of studies的文学功能是什么?

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1分钟前发布 -【of studies的文学功能是什么?】http://www.zjks.cc 10月24日讯: of studies的文学功能: 弗兰西斯·培根的代表作"Of Studies"是英语论说散文中的名篇,汉语译本众多,学界的相关研究不少,但该文主题解读的不统一导致读者对原作意图的领会多有偏颇。通过对多个流行译本的比较,我们发现不同主题词分别有合理与不当之处。
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Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron is implementing a big change in the languages taught in UK schools.On a visit to China, he told journalists that British schools should teach Mandarin instead of French and German. He told his hosts that he plans to double the number of students studying Chinese in British schools to 400,000 in the next three years. He will also provide subsidies to schools that start teaching Mandarin. He believes stronger educational ties with China are a necessary element in keeping Britain competitive in the Chinese market. He said: "I want Britain linked up to the world's fast-growing economies, and that includes our young people learning the languages to seal tomorrow's business deals."英国首相戴维·卡梅伦正在对英国学校的语言教育实施大变革。在访华期间,他告诉记者称英国学校应该教授中文,而不是德语或法语。他对主持人说他将把学习中文的学生数量增加一倍,并将在未来三年内上升到40万人。他还将对开始开设中文的学校提供补助资金。他相信与中国的教育纽带是让英国保持中国市场竞争力的重要因素。他说:“我希望英国能够与全球经济增长速度最快的经济体产生联系,这包括让年轻人来学习语言,为未来的商业合作创造契机。Mr Cameron explained to journalists the importance of introducing Mandarin in UK schools. He said: "By thetime the children born today leave school, China is set to be the world's largest economy, so it's time tolook beyond the traditional focus on French and German and get many more children learning Mandarin." The initiative includes a tie-up with the British Council and the Chinese office for teaching Mandarin as a foreign language. They have already signed an agreement to double the number of Chinese language assistants in UK schools. The British Council puts Mandarin in the top five most important languages for British children to study to improve their job prospects.卡梅伦先生向记者解释道了在英国学校开设中文的重要性。他说:“所有今天出生的孩子,到他们毕业那天,中国将成为全球第一大经济体,所以,是时候超越传统的以法语和德语为主导的语言教学,让更多的人学习中文。”而这一想法包含了英国文化委员会与中国对外汉语部门的通力合作。他们已经就在英国学校中增加中文助教的人数达成了协议,人数将增加一倍。英国文化委员会将中文放在了提高就业前景的5大语言之首。
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贿赂(金)双语例句The golden key to happiness, to health and fortune, too. 金钥匙,以快乐,健康和财富,太。Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass: there was nothing on it but a tiny golden key, and Alice's first idea was that this might belong to one of the doors of the hall; but alas! 突然,她发现了一张三条腿的小桌,桌子是玻璃做的。桌上除了一把很小的金钥匙,什么也没有,爱丽丝一下就想到这钥匙可能是哪个门上的。So he scraped the snow away, and while he was thus clearing the ground he found a small golden key. 于是他把雪扒到一边,清理出一块地方来,这时他发现了一把小小的金钥匙。In2007, Sectary of the Party Committee of CDPF Wang Xinxian and vice-chairman Sun Xiande visited Golden Key Research Center. 2007年,中国残联党组书记王新宪和副理事长孙先德到金钥匙中心慰问。A golden key will open every lock. 金钥匙可以打开每一把锁。Love is the foundation and prerequisite for education students is a golden key to open the minds of students, the key is to establish good relations between teachers and students. 师爱是教育学生的基础和前提,是打开学生心扉的一把金钥匙,是建立良好师生关系的关键。In2009, Vice-Director of CDPF Cheng Kai inspected Golden Key Research Center. 2009年,中国残联党组成员、副理事长程凯到金钥匙中心视察。A golden key opens every door. 金钥匙可打开每扇门(钱能通神)。It is such a common rectangular blackboard, but it is the golden key to the door of the treasure house of knowledge. 就这样一个普通的长方形黑板,可却是通往知识宝库的金钥匙。He is the golden key to success. 他是我们通向成功的金钥匙。What is it about? The golden key project? “金钥匙工程”?它是干什么的?Quality& the golden key for Hyundai to get hot 质量&现代公司走向振兴的钥匙She started to leave the room but accidentally dropped the little golden key in the pool of blood. 她开始要离开房间,但一不小心把金色小钥匙掉落在那滩血泊中。Teaching language is the golden key to introducing students into the storehouse of knowledge. 教学语言是教师引导学生开启知识宝库的金钥匙。Finally he was rewarded a big golden key handed over from the Mayer of Hollywood City. 最后好莱坞市市长交给郎朗一把金钥匙,恭喜他成为好莱坞市的荣誉市民。The Shanghai Tourism Administrative Commission held a brief party for the lucky visitor in the airport, awarding him a credit certificate and a golden key as gifts. 上海旅游管理局在机场为这位幸运游客举行了一个简短的庆祝活动并向他颁发了荣誉证书和一把金钥匙作为礼物。Urumqi is just a golden key, with which you will open the gate to mysterious West china. 乌鲁木就是一把金钥匙,她将为你打开神秘的中国西部大门。Self-study is the golden key to the treasure-trove of knowledge. 自学是打开知识宝库的一把金钥匙。Bluebeard noticed that her hands were shaking and quickly searched for the little golden key. 蓝胡子注意到她的手在发抖,于是很快地找那把金色小钥匙。She tried the little golden key in the lock, and to her great delight it fitted. 她把小小的金钥匙插到锁眼里一试,不禁大为高兴,正合适!Shen Congwen deliberately established a mysterious "water" image which was a golden key to opening the writer's hidden heart and understanding the works. 沈从文精心建构了一个奇特的“水”意象,对它的解读是我们开启作家隐秘心扉和理解作品的一把金钥匙;We strongly believe that Tian Lai will set sail from Chongqing with this multi-purpose Golden Key and open the door to home for every guest and property owner of Tian Lai! 我们坚信,天来将带着这把万能的金钥匙从重庆启航,为每位莅临天来的客人和每位业主开启回家之门!Golden Key lets you enjoy super-star normalized service. 金钥匙更让您感受高星级酒店的服务规范。Find the excitation source for happiness, is the golden key to developing effective financial planning. 找到激发幸福感的源动力,才是制定有效财务规划的金钥匙。SENTENCE STRESS is GOLDEN KEY NUMBER TWO for speaking and understanding English. 句子中的重读是学会说和听英语的第二把金钥匙。What Can Golden Key Service Center Bring to Guests? 金钥匙一键通服务中心给客人带来了什么?Golden key to innovation exists in engineering practice 从工程实践中不断发现创新的金钥匙&关于防水技术认知与创新的一些体会The appraisal in Chinese-training class is a golden key for the foreign students to study Chinese actively. 对外汉语教师的课堂评价语言是扣开留学生心扉,激发他们学习积极性的一把金钥匙。Efficient material supply management is the golden key to corporate earnings. 有效的物资供应管理是企业盈利的金钥匙。The view of writing is a golden key to open the world of writer. 创作观是打开作家创作世界的金钥匙。
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综合语言双语例句In the teaching of College English reading, it is significant for teachers to apply text teaching to cultivate students ability in reading comprehension and comprehensive language use. 阐述了语篇教学及语篇教学模式的优势,并从语篇教学的层面探讨了大学英语阅读课的教学方法。Moreover, reasonable word-deleting cloze is a good testing and contributes to testing the comprehensive language applied ability of students. 合理删词完形填空是一种很好的测试题,有助于考查学生对语言的综合运用能力。In Finance, we have customers used by financial analysts to define pricing and business rules in a comprehensive language. 在财务领域,我们有客户将产品给财务分析人员使用,以一种综合的语言来进行定价和制定业务规则。PUT Culture& Communication Co., Ltd. ( PUT Translation) is a comprehensive language solutions provider in southwest China. 普特文化传播有限公司(普特翻译),是国内享有盛誉的普特英语旗下的大型综合语言解决方案提供商(LSP)。All commercial relational databases use forms of the standard SQL ( Structured Query Language) as their supported comprehensive language. 所有的商业关系数据库都建立在标准SQL(结构化查询语言)作为它们支持的包容性语言。The new Curriculum Standard gives us explicit definitions of culture and culture awareness and further points out that culture awareness is one of the five components of comprehensive language competence. 新《课标》明确了文化和文化意识的定义,指出文化意识是英语语言教学的五个基本要素之一,并确定了各级的文化教学目标,这些目标对文化教学具有指导性的意义。Develop student's comprehensive language use ability based upon language skills, language knowledge, emotion and attitude, learning strategies and cultural development; 以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化发展为基础,培养学生英语语言综合运用能力;In it, the ninth grade of the comprehensive language ability stated the highest requirement that "students should have learner autonomy". 其中对综合语言运用能力第八级提出了最高要求:学习者要有自主学习能力。With its terse and comprehensive language and melodious rhyme, English saying, like a shining pearl, characterized by its grammar, rhetorical device and origin, is widely employed in English literature, summing up experience of human work and life and admonishing people. 英语谚语以精练的语言闪烁于英国文学之中,在文法、修辞和来源上有其鲜明的特点,是对社会生产和生活的经验总结并可以劝诫后人。Scale language testing always uses writing part to test comprehensive language application ability of examinees. 规模性语言测试往往用写作项目来考核受试者的综合语言应用能力。College English curricula system determines the quality level of talent training and the ability of comprehensive language application. 大学英语课程体系决定着人才培养的素质层次和综合应用语言的能力水平。Aural practice is one of the important sectors in comprehensive language communication. 听是语言综合交际技能的重要组成部分之一。Translation is a kind of comprehensive language activities. 翻译是一项综合性的语言活动。Teaching of English listening occupies an important position and role in English language teaching. A good or bad listening ability of the students will directly influence the comprehensive language ability of their English learning and mastering it. 英语听力教学在英语教学中有着重要的地位与作用,学生听力的好坏,将直接影响学生学习英语的综合语言能力,关系着学生英语语言技能的掌握程度。Listening comprehension is a comprehensive language skill. 英语听力理解是一项综合语言技能。The writer combines his own teaching practice to research how to train student's comprehensive language ability. 本文就如何培养学生综合语言能力,结合自己的教学实践进行了探索。The present research will integrate these language data resources into one unified and comprehensive language knowledge-base. 本项研究将把这些语言数据资源集成为一个综合型的语言知识库。To foster the students 'ability of making English speech means to stress on the training of their comprehensive language ability, their psychological adaptability, their logical thinking ability and their non-verbal communication ability. 在训练大学生英语演讲时必须注重对其综合运用英语语言的能力、心理适应能力、逻辑思维能力和非语言交际能力的培养。It is the goal of classroom teaching that to train the student's English language ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and the students 'comprehensive language ability of English. 课堂教学目标就是培养学生听、说、读、写等各项英语语言能力及学生的英语综合语言能力。As we know, writing is one of the comprehensive language abilities. 写作就是综合运用语言的一个体现。The new English Curriculum Standard of senior school defines the curriculum goals as comprehensive language proficiency, including language knowledge, skills, learning strategies, attitude etc. 新《高中英语课程标准》规定高中英语课程的目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,包括语言知识,语言技能,学习策略,学习态度等方面。A practical exploration into the comprehensive language teaching in the special English teaching 整体语言教学在专业英语教学中的实践探讨Reading comprehension test is a good test form, which can check the readers 'comprehensive language ability. 阅读理解测试能检查阅读者综合语言知识能力,是一种较好的测试形式。The formative assessment should be paid as much attention to as that to summative assessment, and assessment should emphasize students 'comprehensive language ability and their emotion, attitudes and values in learning process. 要采用形成性评价和终结性评价相结合的方式,着重评价学生的综合语言运用能力以及在学习过程中表现出的情感、态度和价值观。English reading is an important and effective way to help readers improve their comprehensive language ability and get some information. 英语阅读是提高读者理解语言能力和获得信息的一种重要而有效的方式。In the study of foreign language, reading ability plays an important role in improving comprehensive language skills; meanwhile, reading instruction occupies a crucial position in college English instruction. 在外语学习过程中,阅读能力对提高学生的综合语言能力起着关键的作用,同时,阅读教学在大学英语教学过程中也占有重要地位。In teaching Chinese as a foreign language reading curriculum basic goal lies in training learners 'comprehensive language ability, and the intermediate stages of reading teaching in the foreign language reading teaching plays an important role. 对外汉语教学中阅读课程设置的根本目的在于训练学习者的语言综合运用能力,而中级阶段的阅读教学在整个对外汉语阅读教学中起着承上启下的作用。Students develop their comprehensive language skills by doing tasks, which involve experiencing, communication, discussion, cooperation and inquiry. 通过做任务,学生在体验、交流、讨论、合作和探求中发展综合语言应用能力。Writing performance can indicate learners 'comprehensive language proficiency. 写作能体现学习者的综合语言能力。Writing, as one of the skills in the English learning, can reflect how good students 'comprehensive language ability is. 写作是英语学习中要求较高的一项技能。通过写文章,可以考察学生语言运用的综合能力。
15 评论


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