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首页 > 英语类考试 > 2017年职称英语试题《卫生C》完形填空专项练习(2)

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1分钟前发布 -【2017年职称英语试题《卫生C》完形填空专项练习(2)】http://www.zjks.cc 10月19日讯: 2017年职称英语试题《卫生C》完形填空专项练习(2)2017年职称英语试题《卫生C》完形填空专项练习题InfluenzaInfluenza has been with us a long time. According 1 some Greek writers on medical history, the outbreak of 412 B. C. was of influenza. The same has been suggested of the sickness that swept through the Greek army2 Syracuse in 395 B. C. Flu is a disease that moves most quickly among people 3 in crowded conditions, hence, it is likely to attack armies.During the nineteenth century there were five widespread4of influenza. The last of the five 5 in 1889 and marked the beginning of the story of influenza in our time. Like the recent outbreak,6started in Asia.For more than forty years before that outbreak, influenza had steadily7and was believed to be dying out. A new group of outbreaks was introduced by the great outbreak of 1889-1890 and for the next quarter of a century flu8a constant threat.In April 1918 flu broke out among American troops stationed in France. It quickly spread through all the armies but caused relatively9deaths. Four months later,10, a second outbreak started which proved to be a killer. It killed not only the old and already sick but also 11 young adults. It went through every country in the world, only a few distant islands in the South Atlantic and the Pacific remaining 12. It brought the life of whole countries 13, food supplies stopped and work loss was very great. Before the great outbreak ended, it 14at least 15 million people.Thereafter there have been several great outbreaks throughout the world. It is thus 15 that influenza is a terrible infection that we have to pay more attention to.1. A. at  B. to  C. in  D. from2. A. being attacked B. having been attacked C. attacked D. attacking3. A. sitting  B. standing  C. living  D. appearing4. A. outbreaks  B. incidents  C. accidents  D. cases5. A. changed  B. happened  C. arise  D. descend6. A. it  B. they  C. which  D. those7. A. enlarged  B. strengthened  C. decreased  D. increased8. A. was no longer  B. went out of  C. ceased to be  D. remained9. A. few  B. many  C. countless  D. innumerable10. A. in addition  B. however  C. therefore  D. moreover11. A. weak  B. disabled  C. sick  D. healthy12. A. touching  B. touched  C. untouched  D. having touched13. A. stop  B. stopping  C. stopped  D. to stop14. A. killed  B. has killed  C. had killed  D. has beenkilling15. A. clear  B. strange  C. uncertain  D. questionable2017年职称英语试题《卫生C》完形填空专项练习题答案解析1.B。四个选项中只有to可以与according连用,意为“根据,按照”,与上下文意思吻合。2.D。四个选项中只有attacking合适。attack是及物动词,用它的现在分词做army的定语,后面还带有它的宾语Syracuse,其他三个选项都表示被动的意思,不仅在语法上无法使用,意思上也说不通。3.c。从语法上看,四个选项都可以使用,但从意思上分析,只有C项最符合逻辑,最恰当。4.A。四个选项中,B、C、D的意思分别为“(小)事件”、“(意外)事故”和“病例,案例”,显然不符合上下文意思,只有A项(爆发)恰当。5.B。四个选项中A、C、D的意思分别为“改变,变化”、“上升,升高”和“下降”,均与上下文意思不符,只有B项(发生)恰当。6.A。上面说道:“这五次大爆发中的最后一次出现于l889年……像最近一次大爆发一样,它起源于亚洲”。此空白处从语法上分析,应该是一个代替那次爆发的代词,it是最恰当的;用which就不恰当,因为这里不可能是一个非限制性定语从句,况且which是指the recent outbreak还是指the last ofthe five也不明确,因此绝对不能用which。7.C。从上下文意思看,尤其是空格后面所说的“被认为正在消失”,因此此处只能是逐步“减少”的意思,绝不能是“扩大”、“加强”、“增加”等其他意思。8.D。本空白处前面说道:“1889--1990年的那次大爆发引发了一批新的大爆发”,显然后面应该接着说“此后四分之一世纪里流感的威胁仍然持久不断”,也就是选项D的意思,其他三个选项意思都相反。9.A。回答这道题时,首先要注意but这个表示转折的连接词的存在,也就是说它提示了应该选择few这个选项,其他三个选项意思都相反。few deaths意思是“死的人不多”。10.B。上面说道:“上次爆发死的人不多”,后面说道:“这一次可是一个杀手”,可见这个空白处应该是一个表示转折的插入语,四个选项中只有B是表示转折的,其他三个选项不是表示“递进”(A、D)就是表示“因果”(C)的。11.D。从本空白处的句子中完全可以猜出答案应该是healthy,因为not onty…but also可以起到很明显的提示作用,前面说0ld and sick,后面自然是young and healthy。12.C。从前后文可以很容易猜到,只有少数地方幸免于难,因此只有选项C合适,其他三项都不恰当。13.D。回答这道题时涉及一个词组的用法:bring sb./sth.to do sth.,意思是“促使……去做……”。14.C。本句的意思是“在这次大爆发之前,它已经杀死了最少1500万人”。语法上,在这样的句子中,主句谓语必须用过去完成时,用以表示“过去的过去”。即“在……之前已经……”,因此其他选项均不合适。15.A。从上下文看,只有clear才恰当,其他三项的意思在这里都不合适。It is thus clear that…是一个很常见的组合,意思是“由此可见……”或“因此,很明显……”。
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2017年职称英语试题综合B级阅读理解模拟题(6)Human Space ExplorationWhile scientists are searching the cause of the Columbia disaster, NASA is moving ahead with plans to develop a new craft that would replace shuttles (航天飞机) on space station missions by 2012 and respond quickly to space station emergencies.The space agency released the first set of mission needs and requirements several days ago for the orbital space plane (轨道航天飞机) , which would be designed to transport a crew of four to and from the International Space Station.Although it includes few specifics, the plan states the orbiter (轨道航天飞机) will be safer,cheaper and require less preparation time than the shuttle. It would be able to transport four crew members by 2012--though it would be available for rescue missions by 2010. NASA says the craft should be able to transport injured or ill space station crew members to "definitive (决定性的) medical care" within 24 hours.The release of the requirements showed NASA remains focused on the long-term priorities of space exploration, even as questions exist concerning the loss of Columbia and its seven-member crew on February 1st,2003.Experts at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, have been working for years on a successor to the shuttle. The project, known as the Space Launch Initiative (倡议) , was divided last year into two parts--one focusing on a future launch vehicle, the other on a space station orbiter. The orbiter is expected to be ready sooner.The program's managers say NASA officials have told them not to alter Space Launch Initiative in light of the Columbia disaster.U. S. President George W. Bush asked Congress for about US$1 billion for Space Launch Initiative in 2004, funds that would be almost equally split between the Orbital Space Plane and Next Generation Launch Technology.1.NASA plans to design the new space craft to__________.A.control the International Space Station.B.carry astronauts to the International Space Station.C.transport equipment to the International Space Station.D.train astronauts in space flights.2.Besides its main mission, the orbiter would also be used as__________.A.a medical research center.B.a space station.C.a space ambulance.D.a passenger plane.3.The design of the orbiter indicates__________.A.NASA's determination to continue space exploration.B.NASA's disadvantage in space technology.C.the great pressure from Congress on NASA.D.a heavy defeat for NASA.4.When did NASA start working on a successor to the shuttle?A.One year before the Columbia disaster.B.One year after the Columbia disaster.C.Immediately after the Columbia disaster.D.Years before the Columbia disaster.5.According to the passage, the 1 billion funds, if granted, would________.A.be used to rebuild the International Space Station.B.be awarded to the scientists working at NASA.C.be shared by the two projects under the Space Launch Initiative.D.be spent on the investigation of the Columbia disaster.2017年职称英语试题综合B级阅读理解模拟题答案1.参考答案:B参考解析:细节题。题干:NASA(美国国家航空航天局)设计新航天飞机的目的是什么?利用题干关键词可以定位到文章第一段,此处指出研发这种新的航天器的目的是取代现有的航天飞机,把航天员送到国际空间站去。故选B。2.参考答案:C参考解析: 细节题。题干:除了运送航天员这一主要使命外,航天飞机还用来干什么?利用题干关键词可以定位到原文第一段,可知它还被用做太空急救车,故选C。3.参考答案:A参考解析: 细节题。题干:这架航天飞机的设计表明了什么?利用题干关键词可以定位到第四段,该段指出,新设备的发射表明NASA继续关注长期太空勘探,尽管存在一些困难。所以选项A“NASA继续探索太空的决心”为正确答案。4.参考答案:D参考解析: 细节题。题干:NASA什么时候开始着手设计后续的航天飞机?利用题干关键词可以定位到倒数第三段第一句,该句提到研制工作很多年前就开始了,故选D。5.参考答案:C参考解析: 细节题。题干:10亿美元的款项被批准后用来干什么?利用题干关键词可以定位到最后一段,该段提到,若10亿美元的款项获得国会批准,这笔款项基本上平分给the orbital Space Plane和Next Generation Launch Technology这两个研究项目,故选C。
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