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1分钟前发布 -【every time 引导什么结构?】http://www.zjks.cc 10月23日讯: every time后面引导的是时间状语从句,主将从现
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网络句型; 句式; 句子结构; 基本句型; 句型结构双语例句In reading time is aperson with high aspirations, remembers may transform as the oneselfspoken language expression viewpoints or the sentence pattern. 在阅读的时候就做个有心人,记住可以转化为自己口语表达的讲法或者句型。Andrew's Note: This is another sentence pattern that not many Chinese students of English know, but Americans say every day. 这是另一个大多数学英语的中国学生不会用的句型,但是美国人却天天都在说。On the Interchangeability between Sentence Pattern of Combined Structure and That of Combined Structural Items As Demonstrated from Ancient Chinese Annotation Books: Concurrently about the Non-Existence of Differentiation of the Simple from the Multiple Se (构造)复杂的句子谈古注释书表现的联合结构、联合结构项句式相互转换&兼说汉语语法无单句复句之分The Sentence Pattern of "adj.+ li+ no+ noun" for the Emphasis of Degree in Xinzhou Dialect; It is my son the youngest in this room. 忻州方言强调程度的形+哩+没+名句式因为强调“我的儿子”最小.个人感觉要用强调句的格式。The fifth chapter describes the using frequency of You sentence pattern exist in different text styles and its pragmatical function. 第五章介绍“由”字句在不同语体和文体中的使用频率及其语用功能。It is," How about no?" When someone is excited about something and uses the "how about" sentence pattern to say it, friends like to crush their enthusiasm with a sarcastic," How about no?" 当某人对某事感到非常激动,并用“howabout”来说时,他的朋友会用带有讽刺意味的“Howaboutno?”There are many ways to vary the basic English sentence pattern of subject-verb-object. 由许多方法可以变换英语主动宾基本句型。Pattern analysis should be definite: Sentence pattern is the pattern that is analyzed in terms of grammar. 句型划分应层次化:句型是依特定语法标准按层次划分出来的类型。It is traditionally acknowledged that there is no "one-character" sentence pattern in The Book of Songs. 传统的看法是《诗经》中没有一言句式,对于这一说法古代和近代一些学者提出了相反的看法。A Study on the Semantic Property and Sentence Pattern Choice for "Giving" Verbs 给予动词的语义性质和句型选择研究This sentence pattern will be your best friend in those situations. 在这些情况下,这个句型将是你最好的选择。Functional Analysis of Forms in Chinese Thank-Expressing Replies; Sentence with repetitions of the same form: a Rhetorically Interesting Sentence Pattern with Pragmatic Variation 基于实地调查的汉语回谢语形式与功能分析同形回复句:一种辞趣盎然的语用变异句式Remember every sentence pattern is worth repeating at least one hundred times! 记住:每个句型都值得你重复操练至少一百次!Vocabulary is the most basic unit of sentence pattern and discourse. 词汇是句型、语篇的最基本单位。On the Approach of Teaching Chinese Language and Characters; On Study of the "YOU" Sentence Pattern in Elementary Intensive Reading Materials for Chinese as a Second Language 从三套教材的语文安排看对外汉语汉字教学的路子三套对外汉语初级精读教材中的有字句研究Andrew's Note: Americans use this sentence pattern to make a suggestion, not to ask for reasons. 美国人用这个句型来提出建议,而并非是询问原因。Andrew's Note: You will sound very American if you express your hopes and desires with this sentence pattern. 如果你能用这个句型来表达你的希望和心愿,那么你的英语听起来就非常有美国味。First Sight Love and Blind Love: on modern aesthetics; This is such a popular sentence pattern in America. Americans are always talking about what they are crazy about. 一见钟情与情人眼里出西施&兼论现象学审美观这是在美国非常流行的句型。美国人总是谈论他们着迷的事情。English sentences with inanimate subjects are a typical sentence pattern in formal written english. 摘要英语无灵主语句是英语正式书面语中的一种典型句型。The regular sentence pattern of Da Ya, that is, a paragon of the style of Book of Songs, actually reflected the rhythm of court music under the restriction of Zhou double-tone bells. “诗体”的典范&《大雅》诗组规整的句式,其实是周代“双音钟”制约下的雅乐节奏的折射。The Effect of English Sentence Pattern on Immediate and Delayed Recall 英语句式对立即和延缓回忆的影响The Analysis to Pragmatic Motivation of Choosing Sentence Pattern in English Correspondence 外贸英语函电句式的选择与语用理据分析The existential construction, representing a typical feature of Chinese as a topic-prominent language, is a special kind of sentence pattern in modern Chinese. 存现句体现汉语作为话题突出型语言的典型特征,是现代汉语中比较有特点的一种句式。Sentence pattern: Make a bug with four eyes and three antennae. 完成一只有四只眼睛和三根触角的甲虫。The essence of negative sentence pattern to express affirmative proposition is to link two negative forms together for a positive sense. 汉语表达肯定命题的否定句式的实质是连用两次否定形式并表达一个肯定意义。英语含蓄否定形式上是肯定的,却蕴含否定意义,因此不易一目了然。The following sentence pattern is most commonly used all by itself. 以下这个句型常常可以独立使用。The sentence is fastidious concisely, the sentence pattern has the change, key prominent. 句子讲究精练,句型有变化,重点突出。I'll read the sentence pattern and do it first, then you do the same. 我读句型并先做一遍,然后你们照样做。A sentence pattern refers to a typical structure which is based on the structural and specific meaning. 句型是根据句子的结构意义和特定的含义而总结出的典型结构。The second part described the order of several adverbial in "ba" sentence pattern, and then explained the reasons. 第二部分是描写和解释把字句中多项状语的排列顺序;
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贿赂(金)双语例句The golden key to happiness, to health and fortune, too. 金钥匙,以快乐,健康和财富,太。Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass: there was nothing on it but a tiny golden key, and Alice's first idea was that this might belong to one of the doors of the hall; but alas! 突然,她发现了一张三条腿的小桌,桌子是玻璃做的。桌上除了一把很小的金钥匙,什么也没有,爱丽丝一下就想到这钥匙可能是哪个门上的。So he scraped the snow away, and while he was thus clearing the ground he found a small golden key. 于是他把雪扒到一边,清理出一块地方来,这时他发现了一把小小的金钥匙。In2007, Sectary of the Party Committee of CDPF Wang Xinxian and vice-chairman Sun Xiande visited Golden Key Research Center. 2007年,中国残联党组书记王新宪和副理事长孙先德到金钥匙中心慰问。A golden key will open every lock. 金钥匙可以打开每一把锁。Love is the foundation and prerequisite for education students is a golden key to open the minds of students, the key is to establish good relations between teachers and students. 师爱是教育学生的基础和前提,是打开学生心扉的一把金钥匙,是建立良好师生关系的关键。In2009, Vice-Director of CDPF Cheng Kai inspected Golden Key Research Center. 2009年,中国残联党组成员、副理事长程凯到金钥匙中心视察。A golden key opens every door. 金钥匙可打开每扇门(钱能通神)。It is such a common rectangular blackboard, but it is the golden key to the door of the treasure house of knowledge. 就这样一个普通的长方形黑板,可却是通往知识宝库的金钥匙。He is the golden key to success. 他是我们通向成功的金钥匙。What is it about? The golden key project? “金钥匙工程”?它是干什么的?Quality& the golden key for Hyundai to get hot 质量&现代公司走向振兴的钥匙She started to leave the room but accidentally dropped the little golden key in the pool of blood. 她开始要离开房间,但一不小心把金色小钥匙掉落在那滩血泊中。Teaching language is the golden key to introducing students into the storehouse of knowledge. 教学语言是教师引导学生开启知识宝库的金钥匙。Finally he was rewarded a big golden key handed over from the Mayer of Hollywood City. 最后好莱坞市市长交给郎朗一把金钥匙,恭喜他成为好莱坞市的荣誉市民。The Shanghai Tourism Administrative Commission held a brief party for the lucky visitor in the airport, awarding him a credit certificate and a golden key as gifts. 上海旅游管理局在机场为这位幸运游客举行了一个简短的庆祝活动并向他颁发了荣誉证书和一把金钥匙作为礼物。Urumqi is just a golden key, with which you will open the gate to mysterious West china. 乌鲁木就是一把金钥匙,她将为你打开神秘的中国西部大门。Self-study is the golden key to the treasure-trove of knowledge. 自学是打开知识宝库的一把金钥匙。Bluebeard noticed that her hands were shaking and quickly searched for the little golden key. 蓝胡子注意到她的手在发抖,于是很快地找那把金色小钥匙。She tried the little golden key in the lock, and to her great delight it fitted. 她把小小的金钥匙插到锁眼里一试,不禁大为高兴,正合适!Shen Congwen deliberately established a mysterious "water" image which was a golden key to opening the writer's hidden heart and understanding the works. 沈从文精心建构了一个奇特的“水”意象,对它的解读是我们开启作家隐秘心扉和理解作品的一把金钥匙;We strongly believe that Tian Lai will set sail from Chongqing with this multi-purpose Golden Key and open the door to home for every guest and property owner of Tian Lai! 我们坚信,天来将带着这把万能的金钥匙从重庆启航,为每位莅临天来的客人和每位业主开启回家之门!Golden Key lets you enjoy super-star normalized service. 金钥匙更让您感受高星级酒店的服务规范。Find the excitation source for happiness, is the golden key to developing effective financial planning. 找到激发幸福感的源动力,才是制定有效财务规划的金钥匙。SENTENCE STRESS is GOLDEN KEY NUMBER TWO for speaking and understanding English. 句子中的重读是学会说和听英语的第二把金钥匙。What Can Golden Key Service Center Bring to Guests? 金钥匙一键通服务中心给客人带来了什么?Golden key to innovation exists in engineering practice 从工程实践中不断发现创新的金钥匙&关于防水技术认知与创新的一些体会The appraisal in Chinese-training class is a golden key for the foreign students to study Chinese actively. 对外汉语教师的课堂评价语言是扣开留学生心扉,激发他们学习积极性的一把金钥匙。Efficient material supply management is the golden key to corporate earnings. 有效的物资供应管理是企业盈利的金钥匙。The view of writing is a golden key to open the world of writer. 创作观是打开作家创作世界的金钥匙。
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网络语言标准化双语例句Different industry bodies in vertical domains have realized the utility of XML as the underlying language for standardization of business artefacts. 将可以作为商业活动标准化过程中的基本语言进行使用。Exploration of the promotion of the language standardization in the Medical College 医学院校推进语言文字规范化工作的探索与实践This paper proposes some implications of the media language standardization study in China Liberated Areas from four aspects. 本文从四个方面阐述以延安(陕北)台为代表的解放区新闻播音语言规范系统形成的启示。The Variation of Network Language and the Standardization of Modern Chinese Language 网络语言变异现象与现代汉语语言规范Get involved in a language standardization effort. 尝试参与到一项语言标准化工作中。Have the good sense to get off the language standardization effort as quickly as possible. 拥有尽快从语言标准化工作中抽身的良好判断力。Analysis on Data Mining Language and Its Standardization 数据挖掘语言及其标准化浅析Keeping Pace with the Times and Improving Work of Language Standardization 与时俱进做好语言规范化工作Term Translation and Language Standardization 词语翻译与语言规范化&几个用例的分析After 40 years 'practice, Chinese language standardization has gradually got onto the right track of normalization, procedural practice and internationalization. 汉语言文字标准化工作经过40多年的发展,已逐渐步入规范化、程序化、国际化轨道。Insistent Promotion of Journalistic Language Standardization 坚持不懈地倡导新闻语言的规范The discussion about the map language standardization and normalization 地图语言规范化和标准化初探Language's standardization is an important problem of modern Chinese research. 语言文字规范化是现代汉语研究的重要问题之一。Studies of basic vocabulary are a fundamental work of language studies, which is of great significance for language studies, language teaching, standardization of words and phrases, compilation of dictionary and studies of other relevant branches of learning. 基本词汇研究是语言研究的一项基础工程,它对语言研究、语言教学、词汇规范、词典编纂及其他相关学科的研究都具有重要的意义。Though every language needs to be standardized, language standardization cannot go without taking into account the practice of language application and language development. 语言需要规范,但语言规范不能脱离语言应用和语言发展的实际。The language standardization is a system including three standardization levels, which are the levels of material language data, normal communication, and art communication. 语言规范化是由语料物质层面、正常交际层面、艺术交际层面上的规范化组成的层级系统。Speech criticism is to analyze, appraise, judge and predict certain speech phenomenon with scientific linguistic theories and established standards for language standardization so as to promote language standardization and improve discourse actions 'quality of expressiveness. 言语批评是指运用科学的语言学理论,并根据既定的语言规范标准,对某种言语现象进行分析、评议、判断、预测,从而促进语言规范、提高言语表达质量的话语行为。Language standardization should adopt the compound reference frame which includes double references: geographical dialects and social dialects. 语言规范应当采用地域方言和社会方言的双重参照,从而形成复合参照系。PartHI: The specification of the selected texts 'standard of High Quality and Great Beauty in middle school Chinese teaching materials is elaborated mainly on aspects of ideological and cultural standards and language standardization. 第三部分:论述中学语文教材文质兼美选文标准的具体化。主要从思想文化标准和语言规范标准两方面论述。On Popular Language and Its Standardization 社会流行语与现代汉语规范化Fifthly, to further perfect the Chinese textbooks and make necessary modification to those which is not standardized and thus the textbooks can achieve the highest level of language standardization. 进一步完善语文教材,对里面不规范的成分可以进行规范性的必要修改,使教材达到语言规范的最高水平。The mixture usage of literary style and vernacular Chinese style will not conform to the language modernization and the language standardization. 文言和白话夹杂使用的现象,既不符合语言现代化潮流,又不符合语言规范化要求。It is well-known that listening takes up an extremely important position in College English teaching and is an important means of ensuring language standardization and strengthening language practice. But it is also the most difficult skill for Chinese students. 我们都知道,听力教学在大学英语教学中占有极其重要的地位,它是保证语言规范和加强语言实践的重要手段,但对中国学生而言也是最难掌握的一种技能。Thirdly, national integration is the ultimate reason for language planning and standardization. 第三,国家整合为语言规范提供了充分的理由。Language planning and standardization is a means of national integration. 语言规范是国家整合的手段之一。Language standardization and teaching Chinese as a foreign language are closely linked, and the standardization of the language has a direct impact on language teaching. 语言文字的规范化与对外汉语教学有着密切的联系,同时语言的规范化对语言教学有着直接影响。Meantime, some hypotheses have been put forward like: it is possible that secondary education is the bottom limit for language standardization. 在描述各相互关系时,本文对语言的变化提出了几个假设,如:中等教育可能是语言规范化的最低教育限度。The standardized treatment for contemporary names must relate language standardization to the principles and methods, therefore, place names cannot be separated from linguistics researches, which is one of the important contents of linguistics researches. 对于当代地名的标准化处理,必须联系语言文字规范化的原则和方法来进行,所以,地名研究离不开语言学,地名是语言学研究的重要内容之一。The research present condition of the contemporary Chinese new words is: In addition to the careful and deeper research of the contemporary Chinese new words, there are also achievement in directions such as social linguistics and Chinese language standardization. 当代汉语新词语的研究除了本体研究日益细致深入以外,还已向社会语言学、汉语规范化、新词语的预测等各个方向拓展,当代汉语新词语词典的编纂及其研究也取得了丰硕的成果。For catchwords there are still a number of unhealthy, non-standard components of the language of the status quo, this paper presents the theory catchwords in the good research work should be to strengthen the publicity of language standardization. 针对流行语中还存在着一些不规范、不健康的语言成分的现状,本文提出了在做好流行语的理论研究工作的同时,还应加强语言规范化的宣传力度。
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