到1个小时左右,老师会收阅读试卷和答题卡,同时发给你写作试卷。写作45分钟,结束这两项试题大约在上午10:45。之后可以休息5~10分钟,休息时间有听力试音,休息结束后,11:00开始听力考试,听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)。 笔试当天下午或者第二天上午进行口语考试。其先后顺序是按照姓名首字母排列的,所以考试开始时间不确定,口试时间一般15分钟左右。 考试的顺序依次是阅读,写作,听力,口语。 商务英语考试(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE),简称BEC,指的是剑桥商务英语资格考试。是剑桥系列考试中专为学习者提供的国际商务英语资格证书考试,考察真实工作环境中英语交流能力,被欧洲乃至全球众多教育机构、企业认可,将其作为入学考试或招聘录用的英语语言水平要求。商务英语考试(BEC)于1993年由中国教育部考试中心引进中国,历经多年实践和推广,其权威性和规范性使得BEC在中国极具知名度,是求职者有力的语言能力证明。全国有超过60所知名大学被授权为BEC考点。
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    2018年BEC商务英语考试报考指南 BEC剑桥商务英语证书考试是由剑桥大学外语考试部研发的考试。BEC考试分为初中高三个级别的考试,每个级别的考试费用略有不同。由于BEC考试的试卷全部要送到英国剑桥去批改,再加上BEC考试包含口语考官现场考试的口试费用,因此BEC的报名费用会根据汇率不同有所变化。 据悉,从2018年起,BEC考试费用会有微调,具体各级别考试报名费如下: BEC初级(标准级Pre

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    是按年份出版的。出两年真题了就成一辑,最近年份考的真题就是第四辑 再过个一年就会出第五辑了

    安于现状 4人参与回答 2024-12-05
  • BEC考试可以直接报考中级吗?

    BEC考试可以直接报考中级吗?BEC考试可以直接考中级 。BEC是剑桥系列考试中专为学习者提供的国际商务英语资格证书考试,考察真实工作环境中英语交流能力,被欧洲乃至全球众多教育机构、企业认可,将其作为入学考试或招聘录用的英语语言水平要求。

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  • BEC初级考试阅读部分应试技巧

    BEC初级考试阅读部分应试技巧BEC考试是由剑桥大学考试委员会与教育部考试中心联合推出的一项权威性的考试,该证书在英国、英联邦各国及欧洲大多数国家的商业企业部门获得认可,并且能作为考生英语能力的证明。如果你报考的是BEC初级考试,关于阅读部分你会这些技巧吗? 初级阅读材料由句子或短小段落组成,考试题型主要是:搭配题,选择题,填空题;共分7个部分。 (一)阅读的第一部分主要测试考生的理解、判断能力。

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